Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Welcome to the Stellarina Thread, Vanessa!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy you are here. Sorry for being so late. I have two examns and among that English papers as well and i can't be here as much as before:shifty:
Oh yes, one hell of a long summer... hope we'll get spoilers for season 6 soooooon!!!!

and thaaaanks!! And don't worry, I'm completely nuts so I think I fit in well here!!

don't worry dear! you fit here perfectly! Especially since this thread (and the Mac thread too) have been become into two satellites of the Smacked Family Thread:guffaw: we are completely insane for a good cause:lol: Better get spoilers or i will be vanished for the impatience :lol:

Dear Andromeda (i will write to you later my dear):bolian:

Funny how I live in LA, yet I'm never able to head over to one of these things to catch a glimpse of Melina... :(
Oh Nat! don't repeat it!:eek::eek::eek: One of my dentist (LOL it's not i have many. It was just I needed a surgeon dentist once) lived near certain studios and i have seen many many many actors but i have never been interested in knowing them. Something different would be with Melina. I don't know if i would be able to say a word. Maybe i would start to sob:lol: I guess Melina would need paper and pencils to make me write what i would try to say:lol:
I love her. Seriously!

CdfSjaI--> THANK you for your kindness!!!!!!!!! and you are welcome anytime you want to share with us your opinion on Melina:bolian:

I haven't forgotten about you, I'm just jumping around happily due to personal stuff that went even better than expected. Happy Plen is happy! :thumbsup:
and i'm very happy for you. But watch out! you need to maintain your fame! Be happy but rant and curse as much as usual:lol::lol:
I haven't been able to read all of your posts, but I see you still want to know who Stella's father is. Do you think we'll get to know it? I certainly don't think so, since professor P seemed to be the only one who may have known it and he sadly kicked the bucket in a very soapy way. I only missed him screaming "Noooooo, Stella mou!" when he took the shot for her. Anyway, as I always say, you never know. The door was left open and it can lead anywhere.
That's my girl!:lol: There were several men around Stella's mom in the picture so one of them could be Stella's father and if he knew so did those men. We can only hope that story will be in the future. Her story IS interesting. Actually i would like to know what was her mom's name was!!!!!:wtf: (Intrigue kills Debbie. Debbie doesn't like intrigue:shifty:Debbie wants to know:p)

My dear Udonna--->
Dear Debbie,

thanks again for the great pics. You are right, Melina and Gary must really have a great relationship so you can feel it when they are playing Stella and Mac
i need to check the Melina Forum again but i think they are the greatest friends so i imagine it's easier to portray Mac and Stella's friendship. i remember Melina saying her eldest baby Zoe got used to call Gary to play "doll tea":thumbsup: I couldn't find that interview anymore but it's a proof how great friends they are considering they have to share many hours together:)


Olive oil makes me think of Stella too, more precisely of Mac and Stella.:devil: I love that scene in Triborough when she is talking about the oil.
Especially because Stella put that video on, do you remember?. was she trying to give some ideas for the future?:devil::lol: Stella can be VERY wild sometimes:lol:
Thanks for the gorgeous pics, Debbie. My fave is the one of Mac and Stella looking at a file together, though I do like the one with her in the pink top, she looks great. So does Gary.

I can't wait for GFD to air here, as I said, I think it airs the weekend of my 24th birthday, which is a really nice and cool coincidence.
you are very welcome and you WILL FAINT OF LOVE! TRUST ME. Di you think 5.16 was good enough? well forget it! your heart must be open to the change in Mac Taylor. IN LOVE MAC TAYLOR. The guy is just so ready for her and she is so ready for him!:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: I swear you will faint!

Love the first one!!
And the second one is so sweet!!
the second one looks like a wallper but itseld, isn't it? I loved Rach's capture! And the second one, i need to check but i think it was the first time Melina attended Gary's show with LtDan band. I need to confirm that info but i do believe it was in Chicago years ago:thumbsup:

Welcome pics for Vanessa!!! and for all Stellarinas (I have missed you!)

This beauty was made by Sam222


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Hopefully you've all seen this (Melina at Greek Festival in LA):
Not fair. The video was deleted, at least that's what Youtube says :(

Grrrrrr....stupid school blocking thingy...

Funny how I live in LA, yet I'm never able to head over to one of these things to catch a glimpse of Melina... :(
Well, LA isn't exactly a small village and there are so many things going on all the time I'm not surprised you can't go to these events. Maybe you don't even know about them until they have already taken place. Who knows, maybe one day you'll get lucky and get to talk to her or even be photographed beside her :thumbsup:

Deb, I didn't quite like the twist Melina introduced to Stella's story. It needed so much believing and so many offscreen explanations it reminded me of Danny's sudden "family of cops". You need to think a lot about it until you say "ha! It makes sense... I think". Also, Stella's background was already confusing enough. I can understand she wanted to have her very own Stella and that she thought giving her a personal connection to the Greek coin case would be cool, but it was a little bit too much, IMHO. Plus, I don't know if it was because of the script or because some of the scenes were cut from the final version, but I felt I was seeing unrelated bits of an Indiana Jones movie without Indiana Jones.
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My little rebellious--->
Deb, I didn't quite like the twist Melina introduced to Stella's story. It needed so much believing and so many offscreen explanations it reminded me of Danny's sudden "family of cops". You need to think a lot about it until you say "ha! It makes sense... I think". Also, Stella's background was already confusing enough. I can understand she wanted to have her very own Stella and that she thought giving her a personal connection to the Greek coin case would be cool, but it was a little bit too much, IMHO. Plus, I don't know if it was because of the script or because some of the scenes were cut from the final version, but I felt I was seeing unrelated bits of an Indiana Jones movie without Indiana Jones.

If you remember carefully when The Cost of Living was aired it has a certain"air" of Indiana Jones even from the promo. And even the opening sequence was like that.
Only later in 5.24 episode there was a mixture ofIndiana Jones and The Da Vinci Code which was not bad at all.On the contrary it was entertaining and emotional and it gave me all things i wanted .Probably you are right and several scenes were cut which could explain more facts. But the truth is is felt the episode had sense indeed except for that little "gift" called Stella's age
Those changes were made BEFORE the episode was aired (as i said 1.15 and 3.22)so Melina is not responsible for that
Even the age thing i don't think it was a melina's idea because she seems to be very happy with her own age but whoever decided it i bless him/her/them! :D

Debbie :D
But the truth is is felt the episode had sense indeed except for that little "gift" called Stella's age

Debbie :D[/QUOTE]

Good morning everybody here,

I always have to chuckle in myself a little bit when I read the discussion about Stellas age.;)

My opinion: Melina is a wonderful, great looking, gorgeous..... actress and hear age in the eps in my eyes is believable

I am not 15 anymore so you can believe, it´s still worth living when you are older than 30!!!!!!

Have a nice day!!!!

Hey Stellarinas!!!!!!!! I have been absent becaiuse of examns and because of i was looking for interesting things to post in here:bolian: (good news I passed my Chemistry examination, bad news is i have other two examns next week:lol:

Dear udonna--->
Good morning everybody here,

I always have to chuckle in myself a little bit when I read the discussion about Stellas age.;)

My opinion: Melina is a wonderful, great looking, gorgeous..... actress and hear age in the eps in my eyes is believable

I am not 15 anymore so you can believe, it´s still worth living when you are older than 30!!!!!!

Have a nice day!!!!
And i believe Melina everything! I don't care Stella's age but making her younger privides her of pleanty possibilities for Stella to live (experiences i mean):drool: So i bless whoever decides that!:thumbsup:
My sweet Catu-->
Couldnt agree more!! She rocks no matter what!!!:thumbsup:
and i agree with you too:lol: she can portray an alien and i will still believe her! She made a great job with her story and she made a lot of people around the wrold very happy Stellarinas and Smacked:bolian:
My truly dear Andromeda,

I won´t dwell on this story-change and age-thing forever, I promise . I accept it the way it is now and after all Melina did a great job with writing the script; the more I re-watch this ep., the more I enjoy it (oh, don´t ask, how often I´ve watched it already ).
oh well, there is not a problem with you!:bolian: and is there any chance you become into a Smacked fan or i still need to try harder?:lol: I have to confess you i did love the episode too. Maybe because it's personal. In the same way Yarhzeit was personal to Mac (and i did love that episode as well) I could enjoy GFD as both a Smacked fan and a Stella fan . Finally i could watch the type of scenes i wanted. Do you remember when i told you i wanted Stella falling apart? well in a certain way we watched her like that! The moment Professor P. died in her arms was very emotional and one the greatest scenes of the episode. (I can't help myself. I adore how Melina cries on screen):luvlove:And there were things to please the whole fandom: Danny and Flack, Danny and Lindsay, Hawkes and Adam, Sid and Hawkes. Well, better i don't mention Mac and Stella so good, so PERFECT! And those lines i liked, have touched all Smacked fans' heart as well because i have read the same type of comments everywhere. Even DL fans started liking Smacked scenes as well!Yes, i suppose if a critic watches the episode, will find a lot of things to correct or to make a comment but i am a simple fan who likes simple things and for me it was PERFECT! :D Curious is sometimes a emotional episode is not that easy to get. At least not the type of emotions we were looking for until 5.24! I have waited A CENTURY for an episode like that...and even we didn't have a kiss!!!!!!!! It was AMAZING and we still didn't get a kiss. Could you imagine what is going to happen when finally Mac and Stella kiss each other for the first time????:adore:
And to my surprise i expect that doesn't happen inmediately. It's a delight to watch them enjoying their new discovered love. I can't believe what i am saying!:lol: But it's so sweet their glances and slight touches. However if it happens soon i won't complain Real love must prevail:adore: Also there were lots of things to enjoy beyond characters' interactions: sincerely i LOVED the opening sequence! Greek Threatre yay! Because it was Greek and because that scene was so full of beauty!!!!!and the music!!!!! I guess i DID like Melina's effort. It was like a birthday gift to me!:bolian:

Oh, yes, I can be a very hard nut to crack, but finally I do submit now . You may be right that Melina or whoever had the idea with giving her the age of 34 did this to leave certain options open, i.e. the baby-thing and such . Who knows, it might happen, but for now I suppose the producers might not think about such ideas because there is the Montana-baby in the show. So I guess, we´d have to wait quite a while until we´d see a Bonasera/Taylor-family .
as i said above i see Melina very happy with her own age. So it must be someone else who had the idea but certainly nothing but the best can happen to him/her/them because he/she/them gave a chance to Stella for a baby and i am truly happy and grateful for that! I know we might wait but i also know i can wait forever for such joy for Stella mou and Mac! Awwwwww i melt just imagining how good it could be if it happens. So i will keep praying for that little miracle. My heart won't give up on that miracle!:angel:
That´s absolutely right, still there´s another mystery for Stella to be revealed and discovered and who knows, maybe her father is really a man of power. But rather than having secretly helped her with early promotions, I like the thought that whatever Stella has achieved in her life, it was because she alone fought for it.
yes, i know, i know! i do believe she got everything by her own effort too. However i must confess when i wrote this i was deeply under the influence of my beloved previous show where the lady had a man in power as dad but certainly it didn't help her at all:lol:
Still i would like to know more of Stella's unknown dad (there were more men in the pic. Maybe one of them knew Stella's father and not only Professor P.). And much more if later that affects Stella's life somehow (not having her mom alive was hard for her:( so at least if her father is in some place around the world Stella will understand more and more her own story:bolian:)
Yes, true, Stella is sort of mother of the company, she´s there for everyone of the team, she cares for all and they all love her and see her as their genuine friend. If Stell would be the one to be hit, they would all freak out in fear for Stella´s life, but Mac would completely go nuts, let alone Adam. For Flack it would also be a nightmare of which he never seems to wake- just having lost his girlfriend Jess and now another collegue and great friend in danger ( I think independently if it´s Stella or another of the team, Flack will be devastated).
believe me i pay for watching something like your scenario. i want Stella the one to be in danger! It would be priceless to see how the whole team reacts to that. I said Adam because he had such sweet crush on her!:p Thanks God it was just a crush from him to her. I truly enjoy their relationship just like it is. Sometimes Mac and Stella acted like Adam's parents and that was just too perfect (5.05 and 5.15 for example!). Regarding Don i have always seen their relationship as brother and sister. Don could talk to Stella something he couldn't do with Sam in the past and Stella appreciated a lot that
And maybe you´re right that there was more to these two scenes than we might know yet. I mean it´s clear that the events in Greece have put Mac and Stella closer together. He was there at a very private situation for Stella, when she found out all these things about her Mum, he was there to comfort her when all sorts of emotions broke through in her, when she cried. Their bond is stronger than ever and maybe that showed in ep. 25.
yes, but i wasn't referring to the "smacked" side of 5.25 Heck! you do know i notice that type of things!:lol:(My imagination runs faster than Will E Coyote and RoadRunner:guffaw:) I was referring those scenes "suggested" it could be Stella the one to be shot because they were very emotional and they were deeply connected to her and the fact she is alone and her only family is her lab Family and she was chosen to make that toast and she invited Mac to the coffee bar and now they are starting a new relationship (not too obvious but they realize their feelings are deeper than they thought):adore:
Again my secret hope Stella is the one to be shot and to survive.
Really, after 5.24, I hpe Stella wouldn't be with anyone else. She couldn't! she showed herself vulnerable in front of him, crying OMG i just loved so much that scene!:luvlove:
Oh, yes, I can imagine how Melina has met all your shipper hopes, having found the right words and scenes for all you Smackies
Certainly i don't know how she could know exactly what we needed. because it was deeply romantic and we didn't have the kiss i mentioned before! and it was PERFECT anyway!!!!! I mean producers could tell her: "Melina, their relationship is gonna change. Write the scenes" But she gave us EXACTLY what we wanted and what we were hoping for! Stella's crying and falling in his arms, Rambo Stella and Vulnerable Stella, Stella worried for her relationship with Mac, Stella almost confessing her love for him at the end. Stelal sadi a lot without words. And Mac too! going to Greece it's the biggest proof. He even cared for her enough to protect her from legal issues in front of Greek authorities. And he found out about Stella's mum. he gave her back her past Mein Gott! i think i need to stop talking about 5.24:lol:
BTW one of the most amazing and incredible experience was to share the countdown to 5.24 with girls inside the Smacked Thread! Hour after hour we lived the experience and it's something i will never forget! we waited 2 months for that episode and every minute was worth of it
Take care, Debs, thanks for missing me, am just busy with work, but be sure I´ll keep popping in .
thank you for being here and there (in the other thread). I am still worried. I told Pleni it could be interesting not knowing if melina would be back or not during the summer and a Stella-centered-cliffhanger but i discovered my own box as Pandora did:shifty:. I only hope she will have a new contract by the end of the season:bolian:

many hugs and take care. I always expect your messages!:)

Presents for my Stellarinas (and Gala hoping you feel better now and you are out of bed by this time:bolian:)

A very interesting site:

A very interesting article

And some pic to delight me;)


SAShe was Smacked fan ever since!:lol:

And this scene i have never seen in the episode (I believe it was not included in the final cut)

love y'all Debbie :D
Good morning,
And spesial good morning, Debbie!
Congratulations for you - dont worry about another exams - I know, youll be fine - send all my love a from extrem side of the world and Sasha huges you!
I am ok now. We had got a great on-line party yesterday and it is beatiful morning now: I read the article (yea, tea-party with daughter after the movie-murder - it is real life for actress:lol::lol:). Always as I see Melinas pics I am like "OMG, tell me how she can be so beatiful! Her dress, her eyes, her hair - she is amazing!!"
Gala,Sweetie! I am so happy you ok now! Send my love to Sasha!!!! I am good with kids :D

I loved that article too. It tells how deep if their friendship and how caring they are. I love everytime she is invited to somewhere she is "Gary do this, gary do that" It's a great and fraternal relationship like brother and siter in RL! (Thanks God Mac and Stell are NOT:lol::lol:).

My presents for you and Sasha. I have posted this some weeks ago but i am not sure if you know it


from her movie "Into the fire"


And now Goddess melina :D


Many hugs dear and take care!

