Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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And you can also find that clip on youtube, where I've posted it a long time ago. :)
Rory is so cute in D45.:D

This about Julu 1.
:eek: The layered shirt returns! All hail the layered shirt! *bows*

:lol: Thanks for the pic Kimberiea :)
Love the layered shirt look. I like your pics Kimberiea, thanks for posting them.

I just seen Dispo Day for the first time. Thought I was getting a Deja Vu! Ahhh the Kevlar, where was it the second time!!! Blue shirts are bad!!! :mad:
screamingbanshee said:
hello guys! i'm a newbie here...

Well welcome to the Rory madness, screamingbanshee!

And for your welcoming here's a Speedy pic....and lord knows I haven't posted one in a while...what's wrong with me?


That's my favorite Speed pic and I dont' know why!
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