Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't forget you! :D

Galina my dear--->
Memo for next life^
- buy all sexy dresses as Melina have

Love you, Debbie
:D love you too! and i love all her dresses i think there is no money to pay for her curls and definiutely there is not money to pay for her talent. You gotta love Melina! :D

My sweet, sweet Udonna--->
DEar Debbie,

it really makes me nervous when you are worried ,for the time I am here I remember you as the optimist!!!!!!
I like the advertisment and the wordplay !!! ( BTW it´s VOX I am watching)

Thanks for the links, I love to read about Melina!
I will remain optimistic, I swear to you that! I was just expressing those dark clouds which were flying throught my mind. I will just wait everything will be ok at the end of S6. We still have TONS of good episodes to enjoy from S6 :D

My husband saw it and he- I think in future I won´t have to look CSI NY alone anymore!!!!! Thanks Debbie!!!!!
:lol::lol::lol: I am glad i am the responsible for that:lol: Hopefully he will be a Smacked fan too ;)

dear catu and AlienM--->
Now I'll have to check out "Into the Fire" I love watching my favorite TV actor/resses in movies, seeing how different they are etc.
the best of Into the fire is Melina portrays twin sisters!!!!!!!! And Twice Melina is Twice better :D Also i like the guy who was with her. I have taped 15 minutes but i cound't watch it because my VCR died grrrrrrr (and i couldn't tape 5.16 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but my dad got a new one but i still need time to test it)
I was surprised how different Melina seems to portray Stella and then one different character (probably that's why i love her! She is a great actress :D)

Kay, sweetie--->
I miss my fellow Stellarinas!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been here for a while. I'm trying to recover from Angell withdrawal after seeing her die in that awful finale ~ yes, awful! Please forgive me for using that word. It just made me choke throughout the episode. Looking at Stella and Flack in pain was too much for me.

Deb, i simply adore those Melina noir portraits. Wearing a straight hair shows her a different angle. I don't care if she looks like Celine Dion, but she's simply...*thud*!

See ya soon, ladies. ^_^ V!
I was scared as hell because i thought you wouldn't be back after 5.25! (I read your subtitle in MSN)!!!!!!! I must confess i wanted more Stella scene sin 5.25. there was too much testoterone in there and i need the Stella touch. However when they were all reunited inside the coffee bar her face spoke volumes because her face was a reflection of Flack's expression! :(

And yep, she looked like Celine in the past (when Celine was 12):lol: but i don't care either;) (probbaly because i love melina and i like Celine ;)

Care for some more?:
thank you sweetie!!!!!!!! i didn't have the first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that guy the same guy who seemed to be melting in GL when she sang in Greek? I need to check!

Btw I will write to you, my dear Andromeda later hoping you are better (you sounded tired)

To all. This is Into teh fire official site (iam surprised i didn't post it before)

Also if you want to get translated Greek song lyrics you have this place


Debbie :D

ps: i have found a good synopsis of Into the fire. Also i have found good avvies from that movie and i highly recommend you to watch the trailers

Sean Patrick Flanery gives a powerful, intricate performance in Michael Phelan's emotional post-9/11 drama, INTO THE FIRE. Flanery stars as Walter Hartwig Jr., a lieutenant for the New York Harbor Unit. When a plane crashes into the river, Hartwig leads his team--which includes his right-hand man, Sandy Manetti (Pablo Schreiber)--on a search and rescue mission. Hartwig finds a dead woman wearing white floating underwater, and he freezes up, needing to be pulled out by Manetti--but not before ripping off an ID bracelet from the victim. The incident brings up frightening memories for Hartwig, who lost his sister to the sea as a child. With his job on the line, he sends the bracelet to the victim's surviving sister, Sabrina Hampton (Melina Kanakeredes), while he also befriends June Sickles (JoBeth Williams), an older woman who lost her firefighting son too soon. Set primarily in Manhattan and on Coney Island (as well as in Queens and on Staten Island), INTO THE FIRE is a poignant, heart-wrenching film that examines love and loss in today's complex world. First-time director Phelan captures the relentless intensity that drives men and women to become cops and firefighters, seeking to help their fellow human being while also battling their own inner demons.
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A warmly Hello to everybody here!!!!

Hi all Stellarinas, hope you had a great Sunday and as much sunshine as we had over here :).

udonna, I agree, there´s a life after 30, which I can confirm from my own experience, too. :lol: And I´m sure, especially when I watch Melina, there´s a life after 40 :drool:.

My dear Andromenda, like to hear that, and to be honest, this life isn´t so bad too

Hi Stellarinas!

Well I haven't posted here in awhile :lol:

I love all the Melina pics girls :thumbsup: She looks so gorgeous!

Dear Axel, thanks for the pics, this woman is really admirable!!!

Hey Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't forget you! :D

I will remain optimistic, I swear to you that! I was just expressing those dark clouds which were flying throught my mind. I will just wait everything will be ok at the end of S6. We still have TONS of good episodes to enjoy from S6 :D

To all. This is Into teh fire official site (iam surprised i didn't post it before)

My dearest Debbie,

I am glad you´re optimistic again !!!!!!!!

Whatever will happen, we smacked Stellarinas here will keep together and make everything endurable!!!!

Thanks for the link, I looking forward to see Melina in a different character.

Have a nice day!!!!!

dear catu and AlienM---> the best of Into the fire is Melina portrays twin sisters!!!!!!!! And Twice Melina is Twice better :D Also i like the guy who was with her. I have taped 15 minutes but i cound't watch it because my VCR died grrrrrrr (and i couldn't tape 5.16 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but my dad got a new one but i still need time to test it)
I was surprised how different Melina seems to portray Stella and then one different character (probably that's why i love her! She is a great actress :D)

Can`t agree with you more Deb!:)
I caught 15 minutes yesterday in Space I was so happy! It made mi day:lol:
Welcome Udonna to the Stellarina Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Sorry for the delay. My line phone was dead and i barely was at home this Monday!


Debbie :D

ps: Catu, i can see you are counting days down too:lol: JUST 24 hours gals!!!!!!!!
maybe a weird thing to say for this pic but i love her shoes:guffaw:
Good evening, Stellarinas! Ill be quick - hot time, Roland Gaross - and a pieсe of my soule is in Paris with Dinara and Victoria and with Nadal (gooooooo Rafa!!)
maybe a weird thing to say for this pic but i love her shoes:guffaw:
I like her legs:drool::drool: and dress, but you right meggzie this shoes are something....
Welcome Meggzie to the Stellarina World!!!!!!!!! It is always a plasure to have new members here!
My very dear udonna--->
My dearest Debbie,

I am glad you´re optimistic again !!!!!!!!

Whatever will happen, we smacked Stellarinas here will keep together and make everything endurable!!!!

Thanks for the link, I looking forward to see Melina in a different character.
I have decied to take every day as it is and i will enjoy Stella until her last minute. Hopefully it will be in a long long long time :D

Dearest Catu--->
Can`t agree with you more Deb!:)
I caught 15 minutes yesterday in Space I was so happy! It made mi day:lol:

Oh dear!!! have you Multicanal? Because i could check and Into tjhe fire will be aired in June so you can go there and in the search window you can type Melina's name and all her movies will pop inmediately.
Also Hallmark channel was airing The Stand with Gary!!!!!!

Sweet Galina--->
I like her legs:drool::drool: and dress, but you right meggzie this shoes are something....
I mus agree with you. Her legs are amazing, long and perfect! In my next life i want to have them:guffaw:

Welcome pics for Meggzie




Dearest Catu--->
Can`t agree with you more Deb!:)
I caught 15 minutes yesterday in Space I was so happy! It made mi day:lol:
Oh dear!!! have you Multicanal? Because i could check and Into tjhe fire will be aired in June so you can go there and in the search window you can type Melina's name and all her movies will pop inmediately.
Also Hallmark channel was airing The Stand with Gary!!!!!!

Deb! I do have Multicanal sure I will go an check!!:thumbsup:
Love the pics!:)
Welcome Meggzie to the Stellarina World!!!!!!!!! It is always a plasure to have new members here!
My very dear udonna--->
My dearest Debbie,

I am glad you´re optimistic again !!!!!!!!

Whatever will happen, we smacked Stellarinas here will keep together and make everything endurable!!!!

Thanks for the link, I looking forward to see Melina in a different character.
I have decied to take every day as it is and i will enjoy Stella until her last minute. Hopefully it will be in a long long long time :D

Dearest Catu--->
Can`t agree with you more Deb!:)
I caught 15 minutes yesterday in Space I was so happy! It made mi day:lol:

Oh dear!!! have you Multicanal? Because i could check and Into tjhe fire will be aired in June so you can go there and in the search window you can type Melina's name and all her movies will pop inmediately.
Also Hallmark channel was airing The Stand with Gary!!!!!!

Sweet Galina--->
I like her legs:drool::drool: and dress, but you right meggzie this shoes are something....
I mus agree with you. Her legs are amazing, long and perfect! In my next life i want to have them:guffaw:

Welcome pics for Meggzie





Is it just me or does Melina look awesome in red? :drool: Gary and her look so cute in that other pic! They have really good screen chemistry...

I agree with you, Ghawazee:I would love to have her legs in my next life, too! *Googly-eyed*

Gotta love Stellarina World! :thumbsup:
Welcome Miyukiseta to the Stellarina World!!!!!!!!! we are very friendly here and certainly we are close to insanity but not so close yet! It's very nice to have you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (may i call you Miyu?????? I have this old habit from the Smacked Family Thread of shortern up nicknames a litle bit :D
Is it just me or does Melina look awesome in red? :drool: Gary and her look so cute in that other pic! They have really good screen chemistry...

