Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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Hey Gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

Noeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I've seen her and Mac clash, but this has got to be a battle in a mountain goat-vs-ram level:eek:!

YESSSSSSSSS, KAY YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Those few secs convinced me the catfight will be H*U*G*E
I have seen Mac furious before but NEVER like that


I think it will be great because BOTH of them look so COMFORTABLE! (I mean Gary and Melina!) It's like they enjoyed very much filming the scene and that's why it looks so INTENSE. It's like that scene was designed for them

Hard to explain, you can only FEEL it:drool::drool::drool:

Pleni---> may i say i DO expect Stella very related to the cliffhanger?:lol:
Weks! I'll stop talking about Stella and baby now... Pleni, so sorry about that...

Noealonso and Debbie, thanks for the link!!!

Melina's next epi better be good. That's all i can say...
OMG I have just watched that video with C. ferguson!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: That woman JUST ROCKS THE WORLD:guffaw::guffaw: Her laugh is highly contagious:guffaw:Now i understand "Stella"'s comment to Quinn in 4.17 when they agreed they preferred a good Margarita;) (BTW I can totally imagine Stella drinking the tequila in the way a tequila should be drunk as Craig played:lol::lol::lol:
It's just me or she said she didn't like ouzo???????? The Greek Institution????????????????????????:eek::p:p
And she sang a little bit!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

BTW someone should tell Craig to keep his eyes inside their orbits. The guy was practically drooling:lol::lol::lol: (well he is justified. Finally a good cleavage. This season Stella was covered as a Mummy:p
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Heya, all, everything´s Ola Kala :D?

noealonso, thanks a lot for the link. I´m still laughing, and I guess, before the night ends, I will have watched the video about another dozen times :lol:. Interesting that Melina doesn´t like Ouzo, just when I thought Stella might fill Mac up with Ouzo in Greece :D.

Andromeda, you put dirty ideas into my pristine mind!

Well, not really. I'm not good at playing innocent lamb. That's more of Deb's stuff. Anyway, you're right. They need to practise, have some fun before the baby wakes them up in the dead of night and kills their passion off. Sleep deprivation isn't exactly a turn-on unless there is a strange fetish I've never heard of. Not that Stella would mind getting up to change a diaper at 3 am and sing a sweet Greek lullaby to her babies *daydreams* </sappy>
Pleni, glad I didn´t plant dirty ideas into your mind- well, I could never do that, I´m a good girl :lol:.
So let them have, say, two seasons of baby-less, romantic fun, and then *boom* :D.

In the promo trailers, Stella seems, well, not exactly safe, but it looks as if she doesn´t get hit in the shoot-out. To me it looks like she can go down in cover right in time. Did you see Flack´s expression as he follows the nurses pushing the stretcher? He looks as if he already knows that Angell won´t make it. And even if Stella would get hurt at the end, TPTB already hinted that the person in jeopardy will survive. So I think we don´t have to worry about Stella anymore.

Dear Andromeda,-->

No, but what the heck! we want MT planting his seed within Stella! The consequences will be worth watching!:lol::lol
Dear Ghawazee, now I know what Pleni was talking about :D.

i agree she was not ready and i don't think she is ready YET!:thumbsup: but she will as soon as she has a solidified relationship (hopefully it will be soon!) Do you think something HUGE will happen in 5.24?????:lol: As i said some weeks ago inside the Smacked Family Thread, if they start a relationship it will be a victorian drama. I don't know how they are going to reproduce if they hardly ever touch a finger!:guffaw:
As i said: a victorian drama!:guffaw: but i like the idea of going slowly. Smacked fans already know their mutual feelings. But i guess those must be showed more evidently to other non smacked fans:p My take is this "slow speed" will allow the audicence who didn't know them or who didn't considerer them as a possible couple, to "fell in love" with the idea. It won't be an issue if they show they can be professionals in the lab and a passionate couple outside and that they can separate their different roles from home to work:drool:
:lol:it depends how you interprete HUGE, but I´m sure something great will happen, even if it´s not taking the direction into a romantic relationship, the *bonding scenes* will be sweet anyway, I´m sure. Mac will give Stella back her badge, and maybe he´ll give her even more :D. Yes, I`d prefer a Victorian drama, if they´d develop a relationship between the two, then it got to be special, more of a hint than showing, erm, things like sentimental love scenes. As you say, slow speed is the better way and also it wouldn´t annoy those who are already fed up with the D/L-relationship and fear another romance in the show.

Pleaseeeeeee don't say it not even in a joke. I'm hyperventilating now!!!!!:eek: Melina reading there????? as much as i would love to have
her there better NOT! The last time i checked i mentioned a shower and other interesting places:guffaw: All unconvenient scenes!
However i don't think it will be necessary. I am awared of my faults and being an autocrat is one of them:alienblush: I don't pretend Pope Benedict or anybody else change their minds. Darn it! I just want Pope Benedict could understand how much we like babies for Stella and Mac because it would be simply wonderful and natural and special. Like a gift after so many years of pain for both of them. I don't demand anything. Just i want "Pope Benedict" doesn't rule out that idea so easily;)
Stella has showed her mother instincts every time she protects Adam, or Hawkes or Reed. It's something so natural i don't believe is fake or just part of the acting. Personally i think those types of scenes were written to emphasize Melina's natural behaviour (and i can say the same about Mac and Gary)
Besides i believe in justice. If to another ship was given such blessings
why not to the Smacked Family? And frankly i need to say Gary and Melina look freakin' amazing with kids! :D
Well, I was actually joking, but I´ve had a second thought and remembered that Melina mentioned in an interview how she is well aware that fans discuss the episodes in the internet. So, chances are, she IS actually reading in this forum, too, from time to time :lol:. Breathe, Debs, breeeeaathe :D.
Oh, Melina visited the Pope last year, she could have asked him to give his blessings for Stella and Mac :lol:.

i don't recommend you that.:lol: we are not the epitome of mental sanity. I guess we feel freer there because we can have fantasies as much as we want. But many times we have crossed the line:lol:
I know, I know :D, and whereas I am definitely not the Pope, nevertheless I give you my Amen for keeping your insanity alive, you seem to be a great and lovely bunch of nutters and there is no censorship that would forbid your fantasies. So go on, and I´ll keep on reading :D.

mmmmmmmm sound amazing interesting! I want more Stella's extremes as i told you once. I like extremes in everyone else too. watching them doing something they don't frecuently. I guess we will have to wait and see:p
I love to watch more of Stella´s extremes, too, but only if she´ll never exaggerate to the point where she will be fired :eek:.

OMG IT WOULD BE THE GREATEST THING! Melina's voice and Stella with Mac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Just love that idea!
I wish it became true:angel:
Plus Stella could teach Mac a Sirtaki dance in (plastic) Greece :D.

Thanks for the links :).

Love and hugs :)
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Gaby, you can talk about the baby as much as you like. I love to see Stella holding babies, it makes me go "awwwww!". I just don't see it happening and I'd hate to see our kick ass Stella turned into your average loving housewife. If that happens, I'm gonna scream and destroy something.

Deb, I can totally relate to her when she says she doesn't like ouzo. I may be the only Spaniard who hates paella and I constantly get those ":eek: But how can you not like it?!" You can be in love with your heritage, culture, gastronomy, etc. without being in love with all of it. And Melina is so deeply in love with Greece without being chauvinistic.

Andromeda, alles ist gut :p Wie geht es dir?

It doesn't matter if Melina doesn't like ouzo. She's an actress, maybe her character likes ouzo and she and Mac can take a break and get smashed. Will Stella sing traditional Greek songs when she's drunk? :lol:

I hope she's doesn't take a bullet. I've seen the clip a couple of times and you can't tell if she manages to find some cover. We merely see her for a split second. She's next to Flack, who's the one to call for an ambulance. I know he may be crying out for one because of Angell, but since they mixed both things on purpose and we have crestfallen Flack wearing a bloodstained shirt, you never know.
nah, Stella getting drunk in front of Mac? He'll most likely pull Stella out of the pub and drive her home first :lol:.

yeh, Stella would rather get drunk with the girls, getting gin blossoms around their noses...awwww, just cute! (angell...stella...lindsey after giving birth...*thud*!)

i don't mean to scare your skirts, but Stella cheating death would be something stunningly cool (i can't believe i said that)
Gaby, you can talk about the baby as much as you like.
Nah, i'll let others do it. I'll just happily read. Especially after Deb's comment on MT planting *cough* seed *cough*.

I love to see Stella holding babies, it makes me go "awwwww!". I just don't see it happening and I'd hate to see our kick ass Stella turned into your average loving housewife. If that happens, I'm gonna scream and destroy something.
A housewife Stella??? NO! Don't get me wrong, i admire women who stays home to take care of the family. For me, it's in the 2nd place of the most difficult job in the world (with true teacher, being the 1st). But, i really can't and don't want to see our Rambo Stella become, quoting you, 'average loving housewife'. Beside, knowing her passion, she won't survive that anyway.


nah, Stella getting drunk in front of Mac? He'll most likely pull Stella out of the pub and drive her home first :lol:.
That's if he's not the one taking her to the pub in the first place :lol:

For Stellarinas who are also Mommies in US: "Happy Mother's Day!!!"

Hugs to everyone! (^__^)
Andromeda, alles ist gut :p Wie geht es dir?

It doesn't matter if Melina doesn't like ouzo. She's an actress, maybe her character likes ouzo and she and Mac can take a break and get smashed. Will Stella sing traditional Greek songs when she's drunk? :lol:

I hope she's doesn't take a bullet. I've seen the clip a couple of times and you can't tell if she manages to find some cover. We merely see her for a split second. She's next to Flack, who's the one to call for an ambulance. I know he may be crying out for one because of Angell, but since they mixed both things on purpose and we have crestfallen Flack wearing a bloodstained shirt, you never know.

Hallo Pleni, danke, mir geht es gut. Wie geht es dir? :)

You´re absolutely right, unless Melina transfers her dislike for Ouzo to Stella, the latter can have a great time with Mac and a bottle of Ouzo :lol:. Oh, imagine, Stella singing and dancing traditional Greek songs in a not so sober condition- I´d love to see that :lol:.

But what I don´t want to see is Stella as desperate housewife, I agree. Then she would have to leave and move on to another show :D.

Yes, I`ve noticed Stella next to Flack and both bend down to go for cover. But I think Flack´s call for the ambulance belongs to the scene with the shot Angell as well as his blood-stained shirt and they mixed this. As I posted in the Spoiler-thread, the promo-pics make me hopeful that Stella will be fine, because of this pic with Mac, bent over a puddle of blood in this diner. So this seems to be a scene from after the shoot-out, where they both investigate the CS.
My dear Andromeda and my dear Pleni:

ich will ein Baby für Stella!!!!!!!!

Gabby: you are the only one who loves me LOL. I won't quit to the baby idea. Nobody says she needs to quit CSI Lab and becoming a housewife. She still can be a career woman. Yes, it's most difficult but still Stella ccan do both things. Heck! Thousands of women do that every day!

So for me the most interesting case in the world for my Stella is to be a mom. BTW Heather, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

I will be back later to add more opinions! :D (I am in baby steps regarding certain project! ;)

BTW I think BOTH will get drunk in Greece :D (It's a good excuse to make them do all kind of interesting stuff:devil::devil::devil:

Debbs :D
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i don't mean to scare your skirts, but Stella cheating death would be something stunningly cool (i can't believe i said that)

I totally agree with you:drool: I want so much to have Stella in danger but promo for finale says another thing tough:rolleyes:

Deb, I can totally relate to her when she says she doesn't like ouzo. I may be the only Spaniard who hates paella and I constantly get those ":eek: But how can you not like it?!" You can be in love with your heritage, culture, gastronomy, etc. without being in love with all of it. And Melina is so deeply in love with Greece without being chauvinistic.
i can relate too. In my country every argentine eats 70 kgs of meal per year but definitely it doesn't work for me because i am a close to be vegetarian:lol: but i was really surprised to knwo she preferred tequila over ouzo when i admit ouzo it's too strong (well i don't like one or another;))

