I'm thinking (hoping) the new det. will simply be as a replacement for Hu, who went on to another show, and will appear every 6-7 eppys or so, but she's new, so they have to give a bit of a fanfare for her, understandably. And hopefully that will open the door for some nice continuity for a recovering Flack, who won't be mysteriously perfectly healed after his injuuries in the bomb blast. But of course I don't want the delectable Det. Flack to go missing while recuperating - Oh, No. I would love to see some scenes of the CSIs visiting him, maybe a Poker Night with the boys, and of course a totally gratuitous scene of Flack recovering in his apartment in his underwear, sans shirt, would not be out of order.
My Dream Scene? Mac, Danny, & Hawkes dropping in on Flack for Poker Night - accompanied by Danny's recuperated brother Louie - and a nice, fun but poignant end scene of the guys bonding and having a good time, and maybe Louie and Flack briefly talking about how injuries take time to heal physically, but also emotionally... blah blah. Think a CSI NY version of the corny but famous black velvet painting of the Poker Dogs, LOL. Flack, sitting and grinning at his colleagues, glad that they're stopping by regularly and hanging out with him. Danny sitting in his white tank undershirt spouting great one-liners, Mac whooping everyone's butt with his famous Poker Face and perhaps chewing on a cigar for a bit of a Lt. Dan tie-in, Hawkes waxing philosophical, and Louie just observing it all, and happily hoping that he and his bro Danny get a chance to bond again... (hopefully in S3)... Hey, a girl can dream, can't she? :lol: