Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Hiya Stellarinas :)

catu, thanks for that link, Melina´s great as ever, and good luck for your exams :thumbsup:

Hallo, meine liebe udonna, well, you gotta talk to your boss, this is no way to not having loudspeakers in your office PC :D.
Thanks for the list, it´s funny and there´s the one or other thing in which I recognize myself, but I won´t tell ya which :lol:, and anyway there´s no need to feel old when you notice there´s more food than beer in the fridge :D.

Pleni, long time no see ;). You´re right that sometimes it makes one wonder if women on TV or movie are not allowed to be 40+. That´s why I was annoyed at first with Stella´s "new" age. But maybe there´s really a plausible thought behind it and it´s because Stella will have her baby at the end of the show :D.

My dear and very special Andromeda,
--> my dear! let me tell you i understand your feelings! I can't get my CSINY DVDs here and i am still ranting but don't loose your hope. I thought i never i was able to get her movies and now i will have two in the same year! (God bless my cable system)
Sofi,a sweet Melina fan from Hungary also was looking for this movie and when she finally saw it she had a big emotion so let's wait and don't loose faith!:bolian:
Dearest Ghawazee,
I´ll keep my eyes open for this film, sometimes our TV-programmes show independent or not so commercial movies, so there´s hope that they might screen it one day.

thank you and to all Stellarinas. I needed that support because one of them was difficult but i hope everything was ok anyway
You´re gonna be alright and will pass all exams, no doubt :thumbsup:.

See? That's why i told you you were a hard nut to crack:lol: Meanwhile i admit their friendship is amazing i would prefer "something".
I mean, i would like they go slow into their realization (about their mutual feelings) enjoying their "in love game", the anticipation for the BIG day. But it would be almost cruel to give a step back when their relationship is so obviously different now
I guess i will pray for Melina writes another special episode in S6 so you will be convinced:hugegrin:
:lol:Yes, and you were right, but now you see it´s also good to be a hard nut :lol:, as you´re enjoying their special friendship, too. Whatever´s going to happen, but it will certainly not be a step back; their special friendship has become now extra special or even extraordinary and keeps developing into....well, a relationship? We´ll see, but there´s no hurry, it´s great the way they act.
OK, let Melina challenge me, then we´ll see if I´ll be convinced :lol:.

Yes, Melina put all she could into the script to fit into an episode, though it was basically a very personal eppy, she included the crime side of it, too, so it was stuffed with everything that fans would expect to see in such a show. But, of course, all has to be compressed, scenes cannot be acted out extendedly, little details have to be left out, because you just can´t pack it all in in 45 mins. That´s why I would have loved the eppy in film-lengths, but I know that´s just impossible, so I´m happy with what we´ve got and won´t complain about what was left out. But it´s true, you can´t please everybody, some want this, some want that, some want all or nothing. If authors would always listen to what others want, they wouldn´t get anywhere. I found it especially strange that the scenes with the improvised Mini-lab were criticised heavily by some, when I actually found it very original

But i need to say some of those "neutral" fans are NOT neutral. I have had some catfights with a couple of them (or more:lol: ) so i knew what they were going to vote no matter how good the episode was. Also i am afraid some of them have orchestrated a subliminal campaign. Not because of Melina of course but because they don't like the idea of Smacked. I have read them in other sites and i knew what they were going to vote since 2 months previous to 5.24. Other had access to certain "spoilers" they shouldn't have had so they started complaining about 5.24 long before it happened. Sorry, but i can't say they are neutral. Some of them are very concious the power they have on other fans because they do have a certain acid-humoristic style.
Certainly i preferred to stay away from the battle because if i would have said what i was really thinking maybe i should be banned from the forum and i don't want that. Certainly i don't expect to become them into Smacked fans. I would like they had given a fair treat instead of wasting their time (and my time) with bitchy comments. I have read how they celebrated rating numbers. I have had catfights and i have made reference to rating numbers in other places but I have never celebrated rating numbers. You can be sharp-tongue but not a harpy:cool:
Well, obviously you know much more about these catfights (and were even involved in some) and animosities among the different "fan clubs" as I will call them here than I do, because I can´t be bothered to wander through every single thread, let alone other forums due to a lack of time. Also, though I love discussions and debates I certainly hate catfights with narrow-minded and preoccupied people who don´t give a story any chance and dismiss it even before they´ve watched it. That is childish behaviour and so I believe you if you say they are not neutral, but decided to hate the episode only because they thought it would have romantic scenes between Stella and Mac which they would hate, so their logic was: this eppy will suck.
And talking of celebrating rating numbers: Well, then it would have been our turn to celebrate, because GFD had more viewers than the season´s finale.
My dear Ghawazee, don´t waste your time and energy with such catfights, don´t get provoked by silly, bitchy comments, let them have their way and we have ours ;).

