TalkCSI: RolePlay

Here I am:

name: Rita Andrews
blonde hair-reaching my shoulders
blue eyes
not a super-hot, but definitely not ugly :p
love singing and chocolate

I'd like to be a CSI, not a lab tech, not a cop, a csi. :)
I don't know has any of you used your real full name but please don't. It's too much detail, esp if you have your location exact (city) etc.

Just wanted to say this.
((nope, like I said before, I'm a girl and my character's a guy, and I don't have my city in my location;), so I guess since Rella is in the lab now, I'm on my own on a case. correct me if I'm wrong))

Evan walked out through the hot weather, quickly wishing for an overcast day, or at least partly cloudly. But nonetheless, he jumped into the Denali, put the keys in the ingnition quickly, and turned the truck on. Cowering and lunging for the radio dials, he hit the volume button to turn off, shaken up by the blasting classic rock that was flooding from the speakers. Raising his eyebrows and taking a breath, he set his kit on the passenger's seat and made his way out onto the highway towards Mount Pearl.

Alyssa laughed slightly at her co-worker's outfit as she walked next to Sara to the sexy red jeep. She was used to being around people with.. Different.. Clothing choices. Oh well, what ever boils your noodle. They clambered in and Alyssa turned up the radio. It was set to a popish station. She wrinkled her nose and tuned it to something more rock-alternative. Bobbing her head and singing along, Sara sat next to Alyssa, almost snickering. How silly.
((haha. love the avvie. :p))

Sara started to sing along to the song that was playing too. She liked singing, she could rarely stop herself from singing to any song that she knew. Once the song ended and the radio started to play one that she didn't know, Sara spoke, "So how many times have you been to the Cotton Club?"
Our team:

** We need some volunteers for cops, det.s, techs and a coroner. Please.

Alyssa blushed and turned toward the window.

"Never," she whispered. Then she continued to sing along as they pulled in on George Street. They arrived at the Club, jumping out of the jeep and grabbing their kits. They arrived as Det.(insert volunteer name here) was coming out of the building along with the coroner, (insert volunteer name here). Alyssa waved and followed Sara into the club.
Sara noticed Alyssa blushed on the way into the club. "I meant for a case, I've been here maybe 4 times for work." Sara paused, "And one other time, some guy convinced me to come."
Alyssa giggled a silly little laugh.

"Oh, I thought y-" She shook her head, "You came here.. volunteeraly?"

They assesed the crimescene quickly. Three dead bodies. 2 dead strippers, looked like they were strangled. Alyssa snapped a few quick photos of the bodies as Sara started collection. Dead playboy, snazzy suit, redressed.

"Sara, his tie has been retied."
Sara looked over at his tie, yep, it definately was re-tied. The killer didn't do much of a good job trying to cover it up either.

"Possible weapon," Sara said.
"Mhm," Alyssa said, going around, photographing everything. "Gosh, I love this camera." She took a picture of Sara bent over, laughed, and went down the hall and up the stairs.

She noticed bed sheets and beanbags all over the loft, and took pictures of all that, also. She opened the closet door, only to be surprised by a young, red haired female tied up and gagged. She flipped out her phone, yelled down the stairs to Sara and called the Detective.

"GET ME AN AMBULANCE!" She cried into the phone, hung up and presumed to sooth the crying woman.
Sara ran up the stairs as fast as she could to see Alyssa trying to calm another victim, one who was left alive. Sara kneeled beside Alyssa and looked at the woman to was tied up. "Hi," she whispered softly. "It's going to be okay."
"Sara, we need to untie her to preserve the rope and gag. There could be.."

"Evidence," Sara nodded.

They carefully untied the woman and bagged the gag and ropes. The woman reached up and grabbed Alyssa's hand and clung on to it as the paramedics rushed up the stairs along with Det. (name). Alyssa and Sara watched as they lifted the woman down the stairs and into the ambulance. The girls sighed and looked at eachother.

"I'll go to the hospital," she said to Sara, turning to leave.
Jumping out of his truck, Evan grabbed his kit, threw his vest over his shirt, and made his way past the yellow tape into the bank. A detective he didn't know made his way up to him as he walked inside the doorway to the lobby, desks to one side, vault in the back, and the managers' offices to the left. Taking his sunglasses and clipping them to his collar, he looked around for the dead body, before remembering something he read once. "Crime scenes are three dimensional." Slowly tilting his head back, he saw a man's body, from his position about mid thirties, hung with a coarse rope by the open skylights. "Ughh, I hate cathedral ceiling hangings. Now I have to hit the roof. So what's the deal?"

"The morning shift manager came in an hour early, one of a bunch of people with keys to the lobby area, to do some work. Found him here when she looked up. Called the cops and alerted the drive through." Glancing quizically at the detective, Evan opened his kit and continued the conversation.

"Drive through?"
"It's a seperate area with outside doors, one to the inside which the head tellers don't have a key to, only the managers." He nodded, calling out a thank you as he sighed, this was going to be a long day.