Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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calleighspeedle said:
my apologies for the spoiler my bad. :eek:

It's not problem. ;)

But as a general reminder to everyone here, regarding the recent spoilers - As I speculate there will be much to talk about in here, in light of them - to remember to please use the spoiler box. :) Although I'm sure most of us wouldn't mind being spoiled if it's regarding Speed. :p
Not at all, Geni ;) . But as I live and breathe, there is more spoilers coming out everyday about the turn of events, and I have to say, I'm about to faint from it all. But that aside, I have yet to see RAYD, and I wish that the release date would come already. And The Company is getting heavy rotation at TNT in prepriation for it's debut on Aug5 . Sadly, I always manage to miss it...curses..lol
Hey Everyone,

and with all the hoopla about him coming back.. I just had to come to the hottest place for the news about his return..

So I just want to say hello to my fellow Speed fans

Since I'm trolling around the thread, I'll be the first to welcome our newest poster! Welcome, Mikki, sit back, scroll through the pics and have fun! And Hello back!

ps, I think that what you posted is considered spoilerish...
welcome to the thread of crazed Speed/Rory fangirls!! *cough* me *cough* and i am so looking forward to the company!! in two weeks!!!! whohoo!!!!! finally some new Rory stuff!!!! yay!!!!
I think we're all being over spoiled of late where Mr Cochrane is concerned (or is that even possible?) CSI Miami spoilers aside we've had a good couple of week and we should have more to come over the next 6 weeks with The Company and the North American release of RAYD - Should be more new pictures :D

Isn't the Comic Con festival in San Diego this weekend? Hopefully we should get something from there :D

I'm dying for some more spoilers to come out but whenever I come online to check the latest gossip out all you North Americans are tucked up in bed. For 2 consecutive mornings I've come on here to a mountain of new posts and info and I've no one to *squueee* with because your all asleep :( and its so very quiet on here :p
wow....alot has happened in the past few days! :eek: all these spoilers...and pics...YAY! nice to see y'all again! :D
Hi Guys, Newbie here :D
Just thought i'd pop in and show my appreiciation for Mr C.
So glad to see that he may be gone but definitely not forgotten. :D
Some great piccies on here - very hot :cool:
Welcome Mikki. ;) I hope to see you more often around here!

Oh, nice to see another fan from across the pond in England! Welcome red. :)

June, since you're in En-Ger-Land and I'm in Canadia, I'll try to stay up extra late tonight in case you need someone to *squee* with. :p

*puts out new snacks and Speedle-shaped fruit snacks*

And like most people who live where I do, we don't get TNT. *sigh* But, I believe 'The Company' will be airing on BBC as well?
wait isin't Comic Con going to be aired on tv!? i saw a preview for it today!! maybe they'll interview Rory!! i'm gonna check it out.
Hmm I see the new Rory story has made it on the CSI Files main page. I very much doubt anyone will be able to resist being spoiled by this.

Speaking of which I spoiled someone at the gym this evening (ooo that sounds a bit dodgy doesn't it? :lol:LMAO) It was totally innocent.

Anyways...I was sat in the jucuzi with my friend I said to her 'I'll have to be back before 9 as its CSI Night on Five' this other guy was listening in and was like 'Which is your favourite CSI?' Anyways we got chatting *as you do* and I totally spoiled him about Speedle and he was flaberghasted, but quite excited aswell as he loved Rory :D

I know hardly anyone in my little town who watch CSI, None of my friends or who I work with watch it properly but this fella in the Gym was hardcore like me so I bent his ear for like 15 mins :lol:

Geni, I think I read on the 'Where are you from thread!' that you were from Alberta, Edmonton way of Canada? Am I right? So that makes you west coast yeah? So your 8 hours behind me I think? I remember watchin the World Athletic Champoinships in Edmonton in 2001 and I remember there being an 8 hour time difference and it pissed me off :lol: *Looks at clock* its 20.58 here so its nearly 1pm for you. So when I'm online at work in the morning its usually 10am! Can you stay online until 2am :p lmao

Right, I'm goin to pop over to CSI Files and read the Rory article *OMG I'm so f**kin' excited by readin the pissin' headline :lol:
Of course I can stay online until 2am. ;) I don't even have to work tomorrow. :D (And yep, I'm on the west coast, in Edmonton. :))

It's great that you finally found someone who actually watches the show more often than someone who just catches it when they flip channels, lol. I think I've converted a few people to Miami (and Speed :devil:) but haven't found any who actually watch it.

Oh goodness, thank the heavens for that article, I've been looking for those two Rory interviews that were added for ages. It takes forever to skim through the CSIFiles News Items.

^ Need, I think the Comic Con will be televised, as the one last year was. I'll have to keep an eye out for it as well.
FYI if you google 'Rory Cochrane' both interviews come in in the first couple of pages' If you googled 'Rory Cochrane CSIFiles' they both would be the first 2 results I'd imagine. Thats how I located them.

On Google News also, if you search Rory there has been 5 news articles in the last 18 hours :lol: prior to this there was 5 articles all year lol

I can't wait until the film is upon us and we get more gossip woop!

Argh, I shouldn't even be online now 'Going Under started 27mins ago and I'm missing the gorgeous Johnny Whitworth :lol:
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