Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

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  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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CdfSjaI---> thanks a lot for that vid. :D :D :D

Athens, i feel the same. It is shown how great chemistry they have not only on screen but offscreen too :D

Catu and sucker4smacked---> i truly hope we have confirmation soon. At leats it was decided to become godmother to Lindsay's mother (ehich is stupid because it's already Lucy's grandma) or Sam (Lindsay and Sam are not close enough as Lindsay with Stella) so i do hope Stella will be the godmother

I just only want they make it soon :D

love and hugs to all and i am glad you lise these pics

Debbie :D
Ooooh, two days off, and so much to catch up :), hello to all, especially new Stellarinas, and get well to those, resp. their kiddies who´ve fallen ill :)


mm let's clear facts

Stella was born in Greece in 1975.
AT the age of 2 she was brought by her mother to NYC because of work.
Two days later the exhibition her mother was killed in a car accident
Baby Stella was sent to an orphanage and she got into the foster care system until she was 8 years old
After Mindy ran away she was in the system again but she was helped by Professor Papakota so she got into St Basil.

Now everything has sense to me. Even her previous reference to be in St Francis. That could be her first destiny as Baby Stella. Then Foster care then St Basil
The only thing is ticking in my mind why Professor Papakota allowed she grew up in the foster care system until the age of 8
Because i understood Stella's reference of "He saved me from foster care" as if he saved her a bit but not completely because she did live in the system for a while

Certainly i don't know american foster care system so i can't go further ;)

Still i do think he is not her father
Right, you´ve listed these facts the way it makes sense and matches with the story we got told in the ep. Maybe it´s confusing to me because I still have the original biography in my head with Stella having three siblings for whom she cared for a while after Daddy Bonasera was killed and Mummy Bonasera vanished or died, too, though it was changed already in the middle of S1. Might be I´d prefer that story more, because I kinda had the image in my head of Stella who´d become a cop because of her tragic history and because she wants to care for justice and secretly dreams of finding the murderer of her father one day.
Well, I still don´t get to terms with Stella´s age :D, OK, unlike the other things of her biography, her age was never mentioned before this episode or so I think, so they (or Melina?) could choose any figure that would please them and fit. But isn´t 34 years too young to already have achieved such a high position as co-boss at the CSI? I have no idea how it works in the USA with the Police Academy and further education to become a detective. But I just thought she´s somehow too young for a career like that. But I may be wrong ;).

i think Pleni can build a school:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:. Girls said Stella could be the one to be harm. But i didn't hear Melina want to leave so i trust if she is the one to be wounded she will survive ;)
However it's SO DARN PROMISING!:drool: it would have been PERFECT. Just to the measure of my dreams.
LOL don't misunderstand me, i don't want anything bad happens to Stella mou. Not even a feather harms her. I don't want Stella to be fired either. However i always like to imagine multiple scenarios and options where Stella is the focus (call me fan:lol:)
I´ll join Pleni´s school :D. As I said, even if Stella is the one who got hit by the bullets, I`m sure she´ll survive due to what Mrs. Veasey said about the beginning of S6.

Also Mr Lenkov said TPTB had plans for Stella mou so i doubt anything bad happens to her
Exactly, and I think with "big plans" for Stella he meant that she´ll be the one in jeopardy and probably how dramatic the fight for her life will be.

Pleni, I think Stella´s glass was smashed by the bullets, so it could well be that she was hit, too. But they shot the sequences the way that we can´t tell who was really hit until the riddle will be solved in S6 (or the first reliable spoiler appears in a few weeks :D).
And yes, the Stell & Adam-scene was as usual priceless, though serious :lol:.

