Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Um, no offense, but I could beat the crap out of that chick with one hand tied behind my back.

Could they at least hire realistic looking people? For Christ sake! Who's next, Eva Mendes as a prison guard? No, wait, she's Hispanic. Can't have those annoying Hispanics on this show.

Seriously. That woman makes me laugh. I'd expect this from CSI: Miami, but New York?
midnight_tiptoes said:
Um, no offense, but I could beat the crap out of that chick with one hand tied behind my back.

:lol: Yes, she does look rather...petite. Although Louise Lombard is an itty bitty thing, and in her second season on CSI/V, I thought she ended up making a pretty believable detective. I haven't seen Forlani in any of the shows mentioned above, so I really don't know anything about her. I guess I'm pretty intrigued to see what they do with her character.
1CSIMfan said:
IMDb says that in 2003 she was learning to play the guitar. Haven't Eddie, Carmine, and Hill been learning/playing also? Since Gary play's bass, all we need to do is get Melina to play the drums and they'll have a band. :p
Wow, it could be a great special episode of CSI:NY! We could be the crowd, waving our panties...ehm, I mean, our hands and screaming!

*searching Zuiker cell#*
:lol: :lol:
MBGrissom said:
midnight_tiptoes said:
Um, no offense, but I could beat the crap out of that chick with one hand tied behind my back.

:lol: Yes, she does look rather...petite.

And as much as I don't love Lindsay, she took that guy down in Zoo York and she's also on the small side.
Well, I agree that she's petite, but I think she could beat someone up if it came down to it. :lol: The fact that Lindsay took that guy down in "Zoo York" is a valid point. ;) But the women on these shows are all pretty petite, though. *shrug*

I suppose it would be interesting, though, if they cast someone like that Chyna woman for the part. :lol: It would take her all of about one episode to beat the crap out of Danny. ;) :lol::lol::lol:
Faylinn said:
Well, I agree that she's petite, but I think she could beat someone up if it came down to it. :lol:

I suppose it would be interesting, though, if they cast someone like that Chyna woman for the part. :lol: It would take her all of about one episode to beat the crap out of Danny. ;) :lol::lol::lol:

Heh, can you imagine how the drama queen would come out if someone gave him the smackdown? I'd pay to see that episode!
I don't mean the fact that she's petite. I'm 5'1 myself. I mean the fact that she looks ultra feminine and ultra girly and ultra posh. I look at her, and I try to put a badge somewhere on her and I just end up laughing. She looks so delicate I bet I could blow on her and she'd fall over.

Louise Lombard is thin, but she's quite tall and kinda tomboy-ish. Lindsay is short, but she's got muscle in her. This woman is all bones and lips. Can you imagine her chasing after a suspect? "Okay, you guys, stop. Seriously, you guys, stop. Oh my God, I think I broke a nail." Eh, she'll probably just stand around, looking pretty and having issues, and then she'll be gone quickly. I hope so.

Plus, what's with the issues? I put 10 bucks on spousal abuse.
Well, here's an image of her with a gun;


I don't know. I like her.
sorry im a bit behind! but is that the new detective that's coming on the scene?

i hope they don't make her into one of these "tough" women; "i don't take no sh*t from nobody"
if you get me? and then it all gets blamed on some tragic past, that she needs to be strong.
i must have seen that storyline about a zillion times?

oh dear. here's me getting ahead of myself and we haven't even seen her yet.
Okay guys, it looks like the new Detective will have nothing to do with Danny as his main 'interest' is still Lindsay. Spoilers for episode #2 are up and there's a very interesting scene that leads to them being more than just friends.

I'm not a Danny/Lindsay shipper so I'm still not sure I like this but it seems like this will be the direction for the season.
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