Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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DEB...I hate you, your av is making me all uncomfortable...and Im still in school :p
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: yummy yummy. you don't like my avvie?. Think about Stella mou, she will melt when she sees his marine again (she's already seen him once in 2.24:drool:

mmm not knowing will kill me for a couple of months. But seriously i'd prefer not to have a leak.
We knew too much about this finale and meanwhile i love spoilers and i can't live without them i don't think we need so much details.
Actually the only positive thing were the "behind of scenes" videos because we could know all the people who worked making our fav show:bolian:
i think TPTB should get a way to deliver spoilers (even if those are fake) to make us happy and content meanwhile they write a complete different story:p

On a more guttery note, so she's 34 eh? That gives her plenty of time to have a couple babies or so.

you deserve the greatest monument ever built. Hopefully Melina included that for that reason :p:p:p

BTW I didn't forget!!!!! Welcome pics for Annadelko

Stella and her two fav sidekicks


Stella and one of her "boys"


danny was one of her boys too but now he is a married man and a family father ;)

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Ok, this pictures are greate - Stella with his boys is so charming!
But I have one more pic like these...

What do you think about this guy?
Debbie, thanks, my dear - Sasha feels better. He asked to say you Hi;)
Oh Gala!!!!!!!! so happy Sasha is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give him a hug from me :D


One of my fav shows is Law&Order: SVU and Chris is fantastic there:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

But of course i love Gary more than anything else in the Boys Cathegory :drool: :D

yummmy yummy how interesting would be to have a crossover btewen my shows:drool:

thanks you dear and take care :D
Deb, i just saw ( i mean really pay attention to ) your avvie and siggie. On purpose right? Both of them undress? :lol:

Stella with the boys always good to watch. But, well, for me, Mac is her man. :D
Hi Debbie, Hi Gala;

one day no time to write or watch and so much catch up.

Thank you for the great pics!
Dear Gala, seems your son was ill too.
I hope he`s better now. My son( His name is Vinzenz )is still ill, that´s why I have less time and I haven´t seen the last ep yet.

I will change the thread now to catch up what´s going on with Mac &Stella.


Ok, this pictures are greate - Stella with his boys is so charming!
Deb, i just saw ( i mean really pay attention to ) your avvie and siggie. On purpose right? Both of them undress? :lol:
:lol::lol::lol: Maybe be it was some unconcious idea Gaby, :lol::lol::lol: I will try to get a bigger size of that pic. I am planning "something" :D

Stella with the boys always good to watch. But, well, for me, Mac is her man. :D
Of course :D But i wasn't talking romantically ;) You know i do love Stella's mother figure in the lab. She is very protective of the guys. And her weaknesses Are Adam and Hawkes meanwhile Mac protects now Danny and Lindsay and Flack is their fav :D

Just love "motherly" Stella and "fatherly" Mac :D

dear Udonna--->
one day no time to write or watch and so much catch up.

Thank you for the great pics!
Dear Gala, seems your son was ill too.
I hope he`s better now. My son( His name is Vinzenz )is still ill, that´s why I have less time and I haven´t seen the last ep yet.

I will change the thread now to catch up what´s going on with Mac &Stella.
Vincenz will be fine soon and i hope you ahve time to rest my dear :) Now i will go to a ciber caffee. I need my fix of 5.24 again. I can't stop watching it!

Just some presents for Stellarinas

Melina seems to love her mobile :D


and here we have Rambo Stella

and Happy melina , it's a delight to watch!!!!!! :D


my love to all

debbie :D
Ghawazee- Love that last pic! If I ever attempted to do that my knee would give out and I'd be in the hospital :lol:

Loved Rambo!Stella, though "motherly"Stella is just as awesome you know. I love how close she is to Lindsay and Danny, especially now. Can't wait to see how she is in S.6.
Hello Stellarina!!!

