Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

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  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Dear Ghawazee
Yes, yes biology ( the birds and the bees…..:drool::drool:)
But in earnest I too don´t want to see Stella as a stressed mother.

I admire Melina personally for managing child and career, but that´s the thing I have at home too.

I prefer seeing her as impassioned colleague and lover in CSI New York :thumbsup:

And to my opinion: black is her color. I think she is looking especially great when she wears black. Just like Mac, what a coincidence or destiny ?:hugegrin:

Have a nice day!!!!


Dear udonna--->
Reading the postings in the other thread makes me really nervous!

I love Mac ( maybe a little bit more than Stella, but that´s pure biological:drool::drool:) and I adore Stella:), and the rest of the cast is lovely too.

I don´t want to loose anybody:scream:
LOL I think most of us think about a biological reason to love him :lol::lol:I know. I don't want to loose nobody either. However we need to think this will make them stronger. They are already friend and this situation will pull them closer as a family. Not biological but emotional family:thumbsup:

Yes again, Stella is a wonderfull actress, a very beautiful woman and I am sure, a caring mother.
I for myself have a little son and he is the sun of my life, although I always pretended to prefer to make career than founding a family.

But it came different so I manage both ( with the help from my wonderful mother and my husband
I totally agree. Many women would feel reflected with Stella if she can manage two things at the time;) But i guess that storyline will be given to another character:shifty:
Still i think it's a wonderful thing she can manage to have her family at 6 pm having dinner with her despite of Melina has many hours left of filming ahead:thumbsup:

Dear sad_girl: THANKS FOR THAT PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Being mother, wife, have good career and being simply beatiful woman - awww, it is not easy. So Melina is extraordinary - I envy her a little:lol:.
And my favorite pic. This dress is....ohhh. I know - green is a color for Smac,
LOL , Green rocks for Smacked but i have noticed they wear a lot of blue too. And Melina wears it all the time both colour (maybe because it makes wonderfult hings to her own green eyes!:p

I have taped her movie "15 minutes" 10 days ago and i coudn't watch it yet. However once i can i will share my thoughts on that film. Just i could catch the end and melina was totally different. even her voice sounded different!!!!!!!!!!

more presents:bolian: a very young Melina


A reflexive melina

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oh, my my my Debbie! last two pics are so __________________ (fill in adjective).
thanks for the pics!

slightly off-topic: it would be scorching if Stella teams up with Willows.

Still, I have my hopes up for a cool NY-LV crossover.
Dear Ghawazee,

tell me does Mac knows these pics

They are incredible, what a divine woman!!!!!!!!!

Memo to myself for my next life:
correction - not only having Stellas hair but having also her expression and charisma!!!!!!

Welcome new Stella fans:):)

Thanks a lot for sharing all those pictures:)..I haven't seen the ones with the green dress before,she looks great..I love her style in the one she is wearing a blue dress and she is with Gary Sinise..

Chaos79 a crossover with any of the CSI shows would be great.Calleigh/Stella Catherine/Stella is something I would definitely love to watch.

I can't wait for the next episodes:)..and who can?:rolleyes:
Hiya all and a special Hello to the new Stellarinas :),

oooh, and many great drool pics :drool:.

Are you all ready for the big day tomorrow? :thumbsup:
The new promos for the finale and the CBS statement confuse me a bit, though. But still I´m pretty confident that we won´t have to fear for Stella´s life.

Dear Ghawazee,

Dann sag Mac und Stella, sie sollen ein Baby machen :D

Dear Andromeda,--->

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:eek:i don't like that. I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: The best of alcohol is not that forces you to make things you don't want but take inhibitions away from you so if our Stella does something "unexpected" we still can wait she does want to do those things:lol: And i expect the same if we have Under-Ouzo-influence-Mac:lol:
:lol: I didn´t mean Stella should fill Mac up for the purpose of loosening all inhibitions and do naughty things. I think whatever could happen between them, it would happen in a sober condition ;).

I wish i had the confirmation. My mind would be at ease. But i expect 4 or 5 years if it is necessary. Unfortunately i don't think producers are intelligent enough to give us those tender scenes full of common sense for Mac and Stella:rolleyes: Strange is many people (not only inside the Smacked Thread) who said they were touched by them with the baby. Not Lydia or Lucy's parents:cool:
I think for now the producers might feel that the D/L-family is enough for the show, so I don´t think we´ll have a little Taylor/Bonasera-family too soon. Though this could make the ratings explode :D, just look at the ratings of last Monday; despite many fans loathing the D/L-story, many more were curious to see the lab-babe arrive :D.