Debbie :D
I am still worried. I told Pleni it could be interesting not knowing if melina would be back or not during the summer and a Stella-centered-cliffhanger but i discovered my own box as Pandora did:shifty:. I only hope she will have a new contract by the end of the season:bolian:

And some pic to delight me;)

SAShe was Smacked fan ever since!:lol:

love y'all Debbie :D

DEar Debbie,

it really makes me nervous when you are worried ,for the time I am here I remember you as the optimist!!!!!!:rolleyes:

I like the advertisment and the wordplay !!! ( BTW it´s VOX I am watching)

Thanks for the links, I love to read about Melina!

and of course congratulation for your passed exams!!!

And one word to the picture above:

My husband saw it and he
- I think in future I won´t have to look CSI NY alone anymore!!!!! Thanks Debbie!!!!!

HAve a nice day!!!!

That dress ^^ = stunning!

Now I'll have to check out "Into the Fire" I love watching my favorite TV actor/resses in movies, seeing how different they are etc.

Congrats on your passed exams Debbie!!
That dress ^^ = stunning!

Now I'll have to check out "Into the Fire" I love watching my favorite TV actor/resses in movies, seeing how different they are etc.

I love that too!!:)

Debbie, thaks so much for the pics they are awsome, congrats on your passed tests and good luck for the ones to come!:thumbsup:
Hi all Stellarinas, hope you had a great Sunday and as much sunshine as we had over here :).

udonna, I agree, there´s a life after 30, which I can confirm from my own experience, too. :lol: And I´m sure, especially when I watch Melina, there´s a life after 40 :drool:.

Pleni, whatever it is that makes you a happy person- congrats to that and stay happy :).

My truly dear Andromeda,
oh well, there is not a problem with you!:bolian: and is there any chance you become into a Smacked fan or i still need to try harder?:lol:
My dearest Ghawazee, first of all many congratulations from me, too, and good luck with the rest of the exams :thumbsup:.
Well, let´s put it that way: I wouldn´t mind if one day Stella´s and Mac´s special relationship would turn into a romance ;). But for now I´m happy the way it is with little hints and the one or other flirtatious moment, but that it´s basically an unbreakable, special friendship. So you still must try a bit harder :D
Yes, I remember you wanted scenes where Stella would fall apart and in this episode we sort of had them when the Professor died and she cried and the scene before when she cried and asked why he never told her about her Mum before. It was very moving to watch Stella being so heartbroken, it really brought me close to tears.
I only wish there would have been more time in the show than the usual 45 or so minutes; some scenes were or seemed rushed, because it´s just impossible to stuff all things into such a short running time. And maybe that´s why some critics felt it wasn´t a good episode, but it´s hard for an author to do fully justice to a story that is divided in a personal side and a crime case- side, when there´s not enough time.
And while we Stella/Mac-fans were and are happy with such personal episodes, I guess, the more "neutral" CSI-fans had their problems to deal with it and that´s why they hate it. But still it makes me sad if some vote it as the worst episode of this season, even though most of them don´t take it personal against Melina. But to me it´s like it spoils her efforts when she really actually did a good job.

yes, i know, i know! i do believe she got everything by her own effort too. However i must confess when i wrote this i was deeply under the influence of my beloved previous show where the lady had a man in power as dad but certainly it didn't help her at all:lol:
Still i would like to know more of Stella's unknown dad (there were more men in the pic. Maybe one of them knew Stella's father and not only Professor P.). And much more if later that affects Stella's life somehow (not having her mom alive was hard for her:( so at least if her father is in some place around the world Stella will understand more and more her own story:bolian:)
I think more than being a man of power or influence, Stella would want her Dad just to be a dear and loving person with heart and soul. And of course, mostly she will hope to find him still alive, so that at least she would be able to meet and talk to one part of her parents and ask all the questions she could never ask the Professor anymore. Yes, maybe one of the guys on the pic is her father.

believe me i pay for watching something like your scenario. i want Stella the one to be in danger! It would be priceless to see how the whole team reacts to that. I said Adam because he had such sweet crush on her!:p Thanks God it was just a crush from him to her. I truly enjoy their relationship just like it is. Sometimes Mac and Stella acted like Adam's parents and that was just too perfect (5.05 and 5.15 for example!).
Yes, if TPTB would swear that they´ll let survive Stella, then I wouldn´t have a problem if it was her to be hit, to see the reaction of the team.
The scenes between Adam and Stella are sweet, I agree, and his crush is kind of funny, but never ridiculous. Well, you know, Mac and Stella are sometimes Big Mummy and Big Daddy :D.

