Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

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  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Heya, my dear Stellarinas, hope you´re all fine :).

My dearest Andromeda:

I really thought the insanity in Hollywood had been over since many actresses over 40 are starring popular shows (Melina,Lisa,Mariska, Glenn Close and Sally Field are some of them). Seriously i can't believe they could ever consider the idea. What do they want? A girl at the age of Ashley Simpson starring a show?:wtf: Meanwhile i don't have a problem with people who like them it's not the thing i would like to watch on television. Even years ago, my fav were "mature" artist and many people do like them too. So i don't know if it is a thing requested by the audience or this obssesion for young people comes from by the Networks???:confused: I mean, i wouldn't have change for example Sela Ward in "Sisters" for nothing in this world. She was so wonderful as the modern version of "Jo" than when the remake of Little Women was filmed, Winona Ryder (who were at least 15 younger) looked stupid portraying the same character. And Sela was in her early 40s as well. Actually i read somewhere Sela produced a documentary on this matter, about the obssesion (btw i would LOVE LOVE LOVE having Sela and Melina together in one episode):thumbsup:
Dearest Ghawazee, I don´t think this Hollywood insanity will ever stop, despite shining examples of natural, great and great looking, non-plastic-surgery-used actresses being 40+ like the ones you´ve mentioned, I want to add Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett to this list. I don´t know if it´s also a matter of character- all these listed women seem to be strong and self-confident characters who feel happy with and inside their bodies. If someone, a producer or director would tell them: "your nose is too big or your forehead is too wrinkled", they would tell him to f... off. But weaker persons, even men would feel hurt by such comments and would be scared to not get good roles anymore if they don´t follow the trend and get all sorts of plastic surgery done. And it doesn´t need extreme examples: I was shocked to hear that Nicole Kidman is using Botox, too, somehow I´d always thought she´d be self-confident enough to allow her forehead to frown :D.
I think it´s this artificial aura of Hollywood that makes actors/actresses go to extremes, they see these plastic people walking on the streets every day and maybe they feel that if they don´t catch up with them and their looks, they will be out of date, out of the business, it´s like a competition.
And the film bosses and industry take advantage from that, they create their puppets on the string. Meryl Streep, and recently Julia Roberts confirmed that from the age of 40+ it´s getting more difficult to get good roles for good films. But unlike weaker characters they just take it as it is, but would never betray themselves and their ages to please the producers.

I want the subtle hints on their relationship, their romance growing up slowly and sweet. I just pretend they don't go back to "We are colleagues. I care for you but that's all":shifty: I want they enjoy working together and being all the scientic they want but showing they are ready to change. When i think on S5 i believe it was a transition season (it was great for my Stella) so it would be weird if suddenly they have the same type of relationship they have before. I any way i would like things could change slowwwwwwwwwwlyyyyyyyy:lol:
I dunno, but Mac isn´t such an out-going guy who loves to show a lot of emotions, so even if it´s changing slowly from friendship to a romance, I think we´ll only know it in a way that perhaps the two will hug each other a bit more often and not only in extreme situations of life and death :D.

After seeing Melina's and Gary's movies believe me i would LOVE to have just one movie with them *sigh* But you are absolutely right. No way to have a whole script without editing and without taking out some scenes. But if you ask me, 5.24 had all scenes that episode needed to have. No more, no less. Just like that, it was perfect:thumbsup: And Didn't Danny call Stella "Mrs MacGyver?" I think he did in "Trapped". I remember pretty well because it was the last episode where i really enjoyed old Danny and i think it was the first episode written by Mr Lenkov:bolian: It was very interesting then how Danny manage to get fingerprints following Stella's advices. So for me the mini lab in Greece was totally in character for Mac and Stella considering they are the senior CSIs in the lab. But i guess that scene woouldn't have been critized if it was Danny who had made it:rolleyes::lol:
I wish i had followed this advice:lol: well, since you wrote this, i have thought i was ONCE one of those narrowed minds fans who dimissed a storyline even before watching it. Of course those storylines were related to DL. However in my defense i can affirm i changed my mind and i have watched ALL episodes from S5. And also i have enjoyed those episodes i thought they were going to be a nightmare for me. I can't say i am pleased and i have become a fan of that pairing because that would be a lie. But i am more tolerant now than when the baby storyline was revealed. At the beginning of S5 i thought Smacked was never going to happen just because DL was going to have their happy ending with baby included:( DL fans' comments mocking of Smacked in other forums didn't help. and any single spoiler about that pairing didn't help me either. However i am at ease now and i was at ease since 5.11 was aired. That episode showed (and stronger in 5.12) Smacked could happen despite any DL storyline:bolian: so right now, simply i don't care!:lol:
Yes, Melina did her best to cram everything important in this episode, more was just not possible and so it´s needless to complain about the lack of small details or explanations (like why Mac could run around in Greece with his gun; certainly there a rules for a detective to be allowed carrying his gun in a foreign country, but why explain this and waste precious moments of the show time?)
You´re right, if it had been someone else using the improvised mini-lab, the notorious complainers might have not complained; it´s just that it was Stella and Mac and the preoccupations some people had about this episode.
But it´s a show with so many different things and stories happening, there´s enough episodes that made me cringe in the past, but I keep my mouth shut and won´t complain, because tastes are so different. What I like may be disliked by someone else and vice versa. Live and let live, that´s what I keep saying. I can live with the D/L-story, some scenes were even good, though I´m not a fan of it, but so what, because there´s compensation for it in other stories.
Oh yeah, I saw that you couldn´t resist to reply to some silly comments recently ;). Save your nerves and health and just ignore them :thumbsup:.

I so wish you and all the others are right with the Lindsay-theory; it sounds too good to be true that´s why I`ll remain sceptical about it until I will know 100% for sure: Stella will stay!!!!! Of course she is unique and I feel TPTB love this character very much, too, considering how many good and special stories they´ve written for her and I still have Lenkov´s words in my mind, saying they have many plans for Stella, but.......if it´s all about Budget cuts, then I don´t trust anybody´s words.
It would be nice if the new girl Kaye could develop a friendship with Stella and surely Stella will be helpful and caring in the beginning when Kaye starts her work at the CSI, we know our big sis Stell :D. I agree with you that Aiden and Stella had a great chemistry, something that never happened between Lindsay and Stella, though there have been situations in S3 and in S5 where Lindsay confided in Stella and I always thought: OK, from now on they´ll be close friends, but then there was the same distance as before in Lindsay.

Awwwwwwwww I WOULD LOVE to have Mindy back. You know i would. See? That's what i am telling you: Stella neds a girl friend. If it is not Mindy i want Kaye Sullivan. Stella needs to talk about men with someone. And if Mindy cannot be there then the best choise is the new chick;)
Agree, if Mindy won´t come back then hopefully this Kaye chick will be a good friend for Stella, someone she can trust and confide in, she´s such a good person, she´d deserve someone who´s good to her, too (OK, OK, you´ll say she´s got Mac, and in a way that´s true :D).

I love spoilers. I was just thinking how funny would be fake spoilers:lol: yes, even when i am a sucker for spoilers, i would love to see if there is a leak just like last season "The Hunter hunted" comes to my mind:lol:
I love and I loathe spoilers, it´s a love-hate-affair, but I can´t resist them :D, so I can´t wait for a leak concerning S6-beginning :lol:.

So all my best wishes for your writing contest, you´ll shine there, I´m sure :thumbsup:. And many congrats on having passed the exams :). Love and hugs to you :)

Oooh, and thanks for the pics, especially the one from "RND", how suitable, because tomorrow they´ll repeat this episode over here, yeeeah :D:drool:. (udonna, don´t forget ;) ).

Love and hugs to you all :)
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Nice vid - awwww, she is beatiful and really cute.
One of my friend found this picture, maybe, you guys had seen it before...Or not

They are amazing!
Stella is such a strong female character, definitely a great role model for little girls to aspire to be!!

And Melina is one beautiful lady!
Nice vid - awwww, she is beatiful and really cute.
One of my friend found this picture, maybe, you guys had seen it before...Or not

They are amazing!

Loved the pic!!! She rocks!! thanks for posting!!:)

CdfSjaI thanks for the vid!Great!:)
Welcome BauerAlmeida to the Stellarina Palace Thread. It's a pleasure to have new members who love our Greek Queen :D Post as much you want and have fun!

CdfSjaI---> Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is cute or what? Melina has put that same sweetness in Stella. That's why Stella looks so adorable with kids :D

Galina, my heart! tell your friend she is a sunshine!I have never seen thatpic before. Melina and Peter looked absolutely gorgeous and in love!!!!!!!!!!!!:adore:
i Have seen that clip from The View with Barbara Walters where Melina showed her engagement ring and where she said she has had that one for almost 17 years and her emotion for that:bolian: Absolutely gorgeous and adorable! Thank you:thumbsup:

Plen, plen--some day you will find the perfect outfit:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Hugs my dear

More hugs to my dear Catu, Udonna and Andromeda (as usual i will write you later. I don't know if tomorrow but i'll try.)

Welcome pics fort BauerAlmeida:bolian:

Hi to all you dears :),

Welcome to BauerAlmeida from me, too :)

cdsfSjaI, thanks for the link, she´s really sweet :).

And Catu for the pic; they really look like a very happy couple :).

My dear Ghawazee, take your time, no need to hurry :thumbsup:

Love and hugs to you all, byeeeee :)
Thanks for the welcome!

I LOVE LOVE Stella! And Melina of course!:thumbsup:

She's just such a strong woman, able to hang tough with the boys and still be a girl!

There's just not many TV women like for me it's always refreshing to see a good strong independent woman who display both strength and compassion, and still be emotional! Not to mention looking absolutely gorgeous!

I wish I have Melina's hair! Those beautiful curls! If only my hair could be like that.....:drool:
Dear BauerAlmeida (btw love the reference to 24 :D ) ITA with you. She (both Stella and Melina) keeps her feminity despite working sorrounded by men and being a whitness of hard cases every day. She is tough 90% but i did love how she looks completely vulnerable in 5.24. I liked both side in Stella and i loved S5 for her:bolian:

My dearest Andromeda, thank you and i will answer ASAP:thumbsup: Btw i have been checking the last scene f4om 5.25 and i think she shows her side, not her back but it's so dark it's hard to tell:confused:

hugs to my all Stellarinas
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Thanks for the pic, sad_girl!

BauerAlmeida, that's what rules about Stella. She can be tough and sensitive, strong and vulnerable. Even though she's been damsel in distress sometimes, she's not your average stupid bimbo waiting for her knight in shining armor and bawling mirably just because she broke her nail.

Deb, don't you worry. I'm actually happy she wears stuff I don't like. Long ago I learned I'm a total ignorant when it comes to fashion, which means is Melina is wearing something that makes me go "Uggh... nasty!", experts will probably say she was perfect:thumbsup:

EDIT: I've re-watched that scene and, to me, she ducks.
Hello Stellarinas!!!

just a quick post before I go to college, have you seen that Grounds for Deception had been nominated for "posible Emmy nominees" as well as Melina and Gary????

So happy!!!!:)

Hugs to you all!!!
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Good morning, my dear Stellarinas,

Lack of time forced me to neglect this thread BUT this good news makes me so happy I have to write.
I so wish you and all the others are right with the Lindsay-theory; it sounds too good to be true that´s why I`ll remain sceptical about it until I will know 100% for sure: Stella will stay!!!!!
Love and hugs to you all :)

Isn´t that great news from the spolier thread!!!!!!!!!

Now it´s only Mac who fears me!!

Thanks for the link my dear: Melina is wonderful!!!

Nice vid - awwww, she is beatiful and really cute.
One of my friend found this picture, maybe, you guys had seen it before...Or not

They are amazing!

Dear Gala,

ain´t they sweet!!!!!! IMO Melina is getting more beautiful everyday. IMO she is the type of woman who looks now better than years ago ( but she was sweet too at that time but now she is a beauty!!!!)

Thanks for the pic, sad_girl!

Deb, don't you worry. I'm actually happy she wears stuff I don't like. Long ago I learned I'm a total ignorant when it comes to fashion, which means is Melina is wearing something that makes me go "Uggh... nasty!", experts will probably say she was perfect:thumbsup:

EDIT: I've re-watched that scene and, to me, she ducks.

Dear PLenilunio,

I love Melina, but to be honest we don´t share the same taste about fashion everytime. But I think she looks great in what she wears - although I wouldn´t buy it. ( It would look strange in the office too.....:guffaw:)

Hello Stellarinas!!!

just a quick post before I go to college, have you seen that Grounds for Deception had been nominated for "posible Emmy nominees" as well as Melina and Gary????

So happy!!!!:)

Hugs to you all!!!

Dear Catu,
yes, these experts there can´t err!!!! And you can surely blame them that they are smacked fans and that this is the only reason for liking it!!!

Let´s keep our fingers crossed!

I wish you all a wonderful day!!

Dear Gala,

ain´t they sweet!!!!!! IMO Melina is getting more beautiful everyday. IMO she is the type of woman who looks now better than years ago ( but she was sweet too at that time but now she is a beauty!!!!)

I love Melina, but to be honest we don´t share the same taste about fashion everytime. But I think she looks great in what she wears - although I wouldn´t buy it. ( It would look strange in the office too.....:guffaw:)

Hello Stellarinas!!!

just a quick post before I go to college, have you seen that Grounds for Deception had been nominated for "posible Emmy nominees" as well as Melina and Gary????

So happy!!!!:)

Dear Catu,
yes, these experts there can´t err!!!! And you can surely blame them that they are smacked fans and that this is the only reason for liking it!!!

Let´s keep our fingers crossed!

I wish you all a wonderful day!!

Hello, Stellarinas!
Dear Udonna! I'm pretty sure, your collegues applaud you, if you'll come in the office wearing one of those beatiful Melina's dress:rolleyes:
Catu - yes, it's a wondeful news, I hope, Melina will be nominate. Btw, and what's about Gabby Awards? Any news?
Dear Gala,

ain´t they sweet!!!!!! IMO Melina is getting more beautiful everyday. IMO she is the type of woman who looks now better than years ago ( but she was sweet too at that time but now she is a beauty!!!!)

I love Melina, but to be honest we don´t share the same taste about fashion everytime. But I think she looks great in what she wears - although I wouldn´t buy it. ( It would look strange in the office too.....:guffaw:)

Hello Stellarinas!!!

just a quick post before I go to college, have you seen that Grounds for Deception had been nominated for "posible Emmy nominees" as well as Melina and Gary????

So happy!!!!:)

Dear Catu,
yes, these experts there can´t err!!!! And you can surely blame them that they are smacked fans and that this is the only reason for liking it!!!

Let´s keep our fingers crossed!

I wish you all a wonderful day!!

Hello, Stellarinas!
Dear Udonna! I'm pretty sure, your collegues applaud you, if you'll come in the office wearing one of those beatiful Melina's dress:rolleyes:
Catu - yes, it's a wondeful news, I hope, Melina will be nominate. Btw, and what's about Gabby Awards? Any news?

The Gabby Awards are tomorrow!!! Hope she wins!!!:)
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