Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Orison said:
I can't give you no link. You need to subscribe to this site to read the sides. You'll have to trust me for now. ;)

It's still the writer's draft but I'm sure they'll keep this. The scene is very detailed, lots of close-ups of the two.

Man is Flack going to be pissed when he wakes up.
no! no canon ships! that only causes trouble!

...i think i'm going to cry. :(

and if it spawned from the scene at the end of COTP, dear god, i'm going to hurt someone.

this is upsetting me more than it should...:confused: oh well. *shrugs*
Orison said:
Okay guys, it looks like the new Detective will have nothing to do with Danny as his main 'interest' is still Lindsay. Spoilers for episode #2 are up and there's a very interesting scene that leads to them being more than just friends.

I'm not a Danny/Lindsay shipper so I'm still not sure I like this but it seems like this will be the direction for the season.

NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!! That.cannot.happen. :eek: :eek: They are out of their f-ing minds. That's the worst pairing in the history of TV. I agree with Springmoon, Flack's gonna be pretty pissed off when he hears about this. :mad: I knew that damn "ride" was gonna turn into more. Shame on Danny for taking Lindsay home and "riding" her instead of being at the hospital with Flack.

Come on, you've got to give us the website. PM it if you don't wanna post it. I'd subscribe just as long as it's credible.

ETA: I think we need to bombard TPTB with emails and tell them NNNOOOO...that would ruin the show.
Orison said:
Okay guys, it looks like the new Detective will have nothing to do with Danny as his main 'interest' is still Lindsay. Spoilers for episode #2 are up and there's a very interesting scene that leads to them being more than just friends.

I'm not a Danny/Lindsay shipper so I'm still not sure I like this but it seems like this will be the direction for the season.

Please don't mention senitive sources on spoiler material. ;)

But I've got to ask...what happens that makes you think it's become canon?
^Canon means actual fact in the show. Like--SPOILERS for the end of CSI S. 6:
Sara and Grissom in the hotel room at the end of season 6.
canon is basically anything that actually happens on the show. The whole big GSR scene at the end of s6? that basically, until further notice, was making GSR canon.

so if what they're assuming with D/L actually happens, D/L will become canon. and i really don't want that to happen. not at this point, anyway.
I'm serious about this. If D/L does go canon, I'm done with this show.

I'm sorry but there is nothing between these two and I don't want to have a headache everytime I watch an episode.

Guh. This totally ruins my day. I hope this is not true.
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