TalkCSI: RolePlay

I'm here. Thanks for the PM...If someone can bring me up to speed, I can try to post. (psst is there an AV post open? My char can be involved in that somehow)
Sorry - I'm gonna use yours to get started!

Nicole pulled into the Crime Lab, stopped her car and got out. She walked in the front doors and made a beeline for the coffee maker. She flicked the machine on, watched it drip for a few seconds, and decided to go see who was around that she could terrorize. But, after a few minutes of relentless searching, she could find no cops, detectives or CSI's.

"Hello? Whoo Hoo Anybody Here?" She yelled out into the break room. She slightly jumped when her cell phone rang.


"Nicole, it's Alyssa, get down to Sara's apartment as soon as you can!"

"What, what's happened?"

"The guy from the case has came to her apartment and has locked himself in there with her. We may need you for processing, if we ever get him out of there."
*sorry for my late posts...My exams are driving me nuts..I'm in the midst of my exams,you see*

Det.Khan was still fuzzy.Having a gun pointed at you wasn't the best of feelings in the world.
Sara had saved his butt that morning.
He was driving back to PD,going to give the responding officer a piece of his mind..
'When you clear a scene,you C-L-E-A-R the scene!!That was bad policework',thought Det.Khan when his thoughts were interrupted by his radio-
"This is CSI Ellsworth. I'm on my way to Hilltop Apartment complex. Requesting backup."

"We read you, what's going on?"

"A CSI is being assaulted. Get me some backup, now! Over and out."-

"That's Sara's place!",went Det.Khan.
He immediately floored the gas and switched his siren on..He didn't want anything to happen to Sara...
He took out his phone and called Alyssa..When he got the information,his blood started boiling...It was the same SOB who tried to snuff Sara and him...
'That guy is dead meat!',vowed Det.Khan.

His knuckles had turned white..He was gripping the steering wheel too tight..He was anxious and furious at the same time..
He was flooring the gas and yet,he felt he was driving too slow..Each minute felt like an hour...To top things off,traffic was a killer..

After 15 agonizising minutes,he was just outside the parking lot of the complex..He could see Alyssa coming in the opposite direction...
Oh, Nicole, one more thing. You don't write for other people's characters. Only yourself. You're allowed to quote them like Comte did up there. He took what I said before and worked himself into it.


Alyssa was now standing outside Sara's apartment door with her gun held infront of her at arms length. She really loved guns, loved firing them, just not at people. She had the best score for the testing, 259 out of 300.

"Okay boys," she said, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her neck as one of them yelled, "ST. JOHNS' PD. OPEN UP!" waited a few seconds, then barracaded the door. They ran in and did a quick look around.

There was Sara lying on her back, whimpering, and the creepy SOB that was about to rape her sitting on her hips. She looked to the door when the cops ran in, and Alyssa watched a tear as it rolled down the side of her face.

"Get off her!" Alyssa yelled, pointing her gun at the perp, "Get off her or I shoot!" He pulled a knife out of the back of his pants and held it to Sara's cheek, tracing her outline with it. Alyssa squinted at the guy, aimed, and shot the knife out of his hand. He screamed in agony and jumped off Sara, heading right for Alyssa with fire in his eyes. Her ees flashed fear, but she stood her ground until he was about a foot infront of her, then motioned for a cop to bring him down.

The cop tackled the man with such great force his eyes started to water. They cuffed him and brought him out to the car, where he yelled some curse words too delicate for virgin ears. Alyssa ran to Sara's side for the second time in one day, and held her head in her own lap as she cried again.
Having made sure that the guy was handcuffed,brought into the patrol car and that the patrol car was leaving for PD,Det.Khan went back into Sara's apartment...

"Sara,you all right?" he inquired...
Sara was visibly shaken..Tears were just running down her cheeks...
"Where are the paramedics?!" he asked rather loudly...
Det.Khan was too furious...Someone had tried to kill an officer of the police department,and more importantly,his friend,TWICE that day..
'You hit one of us,you hit all of us!Nobody hits a badge and gets away.Not on my watch!',he thought,angrily...