Love & hugs to you all :)
Catu--> you simply are GREAT! Axel was looking for more Melina's new interviews inside the Smacked Family Thread. I'll let her know! :D

My very dear Andromeda,
Right, you´ve listed these facts the way it makes sense and matches with the story we got told in the ep. Maybe it´s confusing to me because I still have the original biography in my head with Stella having three siblings for whom she cared for a while after Daddy Bonasera was killed and Mummy Bonasera vanished or died, too, though it was changed already in the middle of S1. Might be I´d prefer that story more, because I kinda had the image in my head of Stella who´d become a cop because of her tragic history and because she wants to care for justice and secretly dreams of finding the murderer of her father one day.

yes, i know. Probably it would have made more sense because it had explained why Stella became a cop, something we still don't know
But the truth is it was changed years ago so i don't understand comments (from other people, not you) towards the details we had in 5.24 when we already had those changes back in 1.15 and then in S3 (Cold Reveal):confused:
Well, I still don´t get to terms with Stella´s age :D, OK, unlike the other things of her biography, her age was never mentioned before this episode or so I think, so they (or Melina?) could choose any figure that would please them and fit. But isn´t 34 years too young to already have achieved such a high position as co-boss at the CSI? I have no idea how it works in the USA with the Police Academy and further education to become a detective. But I just thought she´s somehow too young for a career like that. But I may be wrong ;).
oh, i can see you are a hard nut to crack:lol: well, i know it is a little forced but i am pleased with the change. I was sad thinking we have many years to come and Stella without the chance to become *cough baby taylor's mommy* cough.

If Melina did this i bless her because she shows she wants Stella lives that experience. Nobody says she will be a housewife but for Stella, maternity is different because she never had anyone of her own next to her so she let her Stella to have chances to have her own family:thumbsup:

And yes, she is too young to be at that position but see how many possibilities we have now! We don't know who Stella's father is. what if her dad is someone with power who has been following her career so she received early (but deserved) promotions until she got the position she has now? Maybe it is stretching it too much but it can work anyway
(well at least in my imaginary world does work:lol:
I´ll join Pleni´s school :D. As I said, even if Stella is the one who got hit by the bullets, I`m sure she´ll survive due to what Mrs. Veasey said about the beginning of S6.
if you join Pleni's school you need to start cursing more often:lol: going back to previous comments here, we have been talking about how motherly Stella is with everyone in tha lab, in special with her boys (Adam and Hawkes my fav)
if she is the one to be hit by the bullets i think it would be truly interesting to see everyone's reaction to that event
Everyone would be affected, even if we know Stella will be fine at the end of the episode (unless they leave Stella with some kind of dissability:wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:) but i pay for watching Adam's reaction and mainly Mac's reaction. if Mac ran like an idiot when Virus was smashed:rolleyes: (i mean Virus stand for my dear friend Peyton:wtf:) then what could we expect if Stella is harm?:p. Being Flack so close to her, also i wonder how he takes if she is in danger after losing Angell
And Hawkes and Sid?
I believe Stella is very important, beyond the fact she is their friend,she is like the center, the "mother". Not for age of course (no way she can be Sid's mother:lol:) but for the role she has in the lab and in their lives, always protector of everyone, loyal to them, caring of them.
I truly would like to see them worried sick for her. She deserves it. And Mac would be devastated and hopefully he would wake up (at this point if he ran a race against my turtles, my pets would win:p:lol:)
Also i would pay for Mac freaking out
Exactly, and I think with "big plans" for Stella he meant that she´ll be the one in jeopardy and probably how dramatic the fight for her life will be.
i will enjoy it if it happens:p however i don't want to raise all my illusions up just in case. I mean, it's the best to stay rational until we get some juicy spoilers
However it gave me many hopes to see how Stella was there in two "key" scenes in Pay up: first in the lab. I am not talking about the hug because we already had many in the past and the kiss, again it's a mediterranean thing. I kiss everyone everyday so it's not a big surprise beyond the fact i do enjoy when they kiss (better to have that than nothing:p). It was how Mac looked at her. It meant something. I can't explain why. I only felt something was in the air ( and i am not talking about romance. it was something more:confused:)
The same happened when they were at the coffee bar. Stella looked at Mac when he got in and it was:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. Also the fact she was the one doing the toast. It was a scene full of meaning but i don't know why.
Stella in danger? Could be. I feel if she is the one in jeopardy we will see all boys with great and emotional scenes and Flack won't be the only one crying
But they shot the sequences the way that we can´t tell who was really hit until the riddle will be solved in S6 (or the first reliable spoiler appears in a few weeks :D).
And yes, the Stell & Adam-scene was as usual priceless, though serious :lol:.
If Stella is the one to be hit, then i have a lot of faith in Adam:bolian: i don't know if Mac would be in his senses to solve a case with her being in danger. "Because i care about you" is still ticking in my head. It's the best line ever for a shipper. i swear it :D (I hope Melina does write another episode. She understood Smacked needs. It was so different 5.24 i would be hoping a CSI: Worldwide spin off :D

