Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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Ep #20 sounds great. Cannot wait to find out the connection between the guy in the armour and the guy in The Ritz.

Hope this military lab gives Stella (and us) some answers about her HIV exposure.
ka990 said:
Yeay! :) Lots of Flack! thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! :lol:

Lots of QUALITY Flack would be nicer though. It's been 3 seasons and the character still has little substance to him beyond a genuine NY accent and fugly ties. Where did S1 Flack go? I want that character back!
I wonder what "endangered" means there? Hehe...Endangered as she'll be in danger physically? I hope not. It would only cause another Mac-Payton thing! Argh! hehe..
allstar12 said:
I know Emannuelle is guesting on Supernatural in a few weeks, which they film in Vancouver, so that might be the reason she's not available for eps. Or she's reshooting scenes for the movie she just finished (also in Vanc.)

I think that's probably what it is. According to imdb, she has another film in post to, so I suppose she could be reshooting for that as well. I don't think they didn't write her in for a few episodes straight, Stella's constant references made me think she was supposed to be in 'The Ride-In' too.

Still, I hope we haven't seen the last of her for this season, she's fast becoming one of the highlights of an episode for me. Hopefully she'll be back after the hiatus. :)

Speaking of the hiatus, are all the CSI shows having one at the same time? Because there's rumors Miami is just re-runs for the entire month of March. I'm not looking forward to that at all. :(
We'll all be having a CSI drought. :eek:

Just a curious question: do you think the fact that NY will be having five weeks of reruns, while "Lost" has five new episodes, will cause problems for NY in the long run as far as ratings go? I really wish TPTB would put more effort into pimping out NY to viewers and doing things to pull them in every week...

I don't think they didn't write her in for a few episodes straight
Right. If I remember correctly, in both 3.19 and 3.20, Flack is working both cases, which sounds to me like something that might be due to Emmanuelle being unavailable, since Flack rarely works both investigations in an episode. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we get more Flack, and I'd like to see Angell in the episodes, but they could have brought that Scagnetti guy back if they needed an extra detective--he was in "Not What it Looks Like" during the scene at the end, wasn't he? ;)

Still, I hope we haven't seen the last of her for this season, she's fast becoming one of the highlights of an episode for me. Hopefully she'll be back after the hiatus.
I hope so as well. I also hope that they keep the character around next season rather than dropping her. Hammerback and Adam started small and became fan favorites, I say they should give Angell the same chance. ;)
Actually, Det. Scagnetti hasn't been around since last season's Charge of This Post. I wish they brought him back, I miss Det. Prada :(

Also, just a neat tidbit, he's also written a few episodes (Risk, Sleight of Hand)
Hmm, I could have sworn he was in the scene where they go in after Lindsay set off that bomb-thing...Oh well. :p But I didn't know he was a writer. Very interesting. :)
Speaking of people we miss, I miss Jane a lot. She was cool. Last eppy she was in was what... "Necrophilia Americana?"
I'm really liking the spoilers we're getting for the latest episodes. Thanks for sharing everybody! :D :)

And about Emmanuele [I'm so tired right now I'm probably spelling her name wrong], it's most likely scheduling conflictions. But they could always bring back Detective Maka to relieve Flack. :devil:

And for next season, could we please add [if they're still around] Claire, Emmanuele and Robert to the main credits? (They can take Lindsay out for all I care, these characters are much more interesting!)
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