yes, but i wasn't referring to the "smacked" side of 5.25 Heck! you do know i notice that type of things!:lol:(My imagination runs faster than Will E Coyote and RoadRunner:guffaw:) I was referring those scenes "suggested" it could be Stella the one to be shot because they were very emotional and they were deeply connected to her and the fact she is alone and her only family is her lab Family and she was chosen to make that toast and she invited Mac to the coffee bar and now they are starting a new relationship (not too obvious but they realize their feelings are deeper than they thought):adore:
Ok, got what you mean and I agree, all these scenes made me wonder, too, if they were hints that Stella might be the one to get hurt. She said to Mac something like "these last days were totally horrible", to which I thought that poor Stella still didn´t have any clue how horrible the following days might be. And yes, that she spoke the toast for Jess, the embrace with Mac, the scene with her back exposed to the gun.....were these all signs and hints? We can only wait and see.....

Certainly i don't know how she could know exactly what we needed. because it was deeply romantic and we didn't have the kiss i mentioned before! and it was PERFECT anyway!!!!! I mean producers could tell her: "Melina, their relationship is gonna change. Write the scenes" But she gave us EXACTLY what we wanted and what we were hoping for! Stella's crying and falling in his arms, Rambo Stella and Vulnerable Stella, Stella worried for her relationship with Mac, Stella almost confessing her love for him at the end. Stelal sadi a lot without words. And Mac too! going to Greece it's the biggest proof. He even cared for her enough to protect her from legal issues in front of Greek authorities. And he found out about Stella's mum. he gave her back her past Mein Gott! i think i need to stop talking about 5.24:lol:
I think nobody knows Stella now better than Melina, so she knew which ingredients to put into the script ;). And they coincided in a way with the ingredients that you shippers like in your Smacked-food ;). And then add the Greek storyline to it, and Melina was over the moon to write this episode :D.

BTW one of the most amazing and incredible experience was to share the countdown to 5.24 with girls inside the Smacked Thread! Hour after hour we lived the experience and it's something i will never forget! we waited 2 months for that episode and every minute was worth of it
Oh, I imagine well how much fun you Smackies had with anticipating this episode and speculating about what would happen :).

thank you for being here and there (in the other thread). I am still worried. I told Pleni it could be interesting not knowing if melina would be back or not during the summer and a Stella-centered-cliffhanger but i discovered my own box as Pandora did:shifty:. I only hope she will have a new contract by the end of the season:bolian:
You´re very welcome and it´s always a great pleasure to be here and there :). Well, we might get some "secret" news or even spoilers during the summer about what will happen in the first eppy of S6, but otherwise we´ll have to wait what will happen. Rumours always had it that Melina´s contract was lasting until the END of S6, but with this Damokles´ sword called "budget cuts" hanging from above, you can never know and contracts can be changed. Melina´s salary is higher than that of Emmanuelle was, that´s for sure. If they need to cut more budgets then they´ll definitely take one of the main characters and not another more "minor" in terms of salary like Adam or Sid,......

Many hugs to you, too, take care and thanks a lot for the piccies :drool: and the links :)

Bye and hugs to you all :)
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I miss my fellow Stellarinas!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't been here for a while. I'm trying to recover from Angell withdrawal after seeing her die in that awful finale ~ yes, awful! Please forgive me for using that word. It just made me choke throughout the episode. Looking at Stella and Flack in pain was too much for me.

Deb, i simply adore those Melina noir portraits. Wearing a straight hair shows her a different angle. I don't care if she looks like Celine Dion, but she's simply...*thud*!

See ya soon, ladies. ^_^ V!
Hi Stellarinas!

Well I haven't posted here in awhile :lol:

I love all the Melina pics girls :thumbsup: She looks so gorgeous!

Care for some more?:


Old one from GL


This one made my jaw drop
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