take care (I missed you here:bolian:)

Debbie :D
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Hello! I'm MacsLady, and I've been thinking about joining this thread for a while because I love Melina (I've only seen her in CSI NY) and Stella. I find myself watching tv, and other actresses, and thinking they're not as pretty as Melina, or not as good actresses, or both. I'm mean!

What I like about Melina:
1) I read an interview and a couple of comments by her when she said how she loves to eat, and how she and her hubby are always going out to restaurants. I love that she takes real pleasure in eating and isn't one of those actresses who go on diets all the time and look ridiculously skinny. Melina looks great, I think, she looks like a 'real' woman, not some super skinny plastic-y model type.

2) She seems to be a very sweet woman who is big on family (both her 'NY' family and her 'real' one) and very caring.

3) She's really pretty but not in a blonde, plastic-surgery way, just natural.

4) Her name is cool.

What I like about Stella

1)Finally, a strong, independent female cop who's at the top of her field and yet isn't a bitch and doesn't swear all the time, and who doesn't have 'issues' with men. I am so tired of that cliche in tv shows and books, they suggest that to be a strong woman you have to be cold/a b*tch, which is rubbish.

2) Her compassion mixed with her determination to get justice and take down bad guys.

3) Her passion and the way she's prepared to overstep the line if she thinks that's what it takes to solve a case. I may not always agree with her actions, but I understand them.

4) That she is flawed. This makes her human and more believable.

5) Her relationship with all the people on the team, most especially Mac (Debbie, you know how much I like that relationship;)).

6) She speaks Greek!

Dear Andromeda:

This is what i wrote inside the Episode Discussion Thread. But if i were you, i woudn't pay too much attention to certain acid critics. There are lots of people who was willing to grade the episode with a "Z" even before it was aired. Being a Smacked episode written by Melina didn't help.
I don't care! I have critized plotlines before they were aired but later i have recognized i was wrong. I don't expect the same in this case ;)

BTW I LOVED Melina used her grandma's story to write this episode and i laughed when i heard she is 34 :D because i can't see Melina unhappy with her own age. However it helps, you know WHY! :D :D :D

Sometimes it's very easy to realize how to describe the technical side of a job but you can't never know how to paint emotions, feelings, souls...

Melina DID IT

In every sense of the word she painted all her emotions, Stella's emotions,Mac's emotions, her fans' emotions, Smacked fans' emotions in just one episode

General comments

The opening sequence was just AMAZING. Because of the type of episode and because of the beauty of the scene itself, the Greek threatre scene was just perfect, especially because i have been on stage so i know it is unusual and it is full of beauty

The background music used during the whole episode. It creates tension and more tension

The Athens footage (i hope this is the right word in English). However they were in Tesaloniki, how is possible it was showed the Parthenon??? (there are 512 km between both cities ;)

I liked very much in any case "Plastic Greece":lol:.I liked the fact Melina used her grandma's story to give her Stella a proper background.

And i really liked we saw a glimpse of Greece on this

(Ah! I love Greek's eyebrows:lol: They give them a lot of personality:thumbsup:

Personal comment

Nobody understand in the world to Stella better than Melina. And She did. Even when Stella knew she screwed up, her fear for losing Mac was very obvious. She had already handed her badge to him so she wasn't afraid of losing her job. It was the relationship with Mac she was afraid of losing it.
Stella felt she had the right to walk freely without the fear oif being attacked. This is not the first time that it happens. She already lived a terrible episode with Frankie and she didn't need another wacko chasing her to kill her. She didn't want to be a victim of her own fear . That's why she went after Diakos and Koslovos. Her wish of justice and her wish of being free of danger. She already knew the experience so she didn't want to repeat one more time
Itr wasn't easy for Mac either. It was so obvious he was upset because she lied to him and because she put herlsef in jeopardy regarding Sinclair.He didn't complain because he was his boss.He complaint because he CARED FOR HER
I truly enjoyed how realistic it was the Flack/Stella relationship. Usually he is weak towards her but now he wasn't.He was worried for Angell's participation and Stella's words to him made obvious she never intended to hurt anyone or put someone else in danger.So she only wanted Angell could know everything was ok and Angell was safe.
Beyond that, Flack is still her friend so i laughed when he said "Something i should do????". That's my Flack!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Poor Stella, she felt how her world was falling apart, first when she felt she lost Mac and her job and then when Danny and Flack went to pick up Professor Papakota

This episode also explained a lot of Stella's background. She always showed a great love for Arts.Of course, that's Melina's thing but we also found out, Stella's mother was a restoring artist. In 1977 she brought her 2 years old girl with her to NYC. So our Little Stella is Greek.
Which leads me to say her american side was emphasized at the beginning when she asked P.Papakota's brother to talk in English. I said: "WHAT?STELL, YOU TALK GREEK!"
However it was all very clear when at the end she talked in Greek with that man in charge of the Investigation. Stella finally ASSUMED and DISCOVERED who she was. Stella is GREEK. And She is proud of her inheritage!

Stella, many times was acussed of being "cold", however it was desmitified when Mac revealed her Professor P. was involved in the case. "He is not a murderer". Her voice broke 3 times. In those three times Little Stella appeared to reveal our Adult Stella has that little one inside her, who was an orphan, who grew up alone, who made herself, who built herself who knew her inheritage because of this tender Professor who resulted to be a thief
And Little Stella cried for all lies given to her but she was comforted by the only person who never lied to her: Mac. Shy Mac, Tender Mac, who outside the office showed all her feelings for her. He went across half world to be with her.
It was a revelation for them the very moment they found each other again at the Museum.He was shy, she was shy. She needed him. He needed to be there for her.
It will take sometime to make the obvious step in their relationship but the basis was already settled. They reached the moment when they discovered what they meant for each other

LOVED THIS EPISODE. LOVED IT because what it meant for Mac and Stella. I LOVED IT because what she still needs to discover (I don't think t all Professor papakota was her father)

I am in HEAVEN and i DON'T CARE the naughty comments. I feel it was perfect:bolian:
And let me tell you, i didn't feel the DL was a big deal.The first impression i had from comments i almost believed it was a DL episode when it wasn't and the lab scene were short and painless:bolian:

ps: I want love and laugh for my Stella. She cried a lot in this episode and Melina broke my heart each time:(
Wow, this episode sounds amazing! Can't wait to see it. Sounds like a great eppy for Stella and for Mac, and for Smacked which = heaven for me.
I know some changes were made to Stella's age and her background. The age thing really doesn't bother me - in my head, Stella's a little older, but I don't much mind the change. The stuff about her background is just adding more detail and fleshing it out, IMO. It's not like the thing with Danny when all of a sudden he came from a family of cops. :rolleyes::lol: We knew so little about her past before, I'm glad we got all this new detail, and I love that Melina used her grandmother's story.

hey guys I'm new here , just want to say that Melina is great :thumbsup:
I've found a Melina's Interview.
Great interview, love, love, love what she says about Mac and Stella. Also what she says about Stella herself. She sounded so happy and eager to be doing the interview, which was nice.


