Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

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  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Hey all :),

thanks Catu for the link :). It´s always a great pleasure to listen to Melina, no matter, which subject she´s talking about.

Dear udonna, Melina and you could exchange quite some experiences on balancing kids and career, couldn´t you? ;) Now imagine that :lol:.

And no matter which guy they will eventually place at Stella´s side, I don´t need to see day-by-day scenes like quarreling over toothpastes or dirty laundry lying on the floor :D

See ya, love and hugs to you all :)

Oh I don't know. Seeing Stella & her partner argue over toothpaste & dirth laundry would make her more attractive.:rommie:
I'll just be quick. It's almost midnight here, i need to be up again in 3 hours (so much for a finished semester, will tell you more later).


I can't see that either, despite all SMacked family fanfics i've read so far (and trust me, there are many). :lol:

About jealousy, so far, i'm always more troubled with the men they paired with Stella (okay, that's called overprotective, not jealousy) than with the women they paired with Mac. I don't know the reason, so don't even bother to ask.

Hugs all!

Dear Gaby,
Hope you are OK !!!!!I had a lot to do the last time and still have for the elections on sunday but then........ I hope I can take some days free.

Well, I am sure that the smacked family has fanfics about that and I am sure that they are really fine and somehow I understand their thoughts.

But right now ( that can change quickly) I don´t want to see them struggling with such problems!!!!

Personally I adore Stella/Melina, but to be honest, the little girl in
me prefers Mac/Gary........................ I am ashamed.....
but I can`t fight against it...........

Hey all :),

Dear udonna, Melina and you could exchange quite some experiences on balancing kids and career, couldn´t you? ;) Now imagine that :lol:.

See ya, love and hugs to you all :)

Dear Andromenda,

I would love to exchange my experiences with her, for her older daughter is 4 days younger than my son so I think we have some things in common.

I hope that they don´t really make the mistake to replace Stella for a younger one................. I am sure it´s nearly impossible for a younger one to fill her shoes!!!!!

Wish you all a great day!!!

I hope that they don´t really make the mistake to replace Stella for a younger one................. I am sure it´s nearly impossible for a younger one to fill her shoes!!!!!

So true!!!! There´s no way someone can replalce her!!!:thumbsup:
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Heya, Stellarinas :),

makkem, though I think Stella is sexy when she´s furious, I´m not sure I´d like to see her screaming and debating with her man about dirty laundry and running around in the house to collect socks and underwear :D.

Dear udonna, oh yes, so you really have quite something in common with Melina; imagine you could chatter away with her on raising the kids, education, etc. :lol:

Oh dear, you´re pronouncing my fears: I don´t like the news about the new CSI-girl- unless she´s not meant to replace Stella. Stella is Stella, basta, even TPTB should know by now that no-one will ever fit her shoes. So if they let Stella die and bring in this new chick, then it´s Goodbye for me :devil:

Love and hugs :)
Heya, Stellarinas :),

Dear udonna, oh yes, so you really have quite something in common with Melina; imagine you could chatter away with her on raising the kids, education, etc. :lol:

Oh dear, you´re pronouncing my fears: I don´t like the news about the new CSI-girl- unless she´s not meant to replace Stella. Stella is Stella, basta, even TPTB should know by now that no-one will ever fit her shoes. So if they let Stella die and bring in this new chick, then it´s Goodbye for me :devil:

Love and hugs :)

My dear Andromeda,

Yeah, basta is the right word, she is irrreplaceable!!!!
I watch it with fear that, although women over 40 look great today, they are sometimes to old for show biz! And on the emploment market too.
You should be max. 25, have an university exam, years of practise, no family, no child of course!!!!!! and most suitable: you are a man!!!!

SOrry for OT, but I really hope Stella is no victim of our time!!!

Have a great day!!

My dear Andromeda,

Yeah, basta is the right word, she is irrreplaceable!!!!
I watch it with fear that, although women over 40 look great today, they are sometimes to old for show biz! And on the emploment market too.
You should be max. 25, have an university exam, years of practise, no family, no child of course!!!!!! and most suitable: you are a man!!!!

SOrry for OT, but I really hope Stella is no victim of our time!!!

