Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

RSRD is not drama for drama's sake. It's a continuation from Tanglewood last year.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

What confuses me is the spoiler Melina gave on I think The View about the thing with her and Frankie being subtle and during the last few moments of the ep.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Maybe that bit will be on Super Men or Run Silent, Run Deep? Also, I don't remember the interview, but are we sure that subtle thing was about Frankie or was it just about Stella's character?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh, that's not good! But there might be something okay about it if she doesn't remember it. Like she could have gotten hurt or something... I hope.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

If she doesn't remember it could be some sort of PTSD. But still... it's gonna be one hell of a rocky road.

I guess it only goes up from here though. I hope, anyway.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Maybe she was drugged and set up? Led to believe she killed him but she didn't really?

As evil as Frankie looks, would he really try to kill or rape Stella? It's possible he's been hanging out with a bad crowd and they went off to find him, killed him, and framed Stella. Then again, it would just be easier to kill her. I don't know, dude. This all sounds fucking awesome. Stella, yay! But aw, at the same time. She's so gonna need a hug after this.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Wow! This Stella thing just kinda came out of no where. I hope Stella doesn't get hurt. But Mac will comfort her ;)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^ 2 episodes: tomorrow's 'Super Men', next week's 'Run Silent, Run Deep', then it should be 'All Access'.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Well here is what Melina said in TV Guide

We hear something huge happens to your character[...]on the April 19 episode. What is it?

I don't want to give too much away but, as tough and smart as Stella is at her job, this episode is really groundbreaking because you get to see that she is real and she has flaws. We've shown violence and we've shown victims before, but as a franchise I don't think we've ever done anything this intense. It's a big change and a highly anticipated one for me.

Can you give us any hints?

We see this CSI become the person who's fingerprinted. Earlier in the season, Stella was in control of her relationship with boyfriend Frankie [Ed Quinn]. He never came to her place. She always went to his. So it's interesting that Stella would let her guard down now. And when you let down your guard, you miss the closest clues because you're not looking. How the hell did she not know this guy was a creep?

So things go sour between them?

All I can say is it's unexpected. She's not perfect. I guess the woman in me wants to believe we all want love. We all want to trust someone.

Will Stella seek revenge on Frankie?

The end of this episode is what catapults the entire next episode.

You mentioned that this episode has some violent scenes. Were those scenes tough to film?

Ed Quinn is a deliciously lovely human. But by the end of the day, I was like, "I don't like you!"
It sounds at though it happens at the end of the ep leading into the next ep.

I only have one comment Dont Blow This CBS. This has the potential to be so good but I just worry CBS will muck it up. And hopefully we will get some decent screen time with Mac and Stella in this ep and I dont mean that in a shippy context. I have so missed their interaction this season. They work so well with each other in season 1 and their friendship came across so well and I miss that.
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