Just some presents for Stellarinas

Melina seems to love her mobile :D


and here we have Rambo Stella

and Happy melina , it's a delight to watch!!!!!! :D


my love to all

debbie :D
Aw, great pics. 'Happy Melina' made me laugh.:lol: She and Gary look cute together too in the first one.:drool: I'm jealous of her getting to sit next to him. Rambo Stella is awesome.
All the other Melina/Stella pics are great too, I like the one with Chris Meloni.
This is the pic you asked once dear udonna (100 episodes celebration party)


Dear Debbie,

this pic is too wonderful to be true. It seems that they are a great team ,

not only Mac and Stella, but also Melina and Gary.

I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!!!! Thank you very much

Til later!

This assignment is not helping and having free access to this site while supposedly having to do something educational for school is cracking me up....

Greek cuisine usually involves olive oil, a tradition for all dishes.

I laughed and thought of Melina, and you guys. Actually this whole assignment is making me think of you guys and Melina!
This assignment is not helping and having free access to this site while supposedly having to do something educational for school is cracking me up....

Greek cuisine usually involves olive oil, a tradition for all dishes.

I laughed and thought of Melina, and you guys. Actually this whole assignment is making me think of you guys and Melina!

Between this thread and the Mac/Stella thread. The mere mention of Olive Oil sends my mind right into the gutter.
Doesnt it?!?!?!

My mom asked me if I could pass the olive oil yesterday to her because she was cooking something and I handed it to her with thee biggest smile, she had NO idea what the hell was happening, pfft to non-smacked shippers. I just told her that she wouldnt understand.

Oooh the gutter...I love being in the gutter! It's not just a place... It's a way of life!
Doesnt it?!?!?!

My mom asked me if I could pass the olive oil yesterday to her because she was cooking something and I handed it to her with thee biggest smile, she had NO idea what the hell was happening, pfft to non-smacked shippers. I just told her that she wouldnt understand.

Oooh the gutter...I love being in the gutter! It's not just a place... It's a way of life!

Yip its quite nice down here. :guffaw:
My mom asked me if I could pass the olive oil yesterday to her because she was cooking something and I handed it to her with thee biggest smile, she had NO idea what the hell was happening, pfft to non-smacked shippers. I just told her that she wouldnt understand.
:guffaw:When I was cooking for party on-line "Happy bithday, Melina", I wrote on the cake "For Melina". My husband saw it and he was like ":confused: Who is Melina? It is not russian name... Is she your friend?". My son said "Daddy, relax. Just eat".
My mom asked me if I could pass the olive oil yesterday to her because she was cooking something and I handed it to her with thee biggest smile, she had NO idea what the hell was happening, pfft to non-smacked shippers. I just told her that she wouldnt understand.
:guffaw:When I was cooking for party on-line "Happy bithday, Melina", I wrote on the cake "For Melina". My husband saw it and he was like ":confused: Who is Melina? It is not russian name... Is she your friend?". My son said "Daddy, relax. Just eat".

Your son seems a very sensible boy...:lol:
My mom asked me if I could pass the olive oil yesterday to her because she was cooking something and I handed it to her with thee biggest smile, she had NO idea what the hell was happening, pfft to non-smacked shippers. I just told her that she wouldnt understand.
:guffaw:When I was cooking for party on-line "Happy bithday, Melina", I wrote on the cake "For Melina". My husband saw it and he was like ":confused: Who is Melina? It is not russian name... Is she your friend?". My son said "Daddy, relax. Just eat".

this assignment that were doing for this class, I put a picture of melina on the brochure and people were like who the hell is that in which I said, brush up on your greek myth, she is OBVIOUSLY a goddess tee-hee:lol:

fruit said:
Yip its quite nice down here. :guffaw:
I know I love it down here. Its always nice and....cozy :guffaw:
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