Have a great day!!


My dear udonna, you just took the words out of my mouth or keyboard in that case :lol:, that´s also my main concern that as a woman, let alone as an actress and performer, chances are high to get sacked and labeled as "too old", and to be replaced by a young "hot and sexy" chick, even if the woman, Melina in this case, is an excellent actress and hotter and sexier looking than many of these stereo-typed looking young girls.
They don´t make such a fuss with men, just the opposite, nobody would call a Robert de Niro, a George Clooney or a Gary Sinise a "has-been" because of their age and increasing wrinkles- no, of course, a man of age is still sexy, which these three really are IMO, but then the same must be said about older actresses and women in general.
I know why I had an uneasy feeling about Stella´s age being set on 34.

I´m generally not happy with a new CSI-addition, even if Stella will stay, IMO a new regular will "over-crowd" the team, I fear there won´t be much space and time to do all characters justice. But if they dare to sacrifice Stella for a "young and sexy" girl then I´m afraid to have to call the producers cheap chauvinists :devil::D.

This was my Sunday speech :D

Gute Nacht, love and hugs :)
heya Stellarinas!!!!!! I have been writing a 4 hours message to you when 7 minutes ago one of those horrendous Windows blue screens appeared and now i have lost everything:wtf:

So it will take me a couple of days to send a message to all however i will (my arm is ok again and my Anatomy examn was hours ago so i can have fun now despite my English examn is on Wednesday;) 5 days away were too much for my heart:thumbsup:

dear Catu---> than you for the wowow interview. It was just so sweet. very Melina style:bolian: I like how she talked so caring of Stella as if she was talking of one of her daughters:bolian: and yep she changed when she mentioned thats cene from 4.16 when "Mac Taylor comes to her and offers to stay with him"Sorry but there is nothing in the world capable of convincing me she is not a Smacked fan now:lol:
The best part was when she mentioned her daughters because it brought me sweet memories from my old childhood. My dad got used to work a lot so he took me with him in the car meanwhile he made his job. I got used to be hours expecting him outside but i did my homework and i studied in the back seat. it was very weird but very funny also because my mum was also there. So i understand her as well when she says she has her children in the trailer and how they have dinner no matter what at 6 pm. Very uncommon but very special and it's something her girls are going to appreciate very much in the future:thumbsup:

Makkem---> please don't hate me dear! check the autograph again and you will notice it says "to Elliot". My name is Débora Karina:lol: But i am worried because i don't know if you have send your reuqest to the right adress. Also i think you should be quiet because a friend got her autograph almost 18 months later (well it was a Startrek autograph she was looking for;)

My dear Gaby-->
About jealousy, so far, i'm always more troubled with the men they paired with Stella (okay, that's called overprotective, not jealousy) than with the women they paired with Mac. I don't know the reason, so don't even bother to ask
hopefully you are fine right at the end of your semester . I have had problems with both possible Mac wanna be girlfriends and Stella wannabe boyfriends. Frankie was a psycho and for me it was obvious he was so it wasn't that annoying (besides i started watching both season S2 and S3 at the same timeso i knew he wasn't there anymore);). On the other hand it was very disgusting to read before S5 begins Stella was going to have "a good man";) I admit the fireman probably wasn't a bad guy but Stella doesn't need a silly boyfriend:lol: (That jacket under a dead body's head was too much:guffaw: However i must confess to have Pey for Mac was indeed very disgusting:wtf: Probbaly it is related to the fact i remember that interview from Tv Guide where it was said "All fans want Mac-Pey together". I said "He** NO!:angryrazz:. Also because i remember the Smacked Thread fell into such depression and you could find the thread in Page 2 so for me P. is synonym of Smacked-mess.
Right now i would say any new Unsignificant other would be a waste of time and good taste. Not after how much they have revealed at the end of S5:drool:

Now i need to go. I am too tired (It's 2.35 am. grrrrrr when i think in my previous post:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:)

My love to all. Tomorrow i will leave more answers. I have missed you very much

Debbie :D

ps: my special Andromedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You.....are......THERE!:eek::eek::eek::eek: It's a pleasure to have you in the Smacked Thread:thumbsup:
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Ghawazee, Honey, you need a Mac (well, not the same Mac you want for Stella :lol:), Windows seems to drive you crazy, you poor thing.

