Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Hmm, I guess I'm one of the few people who didn't know Frankie was a creep from the beginning. ;) But he must be stupid to go after a woman with a gun. :p

The thing that's confusing me is that, if this happens at the end of RSRD, the storyline continues in "All Access"--so is the Stella story going to be the main one, or is the Kid Rock investigation going to take more of the focus? I really wish they'd chosen to do these two in different shows, putting a very minor story in the show with Stella's investigation (kind of like the urban golf storyline from "Necrophilia Americana"). When one of the main characters is a murder suspect, that should really be the focal point of the show. I don't like that these two stories will be competing for attention, if that makes any sense...

I guess that the team isn't allowed to be involved in Stella's investigation since Mac's on the Kid Rock case--I wonder if this means that we'll see some different CSIs...*grumble* Shit, we're probably going to see that stupid IAB guy again. *scowl*
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Hillborn!!! :eek: I wonder if he will be back.

I gotta say, a glamorous Kid Rock case doesn't seem to fit with the gravity of Stella being investigated for murder. :confused: And why would Mac work the Kid Rock case? Danny, Hawkes and Flack have to be on some case...I wonder if they're the one working Stella's case, or if they're just not around much for the episode?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Fay I think you mean that he must be stupid to go after Stella with a gun. :lol:
I assumed that she could possible head home with Frankie after RSRD and then all the drama would occur in All Access. Are Lindsay and Mac not working on the Kid Rock case? If they were that could mean that Danny and Hawkes could be working the Stella case. It's just a theory but it might be intresting if thats the way it turned out.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Top41 said:
Danny, Hawkes and Flack have to be on some case...I wonder if they're the one working Stella's case, or if they're just not around much for the episode?

Gah!!! Don't say that! NY better not pull the disappearing acts like in the Vegas show recently! That'd suck. I need my Danny and Flack fix. :(
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I believe that there are two eps between All Access and the finale. All Access is the 21 ep and they are probably doing 24.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Are Lindsay and Mac not working on the Kid Rock case? If they were that could mean that Danny and Hawkes could be working the Stella case.
My reason for saying that the team must not be involved is the fact that, if Mac was in a position to investigate what happened with Stella, would he really let Danny and a newbie do it instead? I mean, don't get me wrong, Danny and Hawkes are great CSIs, but I think Mac would insist on being the one to investigate it. Although, if they wait until later on in the episode to bring up the Stella story, Mac could have already worked on the Kid Rock story before leaving it to other people to finish...

I suppose that something could happen at the end of RSRD (like at the same time that Stella receives her 'statue') that hints at a bigger something, which would then occur in "All Access." The team would hear about it over the scanner (according to the futon critic) and the episode ends with Stella, covered with blood, telling Mac (or someone else) that she doesn't remember what happened. This could mean that the storyline continues into the next episode called "Stealing Home"...:confused: Wow, that made me a little dizzy there... ;) :lol:
Fay I think you mean that he must be stupid to go after Stella with a gun. :lol:
;) Yeah, well he'd also be dumb to come after me if I had a gun. :p :lol: But seriously, I can't imagine that Stella would just shoot him, you know? He must have done something really bad for her to kill him...:(
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

it's not logical that mac is on the kid rock case and danny and flack on the stella on mac HAS to take car of her i mean who else know stella more then mac he's the only one who can help her to defends her self and proove that it was self defense (if it was)i dont think mac would let stella alone i think he works on the kid rock case until he learns about stella(and that's why we see on promo pics thatmac works on this case with lindsey) and then he goes on stella's case i think but it's just speculation i cant wait but for tonight superman!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

If Danny were to work the case it could be Mac's way of showing him that he trust's him again. Mac may not be allowed to work the case because of higher ups and his close relationship with Stella.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I think it makes sense that Mac would work the Kid Rock case because it would definitely be a high profile case and thus would be a priority.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

no the priority is stella not kid rock and it's logical that he's not investigating stella cause he's too closed to her and if danny investigate that mean that mac trust him again but i imagine that even if mac doesnt take care of the investigation he will take car of stella of course!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

It sure seems that this is finally going back to all the craziness from the first season, and I'm so glad! I cant wait for the finale to see what all really happens with Flack and I really cant wait until Run Silent Run Deep, especially for Danny. This is going to be an awesome end for the season!!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes i also cant wait til RDRS especially the end of the ep when we see stella kill frankie but after that it will be a very long week to wait til all acess i hope mac will be helping stella
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

britney said:
no the priority is stella not kid rock

The thing with Stella would be on a local level, whereas Kid Rock would be on a national level due to his status as a rock star. Hence the case will be scrutinized by the national media, making it necessary for the department to make it more of a priority and making it more natural that Mac would be the one to head the case, as he's the one with most seniority.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

i dont understand between a rock star an d stella i mean it's oubvious helping stella is more imporatant and i'm sure it's more important for mac but as they're close he cant nvestigate but i'm sur he will take news about how the investigation is going he cant just leave her alone it's impossible
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes i also cant wait til RDRS especially the end of the ep when we see stella kill frankie but after that it will be a very long week to wait til all acess i hope mac will be helping stella

True, here lately it seems like it takes forever to see the next episode. I kinda cant wait until season 2 is over, so I can buy it on DVD, ya know? :lol:
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