Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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tuesdaymorning said:
I'm serious about this. If D/L does go canon, I'm done with this show.

I'm sorry but there is nothing between these two and I don't want to have a headache everytime I watch an episode.

Guh. This totally ruins my day. I hope this is not true.

I agree...there is absolutely nothing between these two. I've already got a headache and we're not even sure yet. :rolleyes:

If this happens, the only thing keeping me watching will be Flack. It's funny, before I read this, I emailed Carmine today and was telling him about being excited for season 3 and hopefully more Danny-centric episodes then I told him as long as Danny stays away from Lindsay. :(

I just wanna know how valid this source is. So far this is the 2nd big spoiler we've heard from the same place. Hopefully the first one about Flack will be true but I always thought he'd be working with Mac & Stella in the season opener.
Wow. I'm surprised. All I have to say is, I sure hope the writers do a damn[/b] good job this season if they wanna make that canon. Because if not ... it's gonna be painful to watch season 3, that's for sure.

I'm also surprised at how fast they want to make a canon relationship this early in the series. Considering other relationships that went canon in the other CSI shows, and how they all went bad in the end ... doesn't bode well for this one either. Hmm, I'm curious to see what unfolds.

By the way, Orison, care to share some details of that scene with us? :devil: It might shed a lot of light on how things go for the two characters.
^^Kimmy, you must really be surprised if that's all you can say. :lol: Hasn't sunken in yet, has it?

Give it a while and then you'll freak out like the rest of us. I was expecting way more drama from you Kimmy. :p

You know this could be a good thing. **ducks from flying objects**. Maybe Danny will finally realize his true feelings for Flack and then bye-bye Lindsay. :devil:
^^They've never rushed any other ships so why start now? :mad: I know NY wanted more character development but isn't this a bit much? :(

Oh well, hard to stop a sinking ship. :rolleyes:

I'm with you tuesdaymorning, if it happens...help me. ;)
I do agree with the "rushing' thing. It's only the show's 3rd season, and only Lindsay's 2nd, I would just find it surprising that a show that's not at all based on romantic entanglements would make any relationship canon, particularly between 2 main characters, so quickly. Unless it ends up being a "heavy flirtation gone bad" a couple of episodes down the line, and they walk away from it as friends. That would be realistic, I guess...people who work so closely together do flirt and become attracted, but that doesn't always mean they become involved in an actual relationship.

And of course, that opens the door for Danny to go to his best bud Flack and get everything off his chest, and Lindsay...well, she'll find comfort in the waiting arms of Sid, natch. (What's that you say? There are no other Lindsay/Sid shippers on the board? Dear me, I must be a trend-setter! :lol: Who could deny their hot, sizzling "I want you" chemistry? :D)
lindsay/sid? that's kinda awesome. i was thinking more along the lines of stella/sid...but not for here.

i'm seriously going to hurt someone if D/L goes canon. because i hate canon ships. it's way too soon for them to do something like this. i mean, it took them six seasons for them to pull a GSR on us and now they're doing this so soon into NY...

not cool man. definitely not cool.
tuesdaymorning said:
Don't worry. I'll hold you and keep you safe.

Don't worry. I promise.

Anyway, I need a shoulder to cry on.

Sounds like a plan. We'll get through this thing together. ;)

BTW, I like your way of thinking MBGrissom. I could handle that.
I'm not liking the sound of that D/L thing at all. :( Attn: Writers of CSI:NY - That pairing just does not work. The lack of chemistry is painful watch. Pleeeease don't go there.

Thumpy - Good for you for telling Carmine that Danny needs to stay away from Lindsey. :D I'm sure those torturous "I might have to ask you to marry me" lines are as painful for him to deliver as they are for the viewer to try to buy.

Maybe it'll be a good thing though. Danny will realize Lindsey is a really boring lay as compared to Flack and she'll inadvertently send him running straight into Flack's eagerly outstretched arms. :devil:
You know, I'm almost at the point where I could deal with it if the writing was done well...but notice that I said almost. The writing from S2 doesn't make me all that confident at this point. :rolleyes:

But I have to agree that this is really rushing things. In the end, we're probably all making a big deal about nothing-much, since I haven't seen this 'information' we're talking about.
After some thought, I'm still not upset about this. :lol: Really! Hear me out here ...

My guess is that they're going with this as some kinda plot device to expose Lindsay's 'big, dark secret'. Remember that, guys? In RSRD, Lindsay was the one who discovered Danny's connection to the stadium murder ... so, maybe this time around, Danny's the one who discovers Lindsay's got a nasty past she wants to hide. And whatever it is might be bad enough that it causes major drama for everybody. Just a thought there.

But, I'm definitely going more for the 'acting on their crush and things going really downhill for them' plot. That's the way it's been for most of the other relationships gone canon in the other shows. And remember, boys and girls, the number one motto for all drama shows.

When things go bad, the ratings go up. :p

That's why I'm actually curious about how things are gonna go. Even if it was possible for Danny/Flack to become canon, I wouldn't want that to happen. I'm pretty certain the writers would find some way to mess it up and make things go bad because ... *points at motto above*. I prefer having tidbits of cute and flirtatious behavior on screen and then have the chance to wonder 'what if' with fellow shippers instead. It's way more fun!
I like Danny/Lindsay, altough I had the idea that it was a bit pushed sometimes and overdone. But I'm interested to see what will happen there.

Btw, IMDB says the fourth episode's name is "Hung Out to Dry". But that's all it says, no further details.
..In all honesty, I hope Carmine tore a strip off of the writers if they actually did go through with the Danny/Lindsay thing. I'm not in favor of it, and I don't think Giovinazzo is all too fond of having his character in a relationship.
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