Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Sorry for the double post guys. But it is a new day now :lol:. Is it considered spamming my posts are on seperate dates? :p

Anyways after my 3 days of being shellshocked at the new Speedle spoiler.

I thought for the first time last night... should I put this in a spoiler code?...

Why has Rory decided to come back? Especially seeing as it has been so long since he'd left. I personally thought he would never go back whislt the earth was still turning and I was always very vocal about that. Anyway what does everyone else think? I know we can never answer the question as we're not in Rorys mind *mores the pity hehe* but as a fan why do you think he decided to go back? I seriously thought he'd washed his hands on the whole thing.
More on the Speed Spoiler

"He will be reprising the role of Tim Speedle and it's not a flashback," a network spokesperson said. "He will be interacting with his old partner and friend, Eric Delko (Adam Rodriguez)."
June_85 said:
Sorry for the double post guys. But it is a new day now :