Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Those of you who liked spoilery things might want to check out the Spoiler Lab...

New Spoiler

Here's kind of the gist in case y'all don't want to run on over there: Cochrane – will appear in multiple episodes, beginning with this season's second.

Great picture calleighspeedle and SpeedsDaughter. :D Gotta love that crown. ;)

And I didn't get to vote in the last poll because I just started my third job, but I'll vote in this one!

Well 'stole' is - is very negative. I - I had borrowed it and uh I re- I replaced it. I put it back. and Eric, you got to take them out to eat once in a while. You got to cultivate things. You're better than that. I'm going to dial it for you are going to be my choices.
I want to see the writers explanation for whats in the spoiler thread. Hopefully it is something the audience will enjoy and accept.
I voted: I'm sorry, I don't like her. and I don't know, stop talking.

love Speed's sarcasim.

Rory's in a few new episodes of Miami?! (squeals) I don't care how as long as he's on the show. :D
Edited by Mod to add spoiler code
This time I picked, "You got Tourette's or something?" and, "Sorry, next time I'll ask the victim to die in one spot." I just love that last one - so impossible to do. :D
*peeks head in* Hi everyone! It's been a long , long , long time, but with the new spoilers roaming around, I decided to get reacquainted with all things Speedle. I've noticed all the awesome pics, and I've even joined in (albeit late) the voting for the best speedism. I picked, "sorry, next time I'll ask the victim to die in one spot." That one to me, just spoke to the level of sarcasm that I absolutely adore in this guy! :lol:

I'll be drifting in and out from time to time, but it's nice to be back...And way to go...16 threads! :D Sweet!

*and ps... The Company airs in two weeks...I can barely wait!
Speaking of "The Company", does anyone know if it has a scheduled airdate in Canada? We don't get TNT, and I'd love to see Rory in it. I haven't found anything so far, and wondered if any other Canadian fans might have.
hey guys!! *waves* i'm back!!! wow!! a lot happend!! nice pics!!!! and i can't wait for the company either! two weeks whoo!!!!!
Good friggin' lord.

My head is reeling from all the news and pictures and whatnot. I will, however, be good and keep my lips zipped or at least use the code. ;)

Anyway, I tried to do some diggin' on The Company for the Canadian gals, but I was unable to come across anything. My apologies.

In other news, RAYD comes out in thirty-two days, but who's counting? ;)
Bloody Hell! I got to Wales for the weekend and come back to even more Spoilers

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me Never in all my days did I see this happening. So as I said in the Spoiler Lab - I eat my words :lol: I see alot of fans are on the fence about this. They are torn between their love of Speedle and their love of the show and maintaining its credibility. Now I do love the show I see an episode of it 5 days out of 7 and I actually join a message board to chat to others fans from all over the world. But my love for Speedle TRUMPS the shows credibility everytime and I will admit that :lol: I just want to see TIM SPEEDLE on my TV in new episodes. But F**k Me I have to wait until July/August 2008 before its aired here OMFG I will tear my hair out. I will have to break the law to watch it IM SORRY :lol: You never know the the writier may come up trumps with an amazing storyline that no one saw coming. But I maybe on the optimistic pills (but hey! I was on them last week and they seem to work) Anyways I better not get too carried away with myself until there is more solid info. Bloody Hell What a fornight it has been for Rory Fans - it near enough makes up for our 8 month drought

About The Company - It is being shown on The BBC for us Brits at some point so it might be accessible for you that way but I dunno what BBC programmes get showin in North America.

I will Imagine it will be released on DVD after it has aired though. Everything gets a DVD release nowadays. Speaking of DVDs I tried a Region 1 DVD on my player on Friday and it worked it was The Low Life. Even though my DVD player is Multi Region - I was still a bit dubious as its PAL compatible and Region 1 DVDS Are NTSC compatible, but it worked so I shall continue my quest for the Rory films I'm yet to see.
my apologies for the spoiler my bad. :eek:

As for RAYD you will not be disappointed it's a great movie Rory is fab in it.

Love your icon SpeedsDaughter :D
Speed is coming back!?!? *SQUEEEEEEEEEEE* are you serious!?!? *faints* he's actualy coming back!?!? He's not dead!?!? *SQUEEEEEEEEE* OMG!!!!!!!! this is like OMG!!!!!!! YAYA!!!!!!! :D i just hope this isn't one of Donahue's little tricks again. because if it is.....i'd be so so mad.
Thanks! Kit4na made it for me :)

I really hope that we'll be able to see "The Company" up here... it looks very good. Well, then again, EVERYTHING with Rory in it is good in it's own way. Now, on to the video store! :D
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