Dear Andromeda,--->
Interesting that Melina doesn´t like Ouzo, just when I thought Stella might fill Mac up with Ouzo in Greece :D.
You´re absolutely right, unless Melina transfers her dislike for Ouzo to Stella, the latter can have a great time with Mac and a bottle of Ouzo :lol:. Oh, imagine, Stella singing and dancing traditional Greek songs in a not so sober condition- I´d love to see that :lol:.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:eek:i don't like that. I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol: The best of alcohol is not that forces you to make things you don't want but take inhibitions away from you so if our Stella does something "unexpected" we still can wait she does want to do those things:lol: And i expect the same if we have Under-Ouzo-influence-Mac:lol:

So let them have, say, two seasons of baby-less, romantic fun, and then *boom* :D.
I wish i had the confirmation. My mind would be at ease. But i expect 4 or 5 years if it is necessary. Unfortunately i don't think producers are intelligent enough to give us those tender scenes full of common sense for Mac and Stella:rolleyes: Strange is many people (not only inside the Smacked Thread) who said they were touched by them with the baby. Not Lydia or Lucy's parents:cool:

I´m sure something great will happen, even if it´s not taking the direction into a romantic relationship, the *bonding scenes* will be sweet anyway, I´m sure. Mac will give Stella back her badge, and maybe he´ll give her even more :D. Yes, I`d prefer a Victorian drama, if they´d develop a relationship between the two, then it got to be special, more of a hint than showing, erm, things like sentimental love scenes. As you say, slow speed is the better way and also it wouldn´t annoy those who are already fed up with the D/L-relationship and fear another romance in the show.
I guess if i can wait for the baby then i can wait for their relationship to start:p but i guess i should buy a calendary. Six Seasons without romance between them? mmmm It's easy for non shippers or producers i guess but not for us:p However meanwhile they share something it's ok i think;)
And let me tell you, poor Smacked fans wouldn't appreciate if Mac and Stella's relationship was delayed by DL cr.... i mean...relationship:shifty:

Well, I was actually joking, but I´ve had a second thought and remembered that Melina mentioned in an interview how she is well aware that fans discuss the episodes in the internet. So, chances are, she IS actually reading in this forum, too, from time to time :lol:. Breathe, Debs, breeeeaathe :D.
Oh, Melina visited the Pope last year, she could have asked him to give his blessings for Stella and Mac :lol:
I hope Melina had visited this thread or the Smacked thread once. We love her very much here and there;) And i do expect she prays for Stella. She said not longer ago she is very protective of her character. I understand her because i am very protective of her character too:lol: She will understand why we find FANTASTIC the idea of Stella becoming a mum. Not now but in 4 or 5 or 6 years it's ok:p
I know, I know :D, and whereas I am definitely not the Pope, nevertheless I give you my Amen for keeping your insanity alive, you seem to be a great and lovely bunch of nutters and there is no censorship that would forbid your fantasies. So go on, and I´ll keep on reading :D.
there is no way you would be "Pope Andromeda":guffaw: however i appreciate your Amen;)
I have been there for almost 2 years. I remember many members even those who are not posting anymore. I have learnt to know them and respect them even tough i have never met htem in my life. I feel gratified and lucky for that.Some days are really difficult to keep everyone happy but we all work for that:p

I love to watch more of Stella´s extremes, too, but only if she´ll never exaggerate to the point where she will be fired :eek:.
why Not?:p

Plus Stella could teach Mac a Sirtaki dance in (plastic) Greece :D.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:angel: I love Sitarki dance since the first time i saw it in my sister's wedding (you know the one who got married with Frankie's twin brother:lol:) I was talking to her and she said she was thrilled someone really Greek is portraying a Greek character and doing Greek things. Last time she was here i forced her to watch all Melina's vids singing:lol:. But she didn't care because she loves Greek anyway (It's a Greek Professor after all)

Take care

Debbs :D

ps: definitely it's NOT Stella who gets shots
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