Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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^^That made perfect sense. I agree that we've gotta see some early Danny and Flack scenes. They just work so good together. Hopefully they'll make up for the lack of Flack snarkiness in CoTP with lots of it in season 3.
I was reading some of the posts on the previous page.
~Starting off season 3 with Flack slipping into a Coma would be terrible!That would be so sad:(, but! The source of that information came from Wikipedia so I'm not that heartbroken yet! I rarely even go to Wikipedia, I would never trust anything from there. But the information might also be true- so then again-im terribly sad.
I know this is kind of off topic of what we are talking about now, but about the new detective. Do we know the new detective is going to be a female? I would surely hope so! One reason is -like I posted before...maybe we can get a little Lindsay, Danny,New Detective cat fight :D and also , If the new detective is a man, chances are that he is going to be smoking hot , just like all the other male detectives, and as much as I would enjoy that. I think too much hottness on the show might start pulling the show away from the orignal plot. Viewers might be more interested in the Characters and their stories then the show itself. But that might not happen. Its just my opinion :D
Well, now we know who plays the new detective...Claire Forlani. Doesn't sound like we need worry unduly about her taking away alot of screen time, unless she's a huge hit and they decide to expand her role. Here's a link to a brief interview with Gary. (Link supplied courtesy of atomovision at the IMDb CSI NY board).

Aw, she's so cute! ^_^

Here's a picture I found on IMDB.com

Thanks a lot for sharing!

So the new character is -not- permament. That makes me happy. I usually don't like new additions... :)
Wonder what this "thing" she will have going for a couple episodes is?? Also, only because I've never heard of that website, is it a reliable source? I hope so.

Also, ILuvJonathanTogo, here's where the info can be found about the new detective being female. ;)

^^But she could be a regular guest.**does that make sense?**
Orison said:
Okay, you guys got me worried so I went and read the sides for the episode. According to those, Det. Flack and Mac have a scene together in which they interrogate a suspect.

I'm not sure if this is an early version of the script (it's called "Network's Draft") so maybe they've changed something, but I like the thought of Don back on his feet so I'm willing to trust it. :)

No no that is a great relief. You never frikken know what t.v. folks'll do when it comes to huge injuries. As messed up as Flack was though, I am not sure if I agree with him coming back %100 at first. (I know, I know, I love him too!) He should, since this is a 'real life' fictional drama, have troubles. They weren't sure if he was going to be out of the woods after all.

As for Wikipedia, I only trust it when there are verifable facts to be found. I was glad to get some more information here from you guys about the Don situation. (s'why I posted here, I needed my hand held and patted and reassurance that is wasn't so)

And yes, Danny should be there, right there. Wiping his brow, holding his hand... yum...
Awww, hey, Claire Forlani's pwetty. She looks really familiar too. I wanna see how she does as the new guest detective!

But she comes in between Danny and Flack ... *ggrrr*

:lol: :p
Forlani was actually a movie star at one point. I think she was in Meet Joe Black with Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt. Maybe they're going to see what reaction is and if she's successful, they'll keep her. Who knows?
IMDb says that in 2003 she was learning to play the guitar. Haven't Eddie, Carmine, and Hill been learning/playing also? Since Gary play's bass, all we need to do is get Melina to play the drums and they'll have a band. :p

I also wish she was a blonde tuesdaymorning. ;)
Claire Forlani is awesome! And gorgeous. I remember seeing her in Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt and also in Boys and Girls with Freddie Prinze (yes Freddie :p ). She's awesome! :D
Hey, I thought you guys might find the following trivia interesting ... Claire Forlani's currently dating Keanu Reeves. Yeah, that guy who was Neo in the Matrix series. :lol:
She was also in Mystery Men -- the waitress who Captain Furious or something (Ben Stiller) had a thing for. It was great.
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