Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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1CSIMfan said:
^^hmmmm...never thought about that. Nah, Flack won't have time seeing as they wouldn't be working cases together. :p

They'd still have desks near each other though, in that lovely room with the beefy policemen in it :D I'd love to see another detective with a tongue as sharp as Flack's, and watch them quip each other :D
1CSIMfan said:

Unless...I can't believe I'm even thinking this...Flack's not coming back. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I know, he'll be back, hopefully he's working with Mac and Stella on the season opener.

Wikipedia entry on CSI:NY states that Flack is still in a coma as season 3 opens. I admit my dander got all sorts of up when I heard about the new detective too. All I could think was "Fllaaaaaaaaack! Nooooooooooooooo!" :( There might've been tears.

(Of course my torrid little fic mind went "Well they can't have Dan and Donny working cases together if they're together soo..." Heh. But that's neither here nor there... it's some where in the gutter.)

I just hope they don't keep Flack out of the game too long.
The question is...is that a good source for accurate spoilers?

DeathBeMyFriend said:
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
Man, I didnt even know they were getting a new detective
I must have missed something lol- Im still trying to get over Aiden, but I always enjoy new people, its so interesting.Maybe will flirt and Lindsey will get jealous, maybe we can get a little cat fight..Cant Wait :)

I second that. They have to get together in this season because I see some major yearning from them.

Major yearning from who??? Danny and Lindsay?? I definately don't see that. I see lame attempts of flirting at best. Besides, Danny needs someone new to flirt with and get that chemistry thing going like he had with Det Maka...too bad Kelly Hu has another gig now. :(
tuesdaymorning said:
My baby! He can not be still in a coma!

But...but he and Mac and the hand, omg.


Still love the fact that her name is Jennifer. :D

What I must hear.... :eek:

Our Flacki in coma... :eek: :(

My god, that is really terrible.
Alone the the thought to it's so cruel... *howl & crie*

But I hope, he's in the next episode after again there....
Wikipedia is basically added to by anybody who wants to it. I admit that I was a little freaked out when I read the bit on it about Flack being still in a coma in S3, but I honestly don't think it can be all that accurate.

Flack was aware enough to respond to verbal commands at the end of COTP. Unless his condition deteriorated, I don't think it could be considered a coma.
And if he did somehow slip into a coma, then that would drag out his recovery time even more and I can't see TPTB being dumb enough to keep Flack off duty for too long.
^^Thank goodness someone else thinks the way I do. I'd think coma scenes would be more for a flashback than anything else. I don't think he was in a coma in CoTP unless it was induced. I'm sure he was heavily sedated after what he went through and the doctors probably weren't in a hurry to bring him out of that.

Until I read it from a more reliable source, I am still going with the belief that season 3 will start a couple or so months after the finale and Flack will be back to work or at least back by the 2nd or 3rd eppy.
If it does start a couple months after COTP, I do want to see the after effects.

He can not simply just continue daily life without referring back to that day. He just can not.
I agree also, I want to see some sort of continuity re: Flack reliving that day, once in awhile. And not how CSI/V did it, with Nick getting the willies one time when he saw a bug on his arm, LOL. Don't get me wrong, I obviously don't want the man jumping at his own shadow, that would be OOC, but I do want to see a little bit of post traumatic stress, in some way. And I'd like to see how, if at all, it changes his relationships with the people he's closest to, Mac and Danny in particular.

Flack in a coma in the S3 opener? :eek Noooooo way. I could easily see them handling it via flashback though, I guess that wouldn't be bad.
Flack still in a coma??? Say it ain't so! :( That would suck. Of course, if Danny is in tears at his bedside and that was when he woke up...it wouldn't suck so bad. ;) :devil:
I agree about hoping he's on his way back. He should definately have issues, as should Stella from her thing...both of them will have PTSD issues if the writers try to stay realistic.
Thank goodness someone else thinks the way I do. I'd think coma scenes would be more for a flashback than anything else. I don't think he was in a coma in CoTP unless it was induced. I'm sure he was heavily sedated after what he went through and the doctors probably weren't in a hurry to bring him out of that.

He was definitely heavily sedated before he was operated on, and with the blood loss/anaesthesia/pain meds etc, it's hardly surprizing he hadn't woken up by the episode end. Of course TPTB could always decide to have had something nasty show up on Flack's CT scan!

I agree...there's no way he wouldn't have some sort of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's just a given.
It depends on how much he actually remembers of the trauma. I mean, okay, he was conscious for at least a period of time after the blast, but he must have taken a knock to the head as well, and it's entirely possible that he wouldn't remember anything of that day. Not sure if that would make it easier or harder to deal with though.
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