Deb, uhm *starting to get uncomfortable* I don't think i'll want to know your 'something'...:lol::lol::lol:

Oh, the parents of the lab... :lol: Of course! When they fight at 5.24 i sooo can see the team goes around with head down whispering under their breath 'Stay away from the office, Mom and Dad are fighting, and it doesn't look good!' to each other. When the boys are tracking her down, i was imagining hearing Doc saying 'What are you waiting for? Get your own ticket and bring her back!'... :lol: I know, i'm hopeless... And it's supposed to be written in SMacked thread, not here... Sorry...:alienblush:

The pictures!!! Melina was with her hubby and Mac, oops, Gary in the first picture, right? She and her phone... I remember in an interview, she said that she's a mac girl - referring to the gadget made by apple, i guess... :D

Udonna, how's Vinzenz? Hope he's getting better...

AlienMonkey, yeah, i can't wait to see her in s6 as well... Oh gosh! September is so far away!!!

Hugs to all!!!
Your pics are great as usually - espesial with Melina and Gary. OOO, I love her hair!!! And dress!!! OMG She is perfect, perfect, perfect!! Even with phone:drool:
Good morning Stellarinas,

Vinzenz is still sleeping after a long night
and I take time to

hug you for your kind words. But I think he´s getting better and I will find time to watch 5.25 ( or better 5.24 again????)

To be honest I took a glimpse at the last scene and was thrilled

even more when I read your posts (to be honest I galloped through them),

Hope I will have more time to take active part in your discussion!!!


[/QUOTE] Vincenz will be fine soon and i hope you ahve time to rest my dear :) Now i will go to a ciber caffee. I need my fix of 5.24 again. I can't stop watching it!

Hello Stellarina!!!

Udonna, how's Vinzenz? Hope he's getting better...

Hugs to all!!!
AlienM! welcome to the Stellarina Family!!! Gals are adorable here and always it's a pleasure to meet new members :D

Ghawazee- Love that last pic! If I ever attempted to do that my knee would give out and I'd be in the hospital :lol:

Loved Rambo!Stella, though "motherly"Stella is just as awesome you know. I love how close she is to Lindsay and Danny, especially now. Can't wait to see how she is in S.6.

It's true she seems to be closer to them more than ever. Shewas very protective of Lindsay and Danny since the beginning so it's nice their cloness again.I wish Stella could be Lucy's godmother but i am a little worried it wasn't announce yet

Oh, the parents of the lab... :lol: Of course! When they fight at 5.24 i sooo can see the team goes around with head down whispering under their breath 'Stay away from the office, Mom and Dad are fighting, and it doesn't look good!' to each other. When the boys are tracking her down, i was imagining hearing Doc saying 'What are you waiting for? Get your own ticket and bring her back!'... :lol: I know, i'm hopeless... And it's supposed to be written in SMacked thread, not here... Sorry...:alienblush:
:lol: :lol: :lol: i can't save you, Gaby! you are totally helpless :lol: :lol: :lol: but i love you anyway! :lol: if you remmeber boys and girls had that type pf reaction children have when their parents have a fight. It happen with Aiden in "Supply and Deman" back in Season 1 and it happen with Danny in Forbidden fruit 5.11 and even how she treats Adam in 5.04 ;)

BTW nothing to be afraid of the thing about my avvie :lol:

my dear galina-->
Your pics are great as usually - espesial with Melina and Gary. OOO, I love her hair!!! And dress!!! OMG She is perfect, perfect, perfect!! Even with phone:drool:
:D I know that and happily i feel the same :D Later i will re post some pics are absolutely amazing but i need to find first. Melina was incredible beautiful (bah! as usual :D )

Vinzenz is still sleeping after a long night
and I take time to

hug you for your kind words. But I think he´s getting better and I will find time to watch 5.25 ( or better 5.24 again????)

To be honest I took a glimpse at the last scene and was thrilled

even more when I read your posts (to be honest I galloped through them),

Hope I will have more time to take active part in your discussion!!!

yesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!! i knew both babies were going to be ok :D We are here when you can post again, my dear

These are welcome pic for AlienM and for Sasha and Vinzenz

This is the pic you asked once dear udonna (100 episodes celebration party)


Melina and "the" boys :D


Melina and the Birthday boy :D


love y'all Debbie :D
I love those pictures! :D.Thanks a lot .

They show that all the actors and actresses have fun filming the episodes and they have a great chemistry off the screen.

Welcome new fans:)
Stella better be the godmother... whats better than Mac being the godfather and her being godmother... i know absolutely nothing except when they get together and have there little Taylor family
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