The positive of this is Grounds for Deception is still the favorite episode from S5!! and those votes came from heart. That episode touched
many people's hearts and personally i think Smacked fans were quite sincere and honest because not all of them have voted the episode as the best or with a A+. I was honest but i would have needed a A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ option and i didn't have
Well, that´s what cheers me up and makes me feel happy for Melina that she obviously touched a lot of hearts with this eppy, not only those of Smacked fans, but also those of the "truly" neutral fans who enjoyed the story :).

Before 5.24 i was obssesive with Sophia Milos as Stella's sister. She would have been so great ! But she belongs to CSI Miami.Such a pity! Also Alexandra Paul has a great resemblance to Melina but now we should expect some day her father appears because i want Stella mou be happy with her Dad. Also i would like to know Stella's mom's name!!!
gahhh don't say it out loud! It's my biggest fear but i trust Melina won't quit and they won't make Stella dissapear I would like to think everything will be normal until the end of S6. Beyond that only God knows but i will enjoy Stella mou as long as she is in CSI NY!
Well, I suppose Stella doesn´t have any sisters or brothers (yes, she had some originally before they changed that :devil::p), but I´d love Mindy to come back and that Stella could tell her the great news that she found out who her Mum was. Except for Mac, there´s no-one else she can share this with which must be sometimes sad for Stella. They should write a story that involves Mindy, maybe she´d be involved in a crime and this time Stella is forced to arrest her, but still she won´t let her down but visit her in prison and catch up with everything she always wanted to tell her but never had the chance to.
My moods change constantly from positive to negative and vice versa, concerning if Melina will stay or not :lol:. Maybe I should just adopt your attitude and enjoy Stella as long as she will be in CSI:NY :).

Yes, Adam is such a sweetie and I agree he still keeps the child inside of him alive and yet he is a mature adult, it was his way to survive and stay sane after all he went through. No wonder he loves Big Mama Stella and Big Daddy Mac, he´s got a lot to catch up :lol:.

I´ve got to watch it again, but I´m sure there was this tiny moment, this camera sequence where there was Stella´s back that seemed exposed to the gun, but anyway you´re right, she´s in the middle and most exposed of all. Flack is on her right, Mac on her left, then there are Danny and Lindsay and next to them must be Sid, Adam and Hawkes. If Mac would be hit, then we know he won´t die because recently Gary said he´s still happy to be in the show and has no ambitions to leave. Maybe Hawkes will do first aid and save the life of whoever will be shot.

Oh, yes, I guess, Melina does not only know her Stella veeeery, very well by now, but also us fans, Smacked or not :lol:. It was as if she cooked a meal with all sorts of spices for every taste, and it was absolutely delicious, thanks Melina, can I have some more :drool:?

Well, if it´s a matter of money, I´m sure that Melina won´t be bloody-minded and risk to lose her job by insisting on the annual salary increase, but would agree with a salary freeze until the economic situation improves. But we don´t know how serious the financial situation at CBS is, maybe it won´t be enough and they need to get rid of a main cast actor.
The problem is if I wanted to avoid a cliffhanger spoiler then I´d have to stay away from here until S6 begins :lol:, because I´m hopeless, I know, I won´t be able to resist to read it. So either TPTB for once will manage to keep a secret secret, or I´ll pick up the red phone :D.
I know that but i can hope Melina will reach an agreement. I will remain positive until other things will be said and i would love to have a "red telepohone" as the one Stell and Flack used at the end of S4 straight to spoilers:lol:. I know how the Smacked Family and The Stellarina and Mac Thread members are and i know they would take very well news. But the problem is any spoiler would spoil the cliffhanger so iguess i will have to live with speculations:lol:

dear, take care and i am glad you are ok
You take care, too, Honey, stay happy and well and thank you again and again for your ceaseless amount of pics of that wonderful woman :). Of course, thanks to everyone who posts pics, please keep ´em coming :drool:.

Love and hugs to you all :)
ah, Deb. you're an expert indeed when it comes to comforting me :lol:. thanks for humoring me on kicking my ass just to make me come back. oh, and avoid the jellyfishes too, ok? :lol:

it's very rare celebs end their signatures wtih doodles. That Melina autograph just made me crack up a bit :lol:

and to the other Stellarinas, lotsa love and wishes with whatever your busy with now. ^_^V
*hugs Andromeda* Sorry I'm absent lately. I'm just writing (fan)fiction most of the time and another place in the Internet may steal some more of my time in the not too distant future, I'm afraid. I'll try to keep up with you girls, anyway.

I hope your theory is right. It was my first thought when I realized she had suddenly gotten younger. Melina doesn't seem a woman concerned about her age. To me, time has made her more and more beautiful, she looks way better now than back in s1.

Chaos, isn't that doodle sweet? It's like "here's curly gal = me!"
*hugs Pleni back*, great to see you here again, though you´re so busy ;).

Well, I can´t see any other reason, because I totally agree with you that Melina seems confident with her age and wouldn´t feel any need to deny it in the show, IMO.
Yes, she absolutely looks more and more beautiful from year to year. I found her hair a bit weird in S1 :lol:, now she got the perfect hair-do for her wild curls.

Chaos, a big Hello and love to you, too :).
Catu, thank you so much for the link - I watched it with the great pleasure, because Melina told about one of my favorite eps in S4. Yeah, poor Stella, it was another one troublу for her - the fire, changing the flat,criminal neighbour... And she is right, it is time for good romanse! Hope it will happend in S6!
Did you see her eyes when she told about her daughters? There was so much love and tender. I love her:)
Thank you very much for all the links you've posted ! :) Melina/Stella is my favorite leading lady among the shows I've watched.
Catu, thank you so much for the link - I watched it with the great pleasure, because Melina told about one of my favorite eps in S4. Yeah, poor Stella, it was another one troublу for her - the fire, changing the flat,criminal neighbour... And she is right, it is time for good romanse! Hope it will happend in S6!
Did you see her eyes when she told about her daughters? There was so much love and tender. I love her:)

You are very welcome!, and did you saw her eyes when she told the aprt when Mac offers her to stay at his place!! Priceless!:)
Thanks, Catu!

I love the way she talks about how important being a mother is. She's so family-centered, which is great.

I agree with the romance part: give Stella someone to love and let him love her back, damn it! Drew was boring apart from evil. From second 1 you could tell he was up to something, meh!

I don't usually do Smacked comments here, but have you noticed she says Mac offers her a place to stay and she doesn't say Stella refuses?:evil:
Hey Stellarinas!!!
Hope you are all fine!! I had a great day and became better when I find this interview, hope you like it!!!:)

Dear Catu,

thank you very much for the link!!!!!!
Melina is sooo wonderful; I love to listen to hear when she speaks about her life and the life of Stella!!! And the things she said about working mums touched me very much for me too, I haven´t found a book that tells how to find the right balance between beeing mum and working on my career!!!

Thanks again!!!

Thanks, Catu!

I love the way she talks about how important being a mother is. She's so family-centered, which is great.

I agree with the romance part: give Stella someone to love and let him love her back, damn it! Drew was boring apart from evil. From second 1 you could tell he was up to something, meh!

I don't usually do Smacked comments here, but have you noticed she says Mac offers her a place to stay and she doesn't say Stella refuses?:evil:

Dear Plenilunio,

I have read in this "furor making thread" from snowscorpio that we share the same opinion about Stella and Mac.
It´s really not easy, for sometimes I am very toren about what I really want - but i calms me, that I am not the only one who loves smacked on the one hand, but doesn´t really want a baby or marriage or preciptious relationsship............

But I love to read what others think about it and deep, deep in my heart maybe I see them together although......

I know, very confusing, maybe you can understand me??

WIsh you a great day!!!

Dear udonna, I completely understand you because that's exactly my opinion. I love to seem them together and a part of me wishes they were a couple, but another side of me realizes that would probably kill the show or that they might become something like D/L and I'd hate to see that happening. I can't be happy either way because I can't reach an agreement with myself, how crazy is that!;)
Dear udonna, I completely understand you because that's exactly my opinion. I love to seem them together and a part of me wishes they were a couple, but another side of me realizes that would probably kill the show or that they might become something like D/L and I'd hate to see that happening. I can't be happy either way because I can't reach an agreement with myself, how crazy is that!;)

Dear Plenilunio,,
it´s so good to know for me personally that I am not the only one who has such wacky thoughts!

I often think about it and it´s so difficult to put it into words, I try to arrange my ideas about it but I don´t come to a conclusion.

I love Stella/Melina, she is such a gorgeous woman and I guess for me she is the only woman I would accept on Mac´s side ( scorpio, my second name is jealousy..
, sorry, I am a little bit childish....
) but on the other side it´s so difficult to see them quarreling about the open tube of toothpaste or children education while securing the crime scene............:confused:

Well, I don´t really know, I will keep on thinking about it.....

Have a great day

I'll just be quick. It's almost midnight here, i need to be up again in 3 hours (so much for a finished semester, will tell you more later).


it´s so difficult to see them quarreling about the open tube of toothpaste or children education while securing the crime scene............:confused:

I can't see that either, despite all SMacked family fanfics i've read so far (and trust me, there are many). :lol:

About jealousy, so far, i'm always more troubled with the men they paired with Stella (okay, that's called overprotective, not jealousy) than with the women they paired with Mac. I don't know the reason, so don't even bother to ask.

Hugs all!
Hey all :),

thanks Catu for the link :). It´s always a great pleasure to listen to Melina, no matter, which subject she´s talking about.

Dear udonna, Melina and you could exchange quite some experiences on balancing kids and career, couldn´t you? ;) Now imagine that :lol:.

And no matter which guy they will eventually place at Stella´s side, I don´t need to see day-by-day scenes like quarreling over toothpastes or dirty laundry lying on the floor :D

See ya, love and hugs to you all :)
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