His patience was at its end...The paramedics were late in arriving there..He couldn't wait any longer..
"Sara,Alyssa..I'm heading to PD..I going to have crack at this nutjob..The paramedics will be here any minute now..A couple of officers will remain behind..." he said,turning towards the door..

A police officer was standing at the door..
"Officer,noone enters without you knowing about it!
Anything goes wrong,i'm holding you responsible!",ordered Det.Khan..He wasn't in a pleasant mood...
"Yes,detective",came the answer..

He now left the building and went towards his car..
As he was entering the car,he wondered about the patrol car that the nutjob was in earlier in the day,after the first shooting incident over at the Cotton Club..
He took out his radio-
"Control,this is Det.Khan..Requesting status of patrol car that was supposed to transport the perp of this morning's shooting incident over at the Cotton Club.."

"We read you.Please wait a moment Detective.."

-A few moments later-

"Det.Khan,the patrol car which status you requested for is unknown.."

"Control,please remotely activate the car's GPS unit and update me on its status.."

"Please wait a moment"

-Few moments later-

"Det.Khan,the patrol car is currently at the corner of Fulleron Avenue and vehicle is not moving"

"Copy that,control..Send another patrol car to location specified and request VID status..Over and out.."-

He finished his request and began to drive towards PD...
Evan's eyes were shot, after readying to shoot at the rampaging man towards Alyssa, after the horrific drive over, after seeing the man's intentions. Fire shone in his eyes, and he was furious. "Sara,Alyssa..I'm heading to PD..I going to have crack at this nutjob..The paramedics will be here any minute now..A couple of officers will remain behind..." He nodded to Detective Khan as he headed out, and holstered his gun, legs shaking as he made his way to the bedroom. Not wanting to intrude especially with Sara's state, he stood off to the side of the doorway, against the wall.

"Alyssa, can you process her? I think she'll be more comfortable..." He coughed nervously and tried to steady his voice and heart as he continued. "I think I'll follow Khan back and assist him with the perp. He'll need a CSI in with him." Walking back through the apartment, he squinted at the high sun, sighing as he walked back to his truck, still running from when he jumped out of it to enter the apartment.

Opening his cell, he dialed Detective Khan's number, hoping to reach him and see if it would be alright to assist in the interrogation. "Det. Khan, it's Evan. Alyssa's with Sara, and I know you're gonna need a CSI in the interrogation with you, alright if it's me?"
Khan was driving towards PD when his phone rang..It was Evan-
"Det. Khan, it's Evan. Alyssa's with Sara, and I know you're gonna need a CSI in the interrogation with you, alright if it's me?",asked Evan
"Hey Evan..No problem..I do need a CSI there..He needs to be processed...We already have the bast*rd for murder..Who knows what else he's done..Just make your way down to PD.." replied Khan..
"Allrite...I'm a few cars behind you" finished Evan..

Khan ended the conversation and continued driving towards PD...He was driving uninterrupted for another 10 minutes or so when his radio came to life-
"Det.Khan,this is control.Please respond.."

"Copy that,control..This is Det.khan.."

"The VID you requested for earlier-the status is just in.."

"Yes..What is the status of the cruiser?"

"Detective,the two officers assigned to that cruiser have been murdered..The responding officers have confirmed that.."

-Khan got disheartened..And furious-

"Well..Send the coroner there..I"m on my way there..Over and Out..."-

'Dammit!!This SOB has some kind of vendetta against the cops!He's not going to get away with anything now!!' he thought furiously..

He flipped out his phone and dialed Evan-
"Evan..This is Det.Khan..We're taking a detour..Meet me at the corner of Fulleron Avenue.." he requested..

He then ended the conversation,switched his siren on and sped towards Fulleron Avenue..
Without knowing what had happened to one of her colleagues at the other side of the city, Josefine had finished processing the scene. Before leaving the shop, she told Mr Charles goodbye and gave him her card, so he could call her if he remembered any important facts about the man who'd first broken into the store and then left with the 200$ that had been in the cash box.

On her way back to the lab she turned the music loud. It wasn't going to be a complicated case, or so she hoped, and that was just right for a day like this.
She'd found many fingerprints in the shop and there was a chance that one of them belonged to the guy she was looking for. Mr Charles had forgotten wether he'd worn gloves or not. Josefine sighed, at least he had stopped being mad at her and left her alone to process the scene. She couldn't stand people like him, but she knew it was esier to catch flies with honey than with anything else.

