Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

i dont know when they will be avaible on dvd for me i have all the ep of the 2 season on my computer so i dont really care about the dvd
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I'm not saying that Mac wouldn't *want* to help Stella, because obviously they're friends. I'm just saying that from the viewpoint of the department it makes sense that the case that is more likely to be blown out of proportion on a NATIONAL level will take precedence.

Let's put it this way...pretty much EVERYONE across America watched the OJ Simpson trial. OJ Simpson the football player who is a part of America's pop culture. But I can pretty much guarantee that if a cop murders someone in New York that it's not going to be a top story in the Florida news. What I'm saying is that the national media would come in to play a little more heavily on a case concerning a rock star than on a case concerning a local cop. Thus it's only natural that Mac, as department head, would most likely take the Kid Rock case. Thus I'm saying it makes sense to me for that reason.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes i agree mac must not take care of this case because of his personnal implication with stella but i'm sure he will keep on eye on it anyway and i'm sure i'll be there for her just like she was for him when claire died and i think melina is such a great actress but in this 2 ep WE WILL see all her talent
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I think Mac probably wouldn't be allowed to work Stella's case because it would be a conflict of interest, especially given that they have a close relationship. Even though Mac wouldn't do anything to compromise the integrity, a lawyer could argue that. IAB would probably not want any doubts.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes it's true his intregrity could be compromise but it's no because he doesnt take care of the investigations that he wont take care od stella right?I THINK we will have a lot of smacked moment
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yey smacked they better featurer some. Can i just ask where chad has gone, his accent makes me laf :lol: and i miss him. And where is that english bird (i think shes english, mabey just posh american) the blonde, M.E.??? :confused:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

yes the one who does the DNA test she was in necrophilia america it's the last episode were we saw her
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh I hope she doesn't come back although didn't they say we would see her again?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh I hope she doesn't come back although didn't they say we would see her again?

Yep unfortunately they did say that we would see her again.....damn she irritated the hell out of me...
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

OK i think no one likes jane cause she's closed to mac it's like frankie and i was sure i havent understand everythings cause everyone like stella no?and i'll be happy if jane never come back!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Saw the preview for "Run Silent, Run Deep".. Did I see Danny crying?! Did Mac say Danny was the one looking like he did the murder? And Stella looks like she found her boyfriend on a porn site.. Next week's episode, start the countdown! I believe it's going to be THE ONE of the season. O.O
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh my gosh! I cannot wait until next week!!! I was really surprised to see Danny crying! And then when it looked like Louie was gonna die I felt really bad for him!

I also can't wait to see this whole thing with Stella! It looks interesting!
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