Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!! (I can see you have been in chatty mood as well. Thank you darlings

ooh, thanks, miyukiseta!

i love it here already! and providence is really interesting! there's an episode where she got half naked! REALLY! showing what an amazing body she has! *if i find any pic, i'll post here, if that's okay*
lol poor Sydney. She had more problems with men than our Stella

One thing i liked from her is how incredible strong she was for herself and for her family especially reflected how she got the clinic at the church (!!!)
we do know what you mean! :thumbsup: haha and i love action scenes with stella! the concept of a woman kickin' asses is so interesting to me! specially when we're talking about mrs. bonasera!
Can't wait for lots of good Stella action in Season 6.

Hopefully, it'll be worthy of being discussed in this thread
*glares at evil TPTB*. Maybe Stella in peril...? And her secret knight in shining armour that she hasn't realized that is her real knight in shining armour coming to her rescue
*coughs*. You know who I mean...
Awwwww I LOVE Stella in Action when she goes all Rambo:drool: 5.01 was aired in Latin America again last Thurday (Season 5 finished last week) and i had forgotten how great she is in taht scene inside the back with Ethan and then later she she almost fall off the roof:drool:
To answer your question
Deb, Eleni was a Greek immigrant and she was supposed to marry Frank but she saw him with another woman and so she started dating this guy
Alan (But I don't think she really loved him). Either way, I think something happened with Eleni's family and they went to Greece, but when she came back, she wasn't allowed back into the States because she wasn't a citizen. So she married Alan at the airport. However, he later cheated on her and they divorced and then she married Frank
I've looked up the character on Wikipedia :lol: I've done that with a few soap characters just to piece things together.
Anyway, I'm thinking about sending a letter to Melina. Just telling her that I'm a huge fan and I admire her work
Axel you are a complete sweetheart! I wish i had the chance of getting Guiding Light here:shifty: I love the progression on Eleni and Frank's relationship because i rememebr that first scene wheer she was at the dinner working and she was asked to sing and Frank looked at her totally in love. It was funny to watch her later as his wife and in the shower:lol: I wanna write her too. But i am looking for a good pic to make it bigger and to write her from behind. Maybe a couple dancing tango? I don't know
Udonna dear!!!!!!!!!!!!-->
Unfortunately i had less time the last week and will have the next one but i will try to read all your posts the next days but i found this pic and was absolutely fascinated:
LOL i understand your feelings darling especially prior your holidays. This thread was missing you! (And i miss my Galina. I wonder where Madison is

Dearest and Crazy Nut
Thank you for asking, my tummy is much better now
May I repeat that my bum is not big, but very well-formed . You won´t find a nut like me at the Wal Mart, I´m unique and fell straight down to Earth from the Nut planet .
:lol:I can tell you are in denial my lovely Nut. Never mind, But if you continue with your diet of coffee and almonds ice cream you won't have only a big bum but a big belly too:lol: (in any case you will be stil the brave Nut from Nutland
They´ll never cross that line anyway, that´s a famous TPTB law

They should review their Law book then :lol:
Yes, I liked that, too, that Mindy never forgot about Stella and followed her life, her career from the distance. So it meant, though she had run away and left Stella behind, she never really deserted her. After killing Garth there were only two options for Mindy: to run away and hide her identity or to give up and get convicted and arrested; she chose the former which meant she can never really lead a normal life, that guy has destroyed her childhood and adult life.
hopefully if she ever comes back she will have a decent disclosure to her personal story. And i would like a hopeful disclosure. Perosnally i woudn't want she was sent to jail. Mindy has lost too much
Besides it would be very nice to see Stella mentioning her and talking about her new start:thumbsup:
I think there are good chances that Stella will sing Greek lullabies to Lil Lucy

. Maybe with all the problems coming up for D/L like Danny´s injury which will strain their marriage, it seems and whatever else is going to happen, Lindsay might drop her distance to Stella and approach her to accept help and support and Danny might also be closer again with Stell, although Mac had this role as Father Superior for them in S5. I agree, the interactions of Stella with Don, Adam and Sheldon are always great and warm in one way or other, while since S4 there weren´t too many nice scenes between Stella and Danny.
awwwwwwww the idea makes me melt

I can't imagine a sweetest thing than Stella singing in Greek lullabies to Baby Lucy:adore: (well except baby Taylor:luvlove

I would like to like Danny again and being the little bro he was for her so many times:adore: IF our people get that then i still will believe in miracles! (as converting you, stubborn Nut!:lol
Nice attempt, Debbie and really lovely pic, but to no avail, I remain the stubborn NUT
you will say it! I have told you that! Ich liebe Smacked!!!!!!!:lol:
Thnka ladies for spoling me with such gorgeous and splendid piccies of our Melina:adore: Did i mention I LOVE MELINA KANAKAREDES????
Stellarinas Titles so far:
Stella/Melina 7: a goddess came down to earth !
Stella/Melina #7: Athene in her mortal form.
Stella/Melina #7: Zeus' gift to Hollywood.
Stella/Melina#7 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella
Stella/Melina#7 'Cause she is the angel that enlighten our hearts
Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek
Stella/Melina #7: Because she´s the Greek Goddess of Crimonology
Stella/Melina #7Because she´s the heart and soul of the CSI-team
Stella/Melina #7Because Stella and Mac are the (platonic) dream team of CSI:NY