Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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I would imagine she'll be more of a replacement for Maka and will just pop up every so often. Maybe if she does start flirting with Danny it'll encourage Flack to get off of his sick bed and make sure no one gets their hands on his man!! *Scurries back to the gutter*
^ :lol: :lol:

If they're gonna go for that continuity from where it left off, I'd applaud them for it. I'll still be crushed if Flack isn't there, though. :( At LEAST, give us some gratuitous Flack moments while he's in hiatus!

And I'm game for some Flack body-slamming anytime. :devil:

Oh, sorry. I thought I was still in Gutterville... :D
A new detective? I hope NY doesn't become like Vegas and have a bunch of people running around that aren't apart of the main cast.

I wonder who is playing the new detective? I think I agree sarramaks I think she'll be more of a re-placement for Maka, seeing as Kelly Hu has a new show airing.
I'm a little dubious about her, given the issues the writers have had with Lindsay in season two. I hope they've casted the actress well and have an idea of what part she'll play. The fact that the whole tattoo thing sounds like they're making it a big deal makes me draw parallels to Lindsay's 'Dark Past' and has caused a little flutter of worry within my usual calm persona (really ;)). I hope she will be a Maka-type person and not a wimp or trying-too-hard-to-please character. Let TPTB give us a woman with balls, and let her keep them, not ala Stella in All Access. Anyway, we shall see...

You think the writers will give us some Danny/Flack love? Pwitty pwease.... :devil:
I think this is the spoiler thread right? I don't see the point to open a new one.

I really hope we see a bit continity of the end of season 2 in the begin of season 3. That's the main reason I din't like the season 2 start, because they all dropped what happend the end of season 1. And I hope we get a follow up on the mob case in Zoo York, I have the feeling that case isn't closed yet.
Ooh, good point about the "Zoo York" case, Daisy. I'd like to see how Mac handles that coming back up again. You can bet he'd be sure to get the guy this time. :)

I agree about the continuity from seasons 1 to 2. I'm hoping that they do a better job at the beginning of S3. They kind of have to since Flack was injured, but I hope that they also keep up with how Mac was affected by it as well.

Re: the opening of a new thread for S3 spoilers, I agree that it's pretty redundant now since there are no other spoilers to discuss. Maybe when the next thread gets opened it can be called "S3 spoilers" or something. :)
Yep it is. Maybe after this thread reaches 1000 posts the name can be changed to CSI:NY Season 3 Spoilers - You have been warned

ETA: Fay, we're thinking alike and typing at the same time. :lol:
I'd really like to see some more continuity going from S2 into S3. You know, mentions of Flack and what happened after he was let out of the hospital -- how he got better. Things like that. I didn't like how they handled Danny's brother either. After RSRD, Louie just dropped off the face of the earth.
^^Exactly. Danny went back to work like Louie wasn't in the hospital half dead. I don't even remember anybody even asking how Louie was doing. It just disappeared. Now if they do that with Flack, I'm gonna be pissed. Also, the way they handled Stella after she shot Frankie. I know at the end Mac told her to take some time off and to see the dept counselor but the next episode, it was like nothing every happened. They built that scenario up over a few episodes and now it is forgotten too.
Well, I remember Stella going to test a gun and she flashed back to shooting Frankie. But that's as close as they ever got to mentioning it again.
Yea, I wsa kind of dissapointed that they never really brought that stuff up again. I havent seen RSRD, but I know what happens, and I've seen all the eppys after that happend, and it's weird that they dont mention his brother. I would think Mac or Lindsay (or anyone for that matter) would ask Danny about it. And no one brought up Frankie to Stella or even how she was doing. I'm suprised Flack didn't, considering he sat there in the room with her while she told the story, he knew the most about it. I didn't like how they just cut that stuff off like that, it really aggravates me..
I think Flack doesn't because in this episode (Stealing Home) he wasn't with her... so he couldn't talk to her. And then, the episode after was Aiden's death so it was too late to speak about Stella.
I hope they'll speak about the bomber and Flack being injured. Not too much but a little because it's a bad experience for him and I don't think he will be OK without having a little fair!
I'm thinking (hoping) the new det. will simply be as a replacement for Hu, who went on to another show, and will appear every 6-7 eppys or so, but she's new, so they have to give a bit of a fanfare for her, understandably. And hopefully that will open the door for some nice continuity for a recovering Flack, who won't be mysteriously perfectly healed after his injuuries in the bomb blast. But of course I don't want the delectable Det. Flack to go missing while recuperating - Oh, No. I would love to see some scenes of the CSIs visiting him, maybe a Poker Night with the boys, and of course a totally gratuitous scene of Flack recovering in his apartment in his underwear, sans shirt, would not be out of order. :p My Dream Scene? Mac, Danny, & Hawkes dropping in on Flack for Poker Night - accompanied by Danny's recuperated brother Louie - and a nice, fun but poignant end scene of the guys bonding and having a good time, and maybe Louie and Flack briefly talking about how injuries take time to heal physically, but also emotionally... blah blah. Think a CSI NY version of the corny but famous black velvet painting of the Poker Dogs, LOL. Flack, sitting and grinning at his colleagues, glad that they're stopping by regularly and hanging out with him. Danny sitting in his white tank undershirt spouting great one-liners, Mac whooping everyone's butt with his famous Poker Face and perhaps chewing on a cigar for a bit of a Lt. Dan tie-in, Hawkes waxing philosophical, and Louie just observing it all, and happily hoping that he and his bro Danny get a chance to bond again... (hopefully in S3)... Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? :lol:
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