I guess if i can wait for the baby then i can wait for their relationship to start:p but i guess i should buy a calendary. Six Seasons without romance between them? mmmm It's easy for non shippers or producers i guess but not for us:p However meanwhile they share something it's ok i think;)
And let me tell you, poor Smacked fans wouldn't appreciate if Mac and Stella's relationship was delayed by DL cr.... i mean...relationship:shifty
Well, as I wrote above, I suppose, the D/L-story will delay a probable Smacked story. For now I´ll be content if both Stella and Mac survive the finale safely.

I hope Melina had visited this thread or the Smacked thread once. We love her very much here and there;) And i do expect she prays for Stella. She said not longer ago she is very protective of her character. I understand her because i am very protective of her character too:lol: She will understand why we find FANTASTIC the idea of Stella becoming a mum. Not now but in 4 or 5 or 6 years it's ok:p
there is no way you would be "Pope Andromeda":guffaw: however i appreciate your Amen;)
I have been there for almost 2 years. I remember many members even those who are not posting anymore. I have learnt to know them and respect them even tough i have never met htem in my life. I feel gratified and lucky for that.Some days are really difficult to keep everyone happy but we all work for that:p
I guess Melina definitely has visited this thread more than once; she surely is interested in the opinions of us fans and seeing how we all enjoy her acting and the way she portrays Stella, will make her happy and encourage her to go on. And I guess she will have great fun when she reads your smacked-fantasies and ideas :lol:. So carry on :thumbsup:.

I suppose, for the same reason, why you wouldn´t want Stella to get fired :D. Though I wouldn´t mind if it happened in the final season, then it wouldn´t matter anyway.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:angel: I love Sitarki dance since the first time i saw it in my sister's wedding (you know the one who got married with Frankie's twin brother:lol:) I was talking to her and she said she was thrilled someone really Greek is portraying a Greek character and doing Greek things. Last time she was here i forced her to watch all Melina's vids singing:lol:. But she didn't care because she loves Greek anyway (It's a Greek Professor after all)
Yes, I couldn´t imagine a non-Greek actress portraying the Greek(-and Italian)-originating Stella, now that we have the "real" thing ;). It would appear like a bad fake. That´s also why there´s so much originality and sincerity in Melina´s acting, she doesn´t have to act out the Greek thing, it´s just inside her.

Keep cool and happy :)

Love and hugs
Guten Morgen, good morning,

was muss ich hier lesen:eek::eek::eek:

Nice to meet you, I feel very comfortable here!!!
Except the fear what happens tonight and tommorrow:confused:


Dear Ghawazee,

Dann sag Mac und Stella, sie sollen ein Baby machen :D
Don't worry, Udonna!!!! :D It's MELINA'S EPISODE! nothing can go wrong!!!!!!!

Dear, you are invited with a great pelasure to the Smacked Thread. Join us and we will be very happy to have you there!

Dear Andromeda---> They SHOULD make one at least! :D (I ll try to answer you tomorrow. Now i need to rest. I think i am going to faint. The Smacked Family is very demanding!) :D
Good morning and thank you very for your invitation!!!!!

I have´t seen this thread before, I think I have a lot to catch up...

Have a great day!!!


Don't worry, Udonna!!!! :D It's MELINA'S EPISODE! nothing can go wrong!!!!!!!

Dear, you are invited with a great pelasure to the Smacked Thread. Join us and we will be very happy to have you there!

Dear Andromeda---> They SHOULD make one at least! :D (I ll try to answer you tomorrow. Now i need to rest. I think i am going to faint. The Smacked Family is very demanding!) :D
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thank you - yesssss, I watched 5.24 a few minutes, cool,cool:rolleyes:
Melina is charming in little black dress:drool:, she is so emotional and interesting
udonna, guten Abend, alles klar ;)?

Ghawazee, take a rest, you need to be fit. Imagine you´d faint during ep. 24 :eek: :D.

Thanks all for the links, fantastic stuff, Melina just rocks da house :lol:.

OK, that´s it for now. Gotta go for certain reasons :D.

Have fun, enjoy (plastic) Greece, byeeeeeeee :).
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