Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Thank you Noe!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thank you Gabby!!!!!!!!!!:D

My connection is lousy so i can't watch anything except youtue but i will wait. I have waited two months. I can wait loger :D

Dear Andromeda, i have taken this day as my own Snow Day so i am enjoying any single second of it :D (besides it's cold outside:bolian:

alles klar

my hugs and love for all of you!!!!!!!!!!

What did you all think of the latest episodes?

It had good moments of Stella,my favorite scenes are at the start when she gives her badge to Mac and at the end when she is 'reading' the coffee.

Not sure why I'm putting this in spoiler box..So,Stella's mother was killed when she was a baby.Did the say anything about her dad and I missed it? :S
Athens, it wasn't that bad, but I hated some bits. And I wish we'd had subtitles! Is there anything important they said in Greek that us, non-Greek speakers, have missed?
I don't think so.If I remember correctly what they said in Greek they discussed it later or a moment earlier they said it in english..

I was really anxious to watch the episode.I hope the finale is way better{not that the epi was bad but a finale is a finale;) }
Hi Andromeda,

not really, a crazy day in the office and no possibility to watch the last night ep!!!!:rolleyes:

Only some clips on you tube, but unfortunately not the last minutes:scream::scream:

But I must admit, I liked what I have seen, although, it didn´t come as far as I wished to.

I´ll try to leave the office earlier to get more pics and clips at home:eek:

Are these really my words, I ´ve never thought it comes so far with me :eek:

I guess, I´m addicted and you all here fixed me on :devil:

Thank you!!!!


udonna, guten Abend, alles klar ;)?

Ghawazee, take a rest, you need to be fit. Imagine you´d faint during ep. 24 :eek: :D.

Thanks all for the links, fantastic stuff, Melina just rocks da house :lol:.

OK, that´s it for now. Gotta go for certain reasons :D.

Have fun, enjoy (plastic) Greece, byeeeeeeee :).
Pop in just to say :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: for Melina's debut in writing!!!

So proud to be Stellarina! We are so proud of you, Melina!:)
i will add my thought later but i need to say thisÇ: I JUST LOVE IT! JUST LOVE IT! JUST LOVE IT!

OMG love all the subtle things we had. Later i will add more but right now I CAN'T THINK ANY LONGER!
Late Late show sketch :guffaw::guffaw:

Oh my lord. :guffaw:
That was great. I don't know how she managed to keep her act and not start laughing. Well duh, she's a professional...and I'm not. :rolleyes: LoL

Comment about 5x24...
I LOVED it!! I love Melina. *imagines her self hugging Melina*
She did such AMAZING job and I'm sooooo proud of her. And she gave me everything I wanted. :thumbsup:
Hey all :),

having just read some slag offs of the ep. in the grade-thread, it´s obvious that this episode really seems to polarize the fans- either you love it or you hate it.
I don´t love it enthusiastically, but most of it was quite enjoyable despite some really obscure and illogical scenes. But I´m hesitant to put the blame for this on Melina alone, given that she probably didn´t have too much time to develop and write the plot and also quite probably she was told by the producers to involve certain things in the story. Like the lab-baby in the lab: was this a foresight of what we will get to see all through S6? :rolleyes:

So, another change in Stella´s biography, it must be the third or so by now? Anyway, I suppose Melina must have been aware that doing this could be risky and demanding, because not all will swallow this story uncritically and fans do have a good long-time memory, so this really must be the ultimate biography- another change and it would become highly incredible and could spoil this otherwise great character.
But I take it that this is just the way Melina wanted to have Stella´s story and that´s why she re-wrote the original vita that TPTB had created.
The only thing where I really refuse to believe that it was Melina´s idea, is Stella´s age *putting an arm protectively around Melina :D*. I mean, this hot/great/sexy/beautiful woman of 42 certainly doesn´t live in denial of her age and so she should not feel any need to want to make the character Stella younger than she, Melina is :D :lol:. And I´m afraid, hot-looking or not, she looks older than 34, though younger than 42, so why not compromise and meet in the middle, like 37-38 :D?

So, all you Smackos, what do you make of the Smacked-scenes, are you happy or would you have wanted more :p?
The Mac/Stella scenes at the end were sweet and emotional, just the right dosis, and the fight in the beginning was superb :thumbsup:.

So all in all I would give thumbs up for Melina´s debut, though some things could have been better, but never mind, nobody´s perfect and for all the weaknesses of the script there was Melina´s acting as compensation. There she is unbeatable, she was excellent :).

Well, having said that, please keep all fingers crossed for tonight, that it won´t be Stella getting in jeopardy. I have a strange feeling again it could be her :(.

udonnaHope meanwhile you found the time to watch the eppy, I guess you´ll like it ;).

Ghawazee alles klar = everything´s OK ;). I´m looking forward to your comment, though I have the slight feeling you´ve enjoyed the ep. at least a little bit :guffaw::guffaw:.

Take care, hugs :)
What did you all think of the latest episodes?

It had good moments of Stella,my favorite scenes are at the start when she gives her badge to Mac and at the end when she is 'reading' the coffee.

Not sure why I'm putting this in spoiler box..So,Stella's mother was killed when she was a baby.Did the say anything about her dad and I missed it? :S

No i dont think they said anything about her dad but I think they implied that it was the professor.. or could be the professor. Well he did say how beautiful her mum was and how much he loved her. It may not be but thats how I took it :)
I really like it!!:)

Loved the fight at the beginning!!
Mac and his sunglasses in Greece remind me a bit of Horatio.
And of course the Smacked moments!!:)

"I know it was wrong to keep investigating the case after you told me to step down. I'm sorry that I made it difficult for you and the department."
"This isn’t about my job or the department. It's difficult because I care about you."

"See there, that's an S. That would be Stella, the woman in your life, who sometimes you adore, other times drives you crazy."

Loved it!!!

Hope the finale is as good as this epi!
No i dont think they said anything about her dad but I think they implied that it was the professor.. or could be the professor. Well he did say how beautiful her mum was and how much he loved her. It may not be but thats how I took it :)
I wish he'd said "you really take after her!" :lol:
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