Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Okay, you guys got me worried so I went and read the sides for the episode. According to those, Det. Flack and Mac have a scene together in which they interrogate a suspect.

I'm not sure if this is an early version of the script (it's called "Network's Draft") so maybe they've changed something, but I like the thought of Don back on his feet so I'm willing to trust it. :)
*sigh of relief* that makes me feel better. at least he's interrogating. that makes me happy. i'm gonna trust this too.

it's got more official-ness to it, than wikipedia.
Flack still in a coma? Would give an interesting storyline. But it's only on Wikepedia right? I can edit that page myself if I want. I only believe it when another (more reliable) source put's this up, until then I have my doubts.

Edit: missed orison's post. So he's back in town. Now just hope it's not just over and back to normal...
I'm not sure if this is an early version of the script (it's called "Network's Draft") so maybe they've changed something, but I like the thought of Don back on his feet so I'm willing to trust it.
Could you tell us where this network draft is, Orison? Would like to see it for myself. :)
^Guys, we shouldn't be discussing getting scripts from the show here! Take it to PM if you like, but please keep it off the board! Thanks.
Det. Flack and Mac have a scene together in which they interrogate a suspect.

Yay for Don being back, but not so yay if they're skipping over his recovery completely.

Double yay for having him working with Mac. I totally want to see more of them together.
Double yay for having him working with Mac. I totally want to see more of them together.
Would have tripled the yay if Don worked with Danny. Their cases together are so few and far in between... :(
^^I agree...I don't know which thread it was (may have been here) but I mentioned that maybe Flack would be working with Mac, Stella, and Lindsay since they made a point to say that the new detective would be working with Danny and Hawkes.
:D Yay! I am so happy to hear Flack is back for season 3! And working with Mac, oh my. That'll definitely boost the Mac/Flack pairing. :devil:

They better show a Danny/Flack scene too! Or else! :p
They probably want Mac and Flack to work together so that we can see some of Mac helping Flack through the whole thing. I get the feeling that Flack doesn't want anyone to ask him how he is, but if Mac asks, he won't complain--Mac isn't the type to fuss and coddle, if he asks it's because he wants to know. ;)

I really want a Flack/Danny scene, but I can wait until the second episode if it means we get some continuity. ;) The sacrifices we make, eh? :lol:

Oh, and the Mac/Flack ship? I'll admit, I loves it. :devil: (And I've read some great fanfic for the pairing too. ;))
Since Mac was with Flack when he got hurt and did save his life, I think it will make them closer. They'll never be as close as Danny and Flack. But I think the relationship between Mac and Flack will change somewhat. For the better.

I just wonder whether or not Danny went back to the hospital or decided to stay with Lindsay or did something else altogether. If he didn't go back to the hospital, that could cause a little bit of tension.

I too wanna see lots of Danny and Flack moments. They work so good together.
The thing that bugs me about what Danny did or didn't do is the fact that they'll probably never mention it. :rolleyes: I mean, I suppose we can assume that, since he's Flack's friend, he went back, but considering some of the character changes they made last season, I don't think we can be so sure anymore. Did that make sense?

In any case, I want to see some Danny and Flack friendship scenes early on to make up for the total lack of Flack-snark we got in the finale. :p :lol:
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