Arriving at the lab she hopped out of her car, grabbing her kit and the evidence she'd collected, before she entered the building.
"Sara," Alyssa inquired timidly, "I'm going to need your clothes, nail scrapings and I need to comb your hair. We can do it here, my kit's by the door. And then you can get changed and we can go back to the lab." When Sara started to protest, Alyssa held up a hand. "We're staying here. The officer's outside the door, and I'm here. And you have to come to the lab with me, I'm not letting you out of my sight." Sara offered Alyssa a shakey smile, then pulled off her top and pants and handed them to Alyssa.

Sara went to change while Alyssa put her clothes in a large paper evidence bag, labeled it and got her nail scraper from her kit, along with a strip of adhesive tape to put the scrapings on. Sara returned changed into an oversized teeshirt, hoodeie and baggy pants. Alyssa frowned. She was trying to cover herself up.

"You can get a shower when I'm done processing you," she took Sara's nail scrapings and combed out her hair. "Sara, I'm going to need to get body shots. Let's go to the bathroom."

Alyssa followed Sara down the hall to her bathroom, where Sara took off her outfit again, standing there in just her bra and underwear. There were bruises on her wrists, chest and ribcage, a hand print on her face, from being slapped or held down, Alyssa didn't know. Her right ankle was swollen and red, and her hips were also brusied from where the SOB sat on her. Alyssa snapped various pictures, back and front with her camera. Sara shook the whole time, but seemed to have no tears left in her eyes.

"You shower, I'll wait. Then we'll go to the lab, and then go out for lunch." Alyssa watched Sara collect towels and shampoo, "Sound good?" Sara just nodded.
Sara had a shower, but found herself staring into nothing most of the time. She finished her shower, and put on her tee, hoodie and pants. She walked out of the bathroom, and saw Alyssa standing at her front door. Sara hadn't said a word yet, she didn't plan to either.
Evan sighed, tapping his fingers on the wheel, watching the detective's car a little before him when his cell rang. "Pulford."

"Evan..This is Det.Khan..We're taking a detour..Meet me at the corner of Fulleron Avenue.." He opened his mouth to respond, but the connection had already been cut and the sirens from the detective's car were already squeeling out into the still air. Turning on his lights, Evan sped up behind the detective and followed him to Fullerton. Stopping the truck, he hopped out of the truck and slid his sunglasses on. "What's going on?"

The coroner walked forward, and he realized the men responsible for the attacker's transport from earlier were now dead. Walking back slowly, he sighed. "I'll grab my kit." This was going to be a long, long shift.
Hibachi was still examining the victims.

"Looks like both were shot. In the chest."

He turns the victims on their side one by one.

"Not through and throughs. Still lodged in there."
It was a trying day for the detective..One man had singlehandedly caused the PD ALOT of damage..
He and Evan were now at the corner of Fulleron avenue...
They see the coroner,Doc.Hibachi,examining the dead officers..

"Doc,talk to me." went Khan..

"Looks like both were shot. In the chest."

"With their own guns?!Dammit!"

-Doc.Hibachi turns the victims on their side one by one-

"Not through and throughs. Still lodged in there."

Evan sees the scene infront of him and walks back,"I'll grab my kit."

"Evan,no..Don't get your kit..You're coming to PD..I need a CSI there..Get Gosnell here...She can do the processing.." he told Evan..

"Doc..Anything else?"
Evan nodded, seeing perfect sense in his reasoning. Pulling his cell phone from his belt, he flipped it open and scrolled to the contact listed as Gosnell, Nicole. Lifting it up to his ear, he rested his other hand on his hip, curling his lips in anger at this fugitive who cost them so much already that day. Who knew what else he could be in for.

"Hey, Nicole, you doing anything? We're kind of short of people. Sara was attacked at her apartment, and Alyssa's handling that. I'm headed down to PD with Detective Khan for interrogation. I need you at the corner of Fulleron Ave, we have two dead cops. Hibachi's down here examining so get here on the double."