Glad, your exams went well, good luck for English, too, but that will probably be the easiest of all exams, I suppose ;).

Thank you for your warm welcome; I´ll keep checking the Smacked thread ;).

Love and hugs to you and all other Stellarinas :)
Hey gals!:thumbsup:

Ghawazee, Honey, you need a Mac (well, not the same Mac you want for Stella :lol:), Windows seems to drive you crazy, you poor thing.
Glad, your exams went well, good luck for English, too, but that will probably be the easiest of all exams, I suppose ;).
Thank you for your kind words :) For a moment i thought you really meant it when you mentioned Mac and then i said "Ah, THAT Mac":guffaw: mmm After realizing how many typos i made yesterday my English Teacher wouldn't agree with you:lol: So i will keep writing here, i am a very obedient student:lol:

Let's start:

My Sweet Kay--->
ah, Deb. you're an expert indeed when it comes to comforting me :lol:. thanks for humoring me on kicking my ass just to make me come back. oh, and avoid the jellyfishes too, ok? :lol:
it's very rare celebs end their signatures wtih doodles. That Melina autograph just made me crack up a bit :lol:
It shows her cheerful and funny sense of humour. I love that type of people, completely natural, not stiff at all and caring of her character, her family and her fans:thumbsup:
Ps: i don't need to tell you i will send all sharks and jellyfishes you need just to make you stay here:lol:

my tender Galina--->
I want to say about Stella\Sheldon\ Kara in 5.14. I think Stella understood all situation with Hawks and Kara better than Mac. She understand Kara and scene with talking Kara is one of the most interesting in this ep. There were two women went through violence. They have got the same feelings - scare, pain, humiliation. And Stella understand Hawks feelings too. What why exectly Stella went to Mary and told with her and arrested bad guy. Emotional and persect scence!
Despite Hill's words on Hawkes's scene with Mac i felt he had better scenes with Stella. Actually i felt Stella's scenes with Kara and him are the best for me. And it was special because usually Stella is very protective about him however this time she was in Kara's side. I mean, she understood too well Kara's situation and this time, even when she knew Sheldon's feelings (frustration, rage, sadness) Stella did realize it was more important this time to reestablish Kara's honor making justice and stopping that jerk. I must admit i had a déjà vù when Stella had to fight for her life because of that jerk:eek:

CATU---! my dear! this is the schedule! (btw i owe you a PM but i am trying to finish my article for tomorrow and leave a message inside the Smacked Thread . I guess i would need tomorrow will be next week:lol:

Melina's movie---> Into the fire will be fire next Sunday 21 at 5 am or Tuesday 25 at 10 am
Gary's movie----> Of Mice and Men will be aired next Thursday 11 at 10.15 am!!!!!!!!!! And The Human stain Sunday July 19 at 23:00 hs. - and Monday 20 at 17:00 hs -
Kikii---> my sweet, i am very happy you have posted here and i really want to read you more often:thumbsup:

No more for tonight. I will try to write tomorrow (usually i come back home at 10 pm:shifty:)

Many hugs to all (I owe many of you several PMs. I promise i will be answering slowly but i will do it:bolian:)

Piccies to make us happy

Stella and one of her babies: Adam:bolian:



Stella is in love:drool:

Hey gals!:thumbsup:

Ghawazee, Honey, you need a Mac (well, not the same Mac you want for Stella :lol:), Windows seems to drive you crazy, you poor thing.
Glad, your exams went well, good luck for English, too, but that will probably be the easiest of all exams, I suppose ;).
Thank you for your kind words :) For a moment i thought you really meant it when you mentioned Mac and then i said "Ah, THAT Mac":guffaw: mmm After realizing how many typos i made yesterday my English Teacher wouldn't agree with you:lol: So i will keep writing here, i am a very obedient student:lol:

Let's start:

My Sweet Kay--->
ah, Deb. you're an expert indeed when it comes to comforting me :lol:. thanks for humoring me on kicking my ass just to make me come back. oh, and avoid the jellyfishes too, ok? :lol:
it's very rare celebs end their signatures wtih doodles. That Melina autograph just made me crack up a bit :lol:
It shows her cheerful and funny sense of humour. I love that type of people, completely natural, not stiff at all and caring of her character, her family and her fans:thumbsup:
Ps: i don't need to tell you i will send all sharks and jellyfishes you need just to make you stay here:lol:

my tender Galina--->
I want to say about Stella\Sheldon\ Kara in 5.14. I think Stella understood all situation with Hawks and Kara better than Mac. She understand Kara and scene with talking Kara is one of the most interesting in this ep. There were two women went through violence. They have got the same feelings - scare, pain, humiliation. And Stella understand Hawks feelings too. What why exectly Stella went to Mary and told with her and arrested bad guy. Emotional and persect scence!
Despite Hill's words on Hawkes's scene with Mac i felt he had better scenes with Stella. Actually i felt Stella's scenes with Kara and him are the best for me. And it was special because usually Stella is very protective about him however this time she was in Kara's side. I mean, she understood too well Kara's situation and this time, even when she knew Sheldon's feelings (frustration, rage, sadness) Stella did realize it was more important this time to reestablish Kara's honor making justice and stopping that jerk. I must admit i had a déjà vù when Stella had to fight for her life because of that jerk:eek:

CATU---! my dear! this is the schedule! (btw i owe you a PM but i am trying to finish my article for tomorrow and leave a message inside the Smacked Thread . I guess i would need tomorrow will be next week:lol:

Melina's movie---> Into the fire will be fire next Sunday 21 at 5 am or Tuesday 25 at 10 am
Gary's movie----> Of Mice and Men will be aired next Thursday 11 at 10.15 am!!!!!!!!!! And The Human stain Sunday July 19 at 23:00 hs. - and Monday 20 at 17:00 hs -
Kikii---> my sweet, i am very happy you have posted here and i really want to read you more often:thumbsup:

No more for tonight. I will try to write tomorrow (usually i come back home at 10 pm:shifty:)

Many hugs to all (I owe many of you several PMs. I promise i will be answering slowly but i will do it:bolian:)

Piccies to make us happy

Stella and one of her babies: Adam:bolian:



Stella is in love:drool:


Debs, glad you are OK, dont worry about the PM, and thank you very much for the schedule, hope I can see both of them!!:)

Love the last picture:thumbsup:

Hugs for all of you!!!
Thank you for your kind words For a moment i thought you really meant it when you mentioned Mac and then i said "Ah, THAT Mac" mmm After realizing how many typos i made yesterday my English Teacher wouldn't agree with you So i will keep writing here, i am a very obedient student
My dear Ghawazee, well, you could also have the OTHER Mac, if you like, except Stella may interfere with this :D.

Good luck with everything, stay happy and well :)

Love and hugs
:drool:Heya Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugegrin: how are you? I have been doing some shopping so i couldn't write(also i got the conditions to participate in some contest and i have already started working on that one. I said i wanted to rest but i cound't resist:thumbsup:

Dear Catu--> I have watched "Of mice and men" Gary made an outstanding job not only producing but also directing that movie. John Malcovich was beyond incredible!!! I wish he could be invited some day to some special episode of CSI NY:bolian:

Udonna mou!--->
I love Stella/Melina, she is such a gorgeous woman and I guess for me she is the only woman I would accept on Mac´s side ( scorpio, my second name is jealousy.., sorry, I am a little bit childish....) but on the other side it´s so difficult to see them quarreling about the open tube of toothpaste or children education while securing the crime scene............
GAHHHHHHH:lol: it sounds like a Danielle Steele's story (yes, i have read them too:lol:) I can't imagine Mac and Stella doing that. Of course we would need Mac holding his babies just to make us going "Awwwwwwww" but a marital life??? mmm i don't think so. I think it's very important in their relationship to keep balance. In any case i think Stella would never stop working. Melina said the best she could do for her girls is to show them she is happy with the job she chose to do and i believe Melina would want the same for our Stella (I don't care as long as Stella has Taylor offprings:lol:

My dearest Andromeda:

My dear udonna, you just took the words out of my mouth or keyboard in that case , that´s also my main concern that as a woman, let alone as an actress and performer, chances are high to get sacked and labeled as "too old", and to be replaced by a young "hot and sexy" chick, even if the woman, Melina in this case, is an excellent actress and hotter and sexier looking than many of these stereo-typed looking young girls.
They don´t make such a fuss with men, just the opposite, nobody would call a Robert de Niro, a George Clooney or a Gary Sinise a "has-been" because of their age and increasing wrinkles- no, of course, a man of age is still sexy, which these three really are IMO, but then the same must be said about older actresses and women in general.
I really thought the insanity in Hollywood had been over since many actresses over 40 are starring popular shows (Melina,Lisa,Mariska, Glenn Close and Sally Field are some of them). Seriously i can't believe they could ever consider the idea. What do they want? A girl at the age of Ashley Simpson starring a show?:wtf: Meanwhile i don't have a problem with people who like them it's not the thing i would like to watch on television. Even years ago, my fav were "mature" artist and many people do like them too. So i don't know if it is a thing requested by the audience or this obssesion for young people comes from by the Networks???:confused: I mean, i wouldn't have change for example Sela Ward in "Sisters" for nothing in this world. She was so wonderful as the modern version of "Jo" than when the remake of Little Women was filmed, Winona Ryder (who were at least 15 younger) looked stupid portraying the same character. And Sela was in her early 40s as well. Actually i read somewhere Sela produced a documentary on this matter, about the obssesion (btw i would LOVE LOVE LOVE having Sela and Melina together in one episode):thumbsup:

as you´re enjoying their special friendship, too. Whatever´s going to happen, but it will certainly not be a step back; their special friendship has become now extra special or even extraordinary and keeps developing into....well, a relationship? We´ll see, but there´s no hurry, it´s great the way they act.
OK, let Melina challenge me, then we´ll see if I´ll be convinced
I want the subtle hints on their relationship, their romance growing up slowly and sweet. I just pretend they don't go back to "We are colleagues. I care for you but that's all":shifty: I want they enjoy working together and being all the scientic they want but showing they are ready to change. When i think on S5 i believe it was a transition season (it was great for my Stella) so it would be weird if suddenly they have the same type of relationship they have before. I any way i would like things could change slowwwwwwwwwwlyyyyyyyy:lol:
That´s why I would have loved the eppy in film-lengths, but I know that´s just impossible, so I´m happy with what we´ve got and won´t complain about what was left out. But it´s true, you can´t please everybody, some want this, some want that, some want all or nothing. If authors would always listen to what others want, they wouldn´t get anywhere. I found it especially strange that the scenes with the improvised Mini-lab were criticised heavily by some, when I actually found it very original
After seeing Melina's and Gary's movies believe me i would LOVE to have just one movie with them *sigh* But you are absolutely right. No way to have a whole script without editing and without taking out some scenes. But if you ask me, 5.24 had all scenes that episode needed to have. No more, no less. Just like that, it was perfect:thumbsup: And Didn't Danny call Stella "Mrs MacGyver?" I think he did in "Trapped". I remember pretty well because it was the last episode where i really enjoyed old Danny and i think it was the first episode written by Mr Lenkov:bolian: It was very interesting then how Danny manage to get fingerprints following Stella's advices. So for me the mini lab in Greece was totally in character for Mac and Stella considering they are the senior CSIs in the lab. But i guess that scene woouldn't have been critized if it was Danny who had made it:rolleyes::lol:
Also, though I love discussions and debates I certainly hate catfights with narrow-minded and preoccupied people who don´t give a story any chance and dismiss it even before they´ve watched it. That is childish behaviour and so I believe you if you say they are not neutral, but decided to hate the episode only because they thought it would have romantic scenes between Stella and Mac which they would hate, so their logic was: this eppy will suck.
And talking of celebrating rating numbers: Well, then it would have been our turn to celebrate, because GFD had more viewers than the season´s finale.
My dear Ghawazee, don´t waste your time and energy with such catfights, don´t get provoked by silly, bitchy comments, let them have their way and we have ours .
I wish i had followed this advice:lol: well, since you wrote this, i have thought i was ONCE one of those narrowed minds fans who dimissed a storyline even before watching it. Of course those storylines were related to DL. However in my defense i can affirm i changed my mind and i have watched ALL episodes from S5. And also i have enjoyed those episodes i thought they were going to be a nightmare for me. I can't say i am pleased and i have become a fan of that pairing because that would be a lie. But i am more tolerant now than when the baby storyline was revealed. At the beginning of S5 i thought Smacked was never going to happen just because DL was going to have their happy ending with baby included:( DL fans' comments mocking of Smacked in other forums didn't help. and any single spoiler about that pairing didn't help me either. However i am at ease now and i was at ease since 5.11 was aired. That episode showed (and stronger in 5.12) Smacked could happen despite any DL storyline:bolian: so right now, simply i don't care!:lol:

(BTW i didn't start any quarrel inside the "Mac-Stella-romance" thread. But some people keep insisting i did:p
I´m generally not happy with a new CSI-addition, even if Stella will stay, IMO a new regular will "over-crowd" the team, I fear there won´t be much space and time to do all characters justice. But if they dare to sacrifice Stella for a "young and sexy" girl then I´m afraid to have to call the producers cheap chauvinists
mmm I am convinced (and i said it inside the Spoiler Thread) this new girl will replace Lindsay who will stay at home taking care of baby Lucy. I don't want to think she could replace Melina because it will be just impossible. Melina is unique !!!!!!!!!!!So Anna would be taken away from the main credits and Lindsay would be a recurrent role. So if they use some anknown actress then they could afford her salary (I don't know how things work in showbusiness but i imagine they will think on things like that). And i am happy is a CSI because it will be cool to have one as long as the new chick has chemsitry with Melina on screen. My main reason to miss Aiden was not only because Vanessa did a great job portraying Aiden but being as Stella fan i enjoyed very much their interaction. Even Stella seemed to know several personal things from Aiden (she knew Aiden's school). That knowledge made them very powerful together
So as long as she had chemistry with Stella and she doesn't jump on Mac's bones:)wtf:) i will give the ok to this new chick:bolian:

but I´d love Mindy to come back and that Stella could tell her the great news that she found out who her Mum was. Except for Mac, there´s no-one else she can share this with which must be sometimes sad for Stella. They should write a story that involves Mindy, maybe she´d be involved in a crime and this time Stella is forced to arrest her, but still she won´t let her down but visit her in prison and catch up with everything she always wanted to tell her but never had the chance to.
Awwwwwwwww I WOULD LOVE to have Mindy back. You know i would. See? That's what i am telling you: Stella neds a girl friend. If it is not Mindy i want Kaye Sullivan. Stella needs to talk about men with someone. And if Mindy cannot be there then the best choise is the new chick;)

The problem is if I wanted to avoid a cliffhanger spoiler then I´d have to stay away from here until S6 begins :lol:, because I´m hopeless, I know, I won´t be able to resist to read it. So either TPTB for once will manage to keep a secret secret, or I´ll pick up the red phone
I love spoilers. I was just thinking how funny would be fake spoilers:lol: yes, even when i am a sucker for spoilers, i would love to see if there is a leak just like last season "The Hunter hunted" comes to my mind:lol:

thank you dear for all your wishes. All my examns were really good even
that one i was so afraid of. Now i have a challenge in front of me (a writing contest). I will do it just for fun just to imporve my grammar that sucks:lol:

Many hugs and take care to all my dear Stellarinas

ps: Tomorrow i will dedicate my time to send you a PM to you both My dear Udonna and my dear gabby. It's too late now (3.09 am) i am almost sleeping on my keyboard:p

this wonderful woman smiles to Life


Mac will faint:lol:


"Use your head, not your heart" 1.02

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:drool:Heya Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!!!:hugegrin: how are you? I have been doing some shopping so i couldn't write(also i got the conditions to participate in some contest and i have already started working on that one. I said i wanted to rest but i cound't resist:thumbsup:

Dear Catu--> I have watched "Of mice and men" Gary made an outstanding job not only producing but also directing that movie. John Malcovich was beyond incredible!!! I wish he could be invited some day to some special episode of CSI NY:bolian:

Udonna mou!--->
I love Stella/Melina, she is such a gorgeous woman and I guess for me she is the only woman I would accept on Mac´s side ( scorpio, my second name is jealousy.., sorry, I am a little bit childish....) but on the other side it´s so difficult to see them quarreling about the open tube of toothpaste or children education while securing the crime scene............
GAHHHHHHH:lol: it sounds like a Danielle Steele's story (yes, i have read them too:lol:) I can't imagine Mac and Stella doing that. Of course we would need Mac holding his babies just to make us going "Awwwwwwww" but a marital life??? mmm i don't think so. I think it's very important in their relationship to keep balance. In any case i think Stella would never stop working. Melina said the best she could do for her girls is to show them she is happy with the job she chose to do and i believe Melina would want the same for our Stella (I don't care as long as Stella has Taylor offprings:lol:

My dearest Andromeda:

My dear udonna, you just took the words out of my mouth or keyboard in that case , that´s also my main concern that as a woman, let alone as an actress and performer, chances are high to get sacked and labeled as "too old", and to be replaced by a young "hot and sexy" chick, even if the woman, Melina in this case, is an excellent actress and hotter and sexier looking than many of these stereo-typed looking young girls.
They don´t make such a fuss with men, just the opposite, nobody would call a Robert de Niro, a George Clooney or a Gary Sinise a "has-been" because of their age and increasing wrinkles- no, of course, a man of age is still sexy, which these three really are IMO, but then the same must be said about older actresses and women in general.
I really thought the insanity in Hollywood had been over since many actresses over 40 are starring popular shows (Melina,Lisa,Mariska, Glenn Close and Sally Field are some of them). Seriously i can't believe they could ever consider the idea. What do they want? A girl at the age of Ashley Simpson starring a show?:wtf: Meanwhile i don't have a problem with people who like them it's not the thing i would like to watch on television. Even years ago, my fav were "mature" artist and many people do like them too. So i don't know if it is a thing requested by the audience or this obssesion for young people comes from by the Networks???:confused: I mean, i wouldn't have change for example Sela Ward in "Sisters" for nothing in this world. She was so wonderful as the modern version of "Jo" than when the remake of Little Women was filmed, Winona Ryder (who were at least 15 younger) looked stupid portraying the same character. And Sela was in her early 40s as well. Actually i read somewhere Sela produced a documentary on this matter, about the obssesion (btw i would LOVE LOVE LOVE having Sela and Melina together in one episode):thumbsup:

I want the subtle hints on their relationship, their romance growing up slowly and sweet. I just pretend they don't go back to "We are colleagues. I care for you but that's all":shifty: I want they enjoy working together and being all the scientic they want but showing they are ready to change. When i think on S5 i believe it was a transition season (it was great for my Stella) so it would be weird if suddenly they have the same type of relationship they have before. I any way i would like things could change slowwwwwwwwwwlyyyyyyyy:lol:

After seeing Melina's and Gary's movies believe me i would LOVE to have just one movie with them *sigh* But you are absolutely right. No way to have a whole script without editing and without taking out some scenes. But if you ask me, 5.24 had all scenes that episode needed to have. No more, no less. Just like that, it was perfect:thumbsup: And Didn't Danny call Stella "Mrs MacGyver?" I think he did in "Trapped". I remember pretty well because it was the last episode where i really enjoyed old Danny and i think it was the first episode written by Mr Lenkov:bolian: It was very interesting then how Danny manage to get fingerprints following Stella's advices. So for me the mini lab in Greece was totally in character for Mac and Stella considering they are the senior CSIs in the lab. But i guess that scene woouldn't have been critized if it was Danny who had made it:rolleyes::lol:
I wish i had followed this advice:lol: well, since you wrote this, i have thought i was ONCE one of those narrowed minds fans who dimissed a storyline even before watching it. Of course those storylines were related to DL. However in my defense i can affirm i changed my mind and i have watched ALL episodes from S5. And also i have enjoyed those episodes i thought they were going to be a nightmare for me. I can't say i am pleased and i have become a fan of that pairing because that would be a lie. But i am more tolerant now than when the baby storyline was revealed. At the beginning of S5 i thought Smacked was never going to happen just because DL was going to have their happy ending with baby included:( DL fans' comments mocking of Smacked in other forums didn't help. and any single spoiler about that pairing didn't help me either. However i am at ease now and i was at ease since 5.11 was aired. That episode showed (and stronger in 5.12) Smacked could happen despite any DL storyline:bolian: so right now, simply i don't care!:lol:

(BTW i didn't start any quarrel inside the "Mac-Stella-romance" thread. But some people keep insisting i did:p
mmm I am convinced (and i said it inside the Spoiler Thread) this new girl will replace Lindsay who will stay at home taking care of baby Lucy. I don't want to think she could replace Melina because it will be just impossible. Melina is unique !!!!!!!!!!!So Anna would be taken away from the main credits and Lindsay would be a recurrent role. So if they use some anknown actress then they could afford her salary (I don't know how things work in showbusiness but i imagine they will think on things like that). And i am happy is a CSI because it will be cool to have one as long as the new chick has chemsitry with Melina on screen. My main reason to miss Aiden was not only because Vanessa did a great job portraying Aiden but being as Stella fan i enjoyed very much their interaction. Even Stella seemed to know several personal things from Aiden (she knew Aiden's school). That knowledge made them very powerful together
So as long as she had chemistry with Stella and she doesn't jump on Mac's bones:)wtf:) i will give the ok to this new chick:bolian:

but I´d love Mindy to come back and that Stella could tell her the great news that she found out who her Mum was. Except for Mac, there´s no-one else she can share this with which must be sometimes sad for Stella. They should write a story that involves Mindy, maybe she´d be involved in a crime and this time Stella is forced to arrest her, but still she won´t let her down but visit her in prison and catch up with everything she always wanted to tell her but never had the chance to.
Awwwwwwwww I WOULD LOVE to have Mindy back. You know i would. See? That's what i am telling you: Stella neds a girl friend. If it is not Mindy i want Kaye Sullivan. Stella needs to talk about men with someone. And if Mindy cannot be there then the best choise is the new chick;)

The problem is if I wanted to avoid a cliffhanger spoiler then I´d have to stay away from here until S6 begins :lol:, because I´m hopeless, I know, I won´t be able to resist to read it. So either TPTB for once will manage to keep a secret secret, or I´ll pick up the red phone
I love spoilers. I was just thinking how funny would be fake spoilers:lol: yes, even when i am a sucker for spoilers, i would love to see if there is a leak just like last season "The Hunter hunted" comes to my mind:lol:

thank you dear for all your wishes. All my examns were really good even
that one i was so afraid of. Now i have a challenge in front of me (a writing contest). I will do it just for fun just to imporve my grammar that sucks:lol:

Many hugs and take care to all my dear Stellarinas

ps: Tomorrow i will dedicate my time to send you a PM to you both My dear Udonna and my dear gabby. It's too late now (3.09 am) i am almost sleeping on my keyboard:p

this wonderful woman smiles to Life


Mac will faint:lol:


"Use your head, not your heart" 1.02


Debs!! You are lucky!! I couldnt see it because of studing!!grr but I agree with you he should be invited to the show it would be awsome!!!
I mean John Malcovich has the perfect serial killer face!! haha:thumbsup:
Debs!! You are lucky!! I couldnt see it because of studing!!grr but I agree with you he should be invited to the show it would be awsome!!!
I mean John Malcovich has the perfect serial killer face!! haha:thumbsup:
LOL I agree John could do anything even portrating Stella's mother in flashbacks :D But Gary's character and John's character were so incredible! And at the beginning you could see Gary's wife (she didn't talk, she just ran and it was a "k" character in the story)
I am sure it will be aired again so don't worry. The one i won't loose is Into the fire. Melina portraying twin sisters is incredible appealing :D

here some piccies :D

Melina and her hand-mania :D

The CSI Family


*facepalm* Gosh, this woman and I will never agree when it comes to wardrobe choices! That shiny white dress is... uggh... I mean, yeah, she's got a great body and all that but, but... the thing's friggin' tacky!
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