Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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screamingbanshee said:
about the double posting...my apologies!

No worries. :)

Chez said:
Thumpy do you have an idea yet for the Speed/Rory thread #8 ?

Not yet...I'm open to suggestions, if anyone has anything they'd like to offer up. The dress shirt ones are cute. I was thinking about some way to incorporate somthing about ASD in the title, but I haven't come up with anything yet. :lol: I think I used up all my good ideas on previous threads.

btw...I love you avatar, Chez. :D
Ok, I just had a few ideas, but bear in mind I only thought of them a few minutes ago, so they probably suck.

Speed/Rory #8: 'Whoa, Hamburger Helper!' - ok, I thought of that one a while back, when none of us could stop saying it :lol:

Speed/Rory #8: Substance D? We'll Stick to Speed - or something along those lines, but it might be a little too long...actually Speed/Rory #8: Substance D? No Thanks, We'll Stick to Speed' sounds a little better, but that one is even longer...

oh well, it's early here, and thats my excuse...my brain isn't working properly

ETA: or maybe Speed/Rory #8: Who Needs Substance D When We've Got Speed?
:lol: Carly, those are some great titles. :D

I have a few suggestions as well.

Speed/Rory #8: What Does The Scanner See? The Stubbly Wubbly. :lol:

Speed/Rory #8: That Sure Is Some Silencer. ...Yeah that one's lame but it's best line in the entire movie.

Speed/Rory #8: In Our Hair, Under Our Skin, All Over The Place. :lol:
Yeah I love that one too. :lol: We all know Speed is so much better than Substance D. ;)
Alrighty...we'll give it another day or two to give everyone a chance to add any other possible titles, and then we'll get a poll set up. :D I'd say by Wednesday or so, if that's ok with y'all?
All is good.

Alrighty...poll time! :D

I'll leave it open for a week to give everyone plenty of time to vote. If we get to 1000 posts in here before then, we'll just go with which ever one has the most votes.
calleighspeedle said:
Thanks for the posting the new trailer...this movie looks interesting I can't wait to see it.

Thanks again Kimberiea I voted for: Speed/Rory #8: 'Dress Shirt Approved'

I have found a site where you can download the trailer and it also has a photo gallery.


I tried to view the trailer on this site for about a dozen times, but the link just won´t open for me. I hate Javascript. Is it the same as the video that Kimberiea posted ?

Edit: Never mind: i saw it on my Dad´s computer.
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