Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Fruitbat said:
I only have one comment Dont Blow This CBS. This has the potential to be so good but I just worry CBS will muck it up. And hopefully we will get some decent screen time with Mac and Stella in this ep and I dont mean that in a shippy context. I have so missed their interaction this season. They work so well with each other in season 1 and their friendship came across so well and I miss that.

I completely agree with everything you said, Fruitbat. I hope to God they don't screw up on this, because it can swing so many ways - it could ruin characters and as a consequence, the show, or it could just skip the middle man and wreck the entire show in one foul swoop. Or of course, it could be totally beyond awesome and leave us all shellshocked and more in love with the show than ever.

Here's hoping for the third option, huh?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Ah ha I knew Frankie was a creep. I really love the insight Melina gave and reading that has made me even more excited for that episode. Thanks so much for posting that Fruitbat!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Just read ask Aussiello.

Possible LV and Miami spoilers
I will tell you that all three CSI shows will be sending major characters to the hospital with life-threatening injuries in their respective season finales. And of the three patients, two are male and one is female. There, that's a hint.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

They saved the best for last for sure!

So the Miami character is female ... I wonder who it will be, Natalia?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I'm fairly sure it will be Marisol

Aussiello also said that the season finale would have some explosions.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

if i have understand everythings stella will shot frankie at the end of tanglewood 2 and then the next episode all acess will be about her trying to remember about what happened?damn i'd really like to know what frankie did to make stella shot him in her appartement and in this interview she said that he never been to her apartement but in younglood she 's on the phone with him and she says : my place will be better so?i just cant wait this seems like a huge cliffanger!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^Yeah, it sounds like Stella shoots Frankie at the end of RSRD, since that's the April 19th episode. Damn, pack enough drama into one episode? :lol: I can't wait, but I agree--they need to beware going too far into Miami territory. Love Miami's outlandishness at times, but it belongs in Miami, not NY.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

a creep is someone very scary some sick, like totally crzay
like the guy who opend the door in bad beat and flack was like never mind and closed it again (but he was a harmless one) :lol:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

you mean the guy who was half naked when flack knocked at his door cause this guy doesnt seems sick or dangerous maybe a little exibisionist but not crazy but maybe darius is creep right?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

ok so frankie is crazy like a multiple personality disorder or something like that and i think they have made a litte mistake cause in the interview melina says that frankie has never been to her place but in one ep we see her on the phone with him and she says my place will be better!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

First off, thanks to whoever posted that link on TV Guide's website. It seems like it's a good link, so I'll post it again.


So if I'm understanding this right, RSRD is Danny and the Tanglewood gang. But at the end of that episode is when Stella shoots Frankie. We'll find out next episode what happened. Then there is an episode in between and in the last episode, Flack gets injured by the bomb. Does that sound right to anyone?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes i'm the one who post it and ur welcome and your all right it happens like that
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