Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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WHAT? I live in Canada and didnt see that promo! I think I saw a shorter version of the one on the CBS site. I maybe have missed something though. I MUST have.
^ And when you do watch it please pay attention and report what you see to the other fangirls here... ;)
dutch_treat said:
I haven't read it here anywhere, but I've got some second hand info that the Canadian viewers have seen a different promo than the one that is currently on the CBS site. In that promo Danny is apparantly losing it, he is going off about blood, guys in general, and the evidence he has to deal with.

That's not that unusual--that's just the old, vibrant Danny we used to see. Danny always has an issue with something. But, like I said, I'm sure he's going to Montana. Again, interesting that the promo makes no mention of Lindsay. It seems like other characters' storylines always get promoed.

MichelleK, I'm with you--these last few weeks have been such a delight because we've seen the old Danny and real cast cohesiveness. I'm not looking forward to the return of Mary Sue Monroe and Anna's subpar acting. :(
That sounds interseting. Please report back to lil old me living in the UK. I tried so hard to say away from the spoilers, hell who am I trying to kid!
Four episodes until the finale and no mention of Danny's secret, I also wonder if there will be another kick ass season finale!
^^ It is very strange that they haven't promoted Lindsay's return in any way...perhaps they intended to make it some big surprise.

As for Danny's 'secret' a lot can happen in 4 ep's.
^ I know that a lot can happen in those final episodes, but I'd have liked a little hint here and there, you know? ;)
^ Perhaps the first hints will appear in those final ep's building up to some major cliff hanger ;)

But on the other hand do we really need yet another character :rolleyes: with a 'deep dark secret' from his past :p
dutch_treat said:
^^ It is very strange that they haven't promoted Lindsay's return in any way...perhaps they intended to make it some big surprise.

If she came back at the end of the episode, I'd say definitely. But given that we're going to see the trial, I'd expect to see some promotion since it's been a big storyline.

As for Danny's 'secret' a lot can happen in 4 ep's.

I kinda doubt they're going to deal with anything big for Danny in the last few eps, though I could be wrong. Between having to bolster Lindsay's character and the lack of mention of Louie, Danny's really gotten shafted this season. :(
It just seems a little odd that a major character is having the biggest storyline of her time in CSI and there has not even been a mention of it.
Alot can happen in four episodes indeed, but please just put our minds at rest and mention Louie.
Also didn't they say that Stella was going to happen a new love interest? Or did that already happen?
The thing about Stella's possible love interest was a maybe kind of thing--it was probably something that they were toying around with but discarded when they realized how many other things they were going to be doing this season. Next season, however, you never know what they might do. The spoilers that mentioned finding out about Stella's family give me hope that Stella will have some good storylines next season. ;)

I'm also really surprised about the lack of promotion for the Lindsay storyline. If it wasn't worth advertising, then why put it in a sweeps episode to begin with? If you don't follow websites like this one, you might not have any idea that Lindsay is even going to be back in episode 18...

About the Louie thing--if they deal with it, I suspect they'll use it during May sweeps or something. I hope we at least find out something about his condition if nothing else--it would be utterly ridiculous to reduce Danny's brother to two name mentions and nothing more for more than a year. They created him, they should use him to develop Danny's character. It doesn't have to be huge storylines, just little mentions here and there. We know they haven't forgotten him, but it seems like they have, and anybody who came in at the start of season three will probably be wondering who in the hell 'Louie' was and if they were supposed to have a clue what was going on with him when Shane Casey mentioned him...
Top41 said:
If she came back at the end of the episode, I'd say definitely. But given that we're going to see the trial, I'd expect to see some promotion since it's been a big storyline.
I've been thinking the same thing. Even if you don't like Lindsay ;), people are still curious by nature and promoting that her complete story will be told this week can not have a negative effect imo.
MichelleK said:
It just seems a little odd that a major character is having the biggest storyline of her time in CSI and there has not even been a mention of it.
Alot can happen in four episodes indeed, but please just put our minds at rest and mention Louie.
Also didn't they say that Stella was going to happen a new love interest? Or did that already happen?

Well, her lips did touch Sid's... :lol: No, I dont know. I hope that happens soon. But I think with his HIV storyline, there wont be much time for a love interest. He focus is probably on her health and her job, as she said. BUT, who knows.

As for Danny- I'm thinking something might happen before the season is done, maybe just a little teaser, but I dunno. Just hopin'. :)
Right I'm with you on the Stella thing! Yeah I really wanted to find out about Stella's backstory and her family.
I guess like you say if you didn't know much about the show, you wouldn't know Lindsay would be coming back and even if you had just started watching you wouldn't even know she was missing or left!!
Even if you don't like Lindsay , people are still curious by nature and promoting that her complete story will be told this week can not have a negative effect imo.
True enough, but if people don't visit message boards or websites that say when Anna is coming back, how are they even supposed to know that she'll be in the episode? They haven't mentioned her, the promo didn't show her--I'm sure there will be a lot of fans watching the show who won't expect to see Lindsay there. Sure, it would be a surprise, but revealing something important about a character, especially when it's part of such a long arc, should really warrant more advertisement than they've given it. (Not that you said it didn't need advertisement, I'm just saying. :lol:)

I doubt that advertising the storyline would make people not want to watch--if Lindsay being there was all it took, plenty of us would have abandoned the show as a lost-cause a while ago. I just wonder why they didn't promote it...

But I think with his HIV storyline, there wont be much time for a love interest. He focus is probably on her health and her job, as she said.
Definitely. They may have entertained the idea of giving her a love interest before this idea came about--and this one will certainly give the character more development, and the actress more to sink her teeth into. :)
And, the teeth sinking is good. Melina is good at teeth sinking. :lol: Stella's character is one of the more interesting one's, to me anyway...
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