Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh yeah Stella would definitely shot if it came to self defence. Maybe Frankie is involved with the Tanglewood gang after all. Oh man I can't wait to see if all this is true!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Well there's apparently going to be an internet stunt so maybe it's gonna be revealed in that.

Oh, so excited now! *dances crazily around house*
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

i'm not sure that stella will be shoot ad this is weird if we look at the promo pic we see frakie ad he's ot dead ad mac is w<orking with lindesey o the "kid rick case" so if stella was in trouble he wouldt be working a another case no?and o the pic nothings tell us about this spoiler that stella is shoot or shoot frankie anyway i hope she wont be hurt and i'm sure that she descover that he was a tanglewood finally that's good i dont like him!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Er...since when have we been speculating that Frankie is in any way involved with the Tanglewood Boys? :confused: My assumption was that he's in the episode just because he's Stella's boyfriend--he doesn't have to be involved with the case to be in the episode...hell, if he's involved in a case, maybe they catch him with one of the high-priced escorts! :lol:

Where did you hear about Frankie being dead, britney? I'm curious about this. On the one hand, it would be interesting to see that sort of case, but on the other hand isn't that a little too soon after the Tanglewood 2 case to have a team member suspiciously linked to a case? *sigh* But I guess it's too much when a CSI tries to have a relationship--it always ends up badly: murder, suicide, pregnancy-scare, engagement/marriage to another person... Maybe they're just trying to keep NY in the same boat as the other shows. ;) :rolleyes:

*goes off to investigate* ;)

wwiflyingace17, I'm getting confused about the order of the episodes and which cases are in which shows too. :p :lol:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

TV Guide is generally pretty darn accurate! WHOA!!!!! :eek: Man, that's going to be a kick ass episode! I wonder which CSIs are going to work the case. I can't believe Mac would stay on the Kid Rock case while Stella's being booked for murder.

It has to be self-defense. But how weird that she doesn't remember! Man, this season is going out with a bang!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

....Finally. The episodes get darker.

I've been waiting for a long time for CSI:NY to start heading back in the original dark and mysterious direction they had in Season One.

Well, Frankie's gone? *insert party here*
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I wanted Frankie gone, sure I did
but I didn't want him dead
I read this and I was like Omg
well omg
you know
I'm sure stella didn't do it.....or it was selfdefense
(I can imagine it, a guy like frankie....)
but still poor her, she really loved him

anyway I'll join your party Jen ;)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

What a story lines lately! Danny, Flack and now Stella in trouble ... can't wait to see that! :eek:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Faylinn said:
Er...since when have we been speculating that Frankie is in any way involved with the Tanglewood Boys? :confused: My assumption was that he's in the episode just because he's Stella's boyfriend--he doesn't have to be involved with the case to be in the episode...hell, if he's involved in a case, maybe they catch him with one of the high-priced escorts! :lol:

We were being hopeful... uh, speculating in the Stella topic. *blushes furiously* But I can't think of any other reason for Stella to draw her weapon unless she's being threatened in some way. That, and the fact that on R&K when someone mentioned that Frankie could be the suspect in a big case, she went a bit secretive. Maybe I have an overactive imagination. I know I'm totally hyped about this spoiler, good AND bad hyped.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

maybe he's some kind of mole who brings information over to miami and she finds out and she pretends she doesn't know but he knows she knows so he attacks her and she has to kill him because she knows he knows she knows...
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Here's a thought: what if Run Silent, Run Deep ends with Stella shooting Frankie, and then the next week is when it's actually dealt with/investigated? Though, he gives her the statue in All Access, right? So maybe not. But that would be a cool mini-cliffhanger, though I don't know if they'd end RSRD, because it would take the focus off the Tanglewood story.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

no cause first the spoiler says that it happens during the episode aduring mac's investigation on the other end we have pictures of frankie in all acess and he's not dead he's a stella's so...and there is also this pic and she seems surpised so maybe at the end of her investigation of the day she comes home and it happens so i think she shoot him at the end of all acess cause if she 'd shot him during the episode mac wouldnt be investigating with lindsey but he would be with stella right?AND I THINK he gives her the sculpture at the end of tanglwood 2 i really dont know we'll see in 2 weeks anyway i think that future episode r going to be hard for stella
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Honestly, in a way I don't want Stella to shoot Frankie. Granted, I don't like Frankie, but I don't want to get rid of him this way.

The thing is, I'm afraid NY is straying into Miami territory - a la drama for drama's sake. What do we have so far: Danny and Tanglewood in RSRD, Stella apparently shooting Frankie in All Access, then Flack get seriously injured in the finale. All this is happening within a few episodes. That's a lot. As much as I like character development, I hope that the cases don't get lost either.
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