I agree with you, Ghawazee:I would love to have her legs in my next life, too! *Googly-eyed*
Gotta love Stellarina World! :thumbsup:

She does! she does! :D She constantly wears "Melina" colours: black,blue, red and green (well, at least most of pics i have got she is in those colours ;) )


and this is the article which explains much better why i am shouting like a mad woman now

my sweet Catu---> i will be as a hawk checking program listings but i willlet you knwo time and day of Into the fire and all Melina's and Gary's movies!!!!!!!
I only remember now Into the fire will be aired by Fox!!!!!!!

Welcome pics for Miyukiseta

Melina in red

Melina in black

Melina in green

Melina in (partial) blue



Debbie :D
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Love that green dress, it totally suits her. And I WANT THOSE SHOES!!!! *spazzes slightly*

*SMACked heart beats a bit* They look great together *sigh* *coughs* hm yes she looks awesome in red.

So anyway, yeah I wish I had something productive to say but it's 2:25 here in the morning and I'm too busy watching vids on YouTube :lol:
Hi, Stellarinas!
Wellcome,Miyukiseta - I am Gala, glad you here.
Debbie, how I can understand your exams are great what is why you start spoil us new great pics with greek beauty.
I read links - hope it wil be spesial day for Melina. I wonder, if she choose the dress for it.
Hi Stellarina,,,

Long time not posting in here...

Welcome to all new members... I'm Gaby... Have fun around :)



Thanks for the link... It's funny that the award is "Gabby" :lol:

Best color for Melina: Red and Green (the latter is a bit bias, though... :D)

Welcome Miyukiseta to the Stellarina World!!!!!!!!! we are very friendly here and certainly we are close to insanity but not so close yet! It's very nice to have you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (may i call you Miyu?????? I have this old habit from the Smacked Family Thread of shortern up nicknames a litle bit :D
Is it just me or does Melina look awesome in red? :drool: Gary and her look so cute in that other pic! They have really good screen chemistry...

I agree with you, Ghawazee:I would love to have her legs in my next life, too! *Googly-eyed*
Gotta love Stellarina World! :thumbsup:
She does! she does! :D She constantly wears "Melina" colours: black,blue, red and green (well, at least most of pics i have got she is in those colours ;) )


and this is the article which explains much better why i am shouting like a mad woman now

my sweet Catu---> i will be as a hawk checking program listings but i willlet you knwo time and day of Into the fire and all Melina's and Gary's movies!!!!!!!
I only remember now Into the fire will be aired by Fox!!!!!!!

Welcome pics for Miyukiseta

Melina in red

Melina in black

Melina in green

Melina in (partial) blue



Debbie :D

Hi Stellarinas!!!
Deb, I havent check programs listintgs yet, but I`m thinking of renting a coumple of her and his movies!!!:thumbsup:
Agree with you all about the color, dresses and shoes!!!I want them!!:lol:
Hope she wins the Gabby award!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Have a wonderful day, :) I have loads to study!!lol
Welcome Miyukiseta to the Stellarina World!!!!!!!!! we are very friendly here and certainly we are close to insanity but not so close yet! It's very nice to have you here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (may i call you Miyu?????? I have this old habit from the Smacked Family Thread of shortern up nicknames a litle bit :D
Is it just me or does Melina look awesome in red? :drool: Gary and her look so cute in that other pic! They have really good screen chemistry...

I agree with you, Ghawazee:I would love to have her legs in my next life, too! *Googly-eyed*
Gotta love Stellarina World! :thumbsup:

She does! she does! :D She constantly wears "Melina" colours: black,blue, red and green (well, at least most of pics i have got she is in those colours ;) )


and this is the article which explains much better why i am shouting like a mad woman now

my sweet Catu---> i will be as a hawk checking program listings but i willlet you knwo time and day of Into the fire and all Melina's and Gary's movies!!!!!!!
I only remember now Into the fire will be aired by Fox!!!!!!!

Welcome pics for Miyukiseta

Melina in red

Melina in black

Melina in green

Melina in (partial) blue



Debbie :D

Oh, go ahead!:) My friends at school give me even weirder nicknames, like "Tofu"...:shifty: Not sure why...:confused: Call me whatever you want!^^

Melina looks really good in green too!:thumbsup: Thanks for posting the pics! ;)
Hope she wins the Gabby award!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Have a wonderful day, :) I have loads to study!!lol

Hello my dear Stellarinas,

it´s horrible,
I justed posted it in another thread:

No time, no loudspeaker on the laptop and no possibility to look at the pics.

A torture!!!

But I will try to vote for Melina ( does it depend on the country you live in?)
But you spoke about shoes, I am sure I will like them and also her dress for I like her style.

A warmly hello to Miyukiseta!!! I am here for about a month and it is great!!!!!

Have a nice day!!!
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