TalkCSI: RolePlay

"I can't determine anything else until I get back to the morgue. But Detective.....Get this sick SOB."

"I will Doc,i will.." vowed Khan...
'This SOB has it coming to him',he thought angrily..His anger could be seen in his eyes..He wasn't going to rest till he had the guy behind bars...

"Evan,you head to P...",ending abruptly..Something had caught his attention..It was the traffic camera under the traffic lights..

"Yes,Khan..You were saying something?" asked Evan,bewildered...

"Evan..Yes,i was..Evan,do you see that traffic camera over there?"

"Yes..What abou..Oh..The video footage..Yes..That would be helpful,Khan.."

"I thought so..I'll make a few calls..Now..You head to PD and process him first..I'll go knock a few doors and hopefully get some eyewitness accounts..I'll leave after Gosnell comes here..."
When Josefine entered the lab, the whole shift seemed to be on a case - or at least she didn't see any of her colleagues.
At least in the fingerprint lab there where some techs. With a small wave she greeted them.

"Hey guys... I've got some work for you"

She told them with a grin and dropped the bad with all the fingerprints she'd lifted on one of the desks.

"I'm sure you're going to have loads of fun with them... You looked so bored..."

She teased them, before letting out a sigh. She still hadn't seen any of her colleagues and somehow that made her worry. Something must had happened, otherwise there surly would be at least one of them.

"Have you seen any of my colleagues in the past hour or something? I don't see any of them here. Has something happened to one of them?"

She asked the techs in worry, but they just shook their heads. Neither of them had seen them since this morning, but they wouldn't get out of their lab too often. With a sigh she told them goodbye before she left to go to the layout room to look at the other evidence she'd collected. Arriving there, she wondered, wether she should call Alyssa, but then decided not to. Could be just a day full of crimes and that they all were busy at the moment, she told herself, before going on with her work.
"Let's go, love," Alyssa said to Sara. Sara walked to the door and Alyssa took the box of evidence under her arm, and took Sara's hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

They walked out to Alyssa's jeep and headed back to the Lab, Alyssa's evidence in the back. When they arrived at the lab, and Alyssa stopped the jeep, they walked to the doors together, Alyssa lookng sideways at Sara. She seemed distraught, well, almost fearful. But that was more than understandable.

Alyssa dropped her evidence with trace and DNA, and took Sara into the breakroom for some lunch.

"Alyssa Ellsworth, please come to the front desk. Repeat, Alyssa Ellsworth, front desk" came the voice on the speakers. Alyssa cast Sara a strange look, motioned to an officer walking outside the door to keep an eye on Sara while she went to the front desk.

When Alyssa walked into the reception area, she was greeted by a tall, handsome man in his mid-20's with two small children running around his feet. One was a girl, with big blue eyes and long, brown curly hair. Another was a boy, older than the girl, with coalblack hair and green eyes. They were both about 3 and 7, and Alyssa recognized them immediatley.

"Auntie Lysa!" the girl cried, flinging herself at the woman's feet.

"Audrey! Ben! Hi," she cried, picking up the little girl in the pink dress and resting her on her own hip. "Hey, Brandon," she said to the man, her brother, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, sis, how are you?" he asked, kissing her back.

"Pretty good, working a case with my friend," her eyes flashed with hurt, but she continued to smile at the little girl in her arms. "You're gettin' bed, A."

"Yep, I'm a big girl now," cried the Audrey, "I don' even wet the bed no more!"

"Any more," Alyssa corrected and laughed. She set Audrey down and knelt next to Ben who was standing at her feet, looking up at ther with handsome eyes much like his father's. "Hey, buddy. You're getting big, too," she whispered softly to the shy boy. He nodded and smiled a big gap tooth smile.

"Where's Hannah," Alyssa asked, turning her attention back to Brandon.

"At work," he said in a deep voice.

"Oh. Here, follow me. I'll get A and Ben something to eat and drink, and we can sit," she started to walk to the break room, seeing Sara, "and you can meet my friend, Sara. Ben, look, let's get you something to eat, and then officer Delainey will show you his badge and gun, okay?" she said, talking to the little shy boy. He nodded again.

"Sara, this is my brother, Brandon, and his two kids, Audrey and Ben." Alyssa smiled at Sara. She knew she loved kids.
Sara tried to smile, and one did come out. It lasted only a moment, but that's how long she could hold it for. She wanted to lock herself in the room and cry her eyes out, and no one would ever find her.
OT: Well, I don't have much time and I know this is last minute, but I'm going on vacation for two weeks! I won't be able to post but I don't want to hold this back, so for the time of my absence, I am leaving full responsibility for my character, Evan Pulford, to Comte or Mini_Catherine, whoever you two decide you want to do it. I'm so sorry this is last minute but I gotta run!
Thanks for letting moi know, Btfd92! It's really appriciated. Have fun on your vacation. I'll make sure Evan gets into lots of trouble. :D Ciao!
*Have fun on your vacation,Butter! :D *

"Do you wanna process the body here or in the morgue?" asked the coroner..

"At the morgue doctor..It's bad enough that they've been lying out here so long..They deserve some dignity..."answered Khan...
Nicole sat down in the break room, with her cup of coffee, watching water drip in the sink. She wasn't feeling like herself recently. She took a sip of her coffee, not even bothering to let it cool down a little bit. She had looked at the case file that sat on the table in front of the couch and finished her coffee before starting her work, putting all of her worries behind her, the way she always has, she'd always done it that way. Getting bored of just sitting and thinking about how she hadn't felt right recently she headed over to the morgue, her new case had just arrived. She didn't have to process the scene, she had been given the task of looking over the body after the Doc did. She walked over to the body.

"What we got Doc?"
** I'm not going to be able to take on another character, I can barely keep up with my own, plus my two other roleplays and my story. Comte, Evan's all yours. Have fun! **

Alyssa got Audrey and Ben something to eat, and they all sat down at the big metal table with garage-sale chairs to talk. Alyssa kept the kids occupied, wiped Audrey's mouth, cleaned up the spilled water, all those things people do when kids are around. Finally, the two were done eating.

"Officer," Alyssa said to the tall black man standing in the doorway, "could you please show my nephew your gun and badge? He'd really love to see it." The officer nodded and brought Ben over on the couch, showing his badge and gun.

Alyssa's cell phone rang, and she picked it up, noticing the name, Dan home. She picked it up and flipped it open, smiling as she heard her boyfriend of three years voice.

"Hey, baby," she said.

"Hey, Lyss, there's something wrong with Hannah," he rushed, clearly worried. Hannah was their 6 month old baby girl. "She's crying and she's been doing it for hours."

"Have you checked her temperature?"

"No, but.."

"I'll be right over, babe." Click. "Sara, we have to go. Now. Something's wrong with Hannah."
Sara looked at Alyssa, she saw the surprise and worry in her face. Sara nodded and got up from the metal table. They walked out to Alyssa's car.

"What is it?" Sara asked, she spoke for the first time since her apartment.
"Hannah's been crying all day, Dan just called. He said she seems sick or something, and he can't get her to stop." Alyssa's voice was panicky and rushed, very much like a mother's would be.