Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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they could have brought that Scagnetti guy back if they needed an extra detective--he was in "Not What it Looks Like" during the scene at the end, wasn't he?
Actually, Det. Scagnetti hasn't been around since last season's Charge of This Post. I wish they brought him back, I miss Det. Prada
I went looking because I was curious. csi-caps.com doesn't pay attention to characters like Scagnetti when taking screencaps, so these aren't good, but anyway:

Scagnetti in "Charge of this Post" behind Mac

Guy who looks like Scagnetti to me in "Not What it Looks Like" (this is the scene where they find the dead girl in the apartment)

It might not be the same guy, but it looks like him to me. :)

Anyway, that wasn't strictly on-topic, so back to the spoilers! :lol:
Actually, Det. Scagnetti hasn't been around since last season's Charge of This Post. I wish they brought him back, I miss Det. Prada

Also, just a neat tidbit, he's also written a few episodes (Risk, Sleight of Hand)
Wow! That's so cool! I didn't know that he was also a writer. I miss him and Maka just the same. But glad to see that he's writing next week's episode.
Wow! You are all amazing! You actually remember all their names! hehe..I only remember their faces...I think i'll try to remember all of the guest stars and characters
sorry for this post lol
for the beginning thx a lot for all spoilers I find here !!!!!
Season 3 begin in france in this spring, I'm so happy to see this episode in french
vegaslights said:
And for next season, could we please add [if they're still around] Claire, Emmanuele and Robert to the main credits? (They can take Lindsay out for all I care, these characters are much more interesting!)

I can see them adding Robert because he's been around since last season and he seems to be getting more screentime (Im not complaining! :)) but as for Claire and Emmanuelle .. I doubt it. They not recurring stars yet and they've only been in a handful of eps this season.

Fay, I think you're right about Det. Scag. being in NWILL. I look at a few sites for John Dove and none of them listed it as one of his credits. Maybe because he didn't have any lines ..? I dunno.
CSI_Ali said:
allstar12 said:
I know Emannuelle is guesting on Supernatural in a few weeks, which they film in Vancouver, so that might be the reason she's not available for eps. Or she's reshooting scenes for the movie she just finished (also in Vanc.)

I think that's probably what it is. According to imdb, she has another film in post to, so I suppose she could be reshooting for that as well. I don't think they didn't write her in for a few episodes straight, Stella's constant references made me think she was supposed to be in 'The Ride-In' too.

It really does sound like she was supposed to be in NY but had to pull out for something else. That sucks. :( I wonder if she'll be back or if we've seen the last of Angell. I hope not, but I have a feeling if they want to keep her, they're going to have to give her more to do. It's kind of a waste of her time as an actress otherwise. She's had other more substantial roles in the past.

NY will be in reruns for all of March and the first week of April--the price we have to pay for the almost uninterrupted schedule during the fall. As for Lost gaining momentum while NY is in reruns--it's possible. But I'm thinking not probable, though because Lost isn't the kind of show you can just jump into. At this point, I don't know if Lost can gain any new viewers--the story is already so complex. I think Lost is a great show, but unfortunately the nature of its format makes it very difficult to attract new viewers. My guess is Medium would see more of an increase than Lost (though CSI shows do tend to do well in reruns, so it could be that none of the competition will see much of an increase).

The promo was very interesting--I'm surprised that they didn't promote the Lindsay trial thing. Usually when something big is going on with one of the characters, it's teased in the promo (RSRD, All Access, Raising Shane). I wonder if CBS is finally catching on to the fact that Lindsay isn't popular with a large group of viewers and realizing she's not much of a draw to the show. Even when Kid Rock was in "All Access," a lot of the promo was devoted to Stella, so I don't think it has anything to do with Criss Angel's appearance.
I'm very surprised to read that they didn't promote the fact that the Lindsay trial was in the following episode. Espeically if spoilers are to believed and Danny is going to be there for that. It's kinda a major storyline unless they have changed Danny going or something else? Who knows!
o.t I actually see Lost increasing very much during March- there episodes during the last week of Feb. and March are alot of the fans fav. characters- hurley, claire, sayid,locke, and juliet.

But, I don't want to wait till april for a new episode, I want to see more of flack....maybe shirtless flack, danny, and hawkes...mmmmm
^Fan favorites yes, but established fans. They'll get a few back for those 5 weeks--I've been choosing NY over Lost during sweeps, but I'll definitely catch up online (the eps are at ABC.com) and watch the first run eps during March. Still, I doubt they'll get any new viewers, though I could be wrong.

MichelleK, I'd love it if they decided not to send Danny to Montana (it really does make his character look like such a doormat), but if they're going to show those courtroom scenes, I think they have to send somebody. Even in CSI, when Greg testified, Sofia came to meet him at the courthouse in one scene. It makes sense to have another character come, and well, Lindsay only really has a connection to one character (Danny) because of the way the romance has been pushed so hard.

I just think it's interesting that it wasn't promoed at all, something about finding out what happened in Lindsay's past at long last or something. :lol: I suspect the character's unpopularity has finally caught on at the net, but that's just a guess.
Yeah I can see Danny going to the trial but if he comes back and goes back to being the doormat character they had before I swear I'm going to kick some ass. Hehe! I'm silently praying they don't send him to Montana, hey it working with them cutting the phone call scene between the two, it could happen again.
I am interested to see how they's write it, because no one seems to have mentioned Lindsay in her absence and then all of a sudden Danny is going to up and leave. In another thread I said he is finally back to sparking Danny, I don't want them to change that.

On a side note: did we ever find out what the writers were talking about when they mentioned there was something from Danny's past that he wouldn't be able to shake off?
MichelleK said:
I am interested to see how they's write it, because no one seems to have mentioned Lindsay in her absence and then all of a sudden Danny is going to up and leave.

Me too. That's what's bothering me. There's been no mention whatsoever so they better have a really good excuse to send Danny to Montana.

On a side note: did we ever find out what the writers were talking about when they mentioned there was something from Danny's past that he wouldn't be able to shake off?

No, we're still waiting for that. We're four episodes away from the finale and I'm getting worried...
I haven't read it here anywhere, but I've got some second hand info that the Canadian viewers have seen a different promo than the one that is currently on the CBS site. In that promo Danny is apparantly losing it, he is going off about blood, guys in general, and the evidence he has to deal with.

So that is probably the reason they're gonna use to make him leave for Montana.

Has anyone seen this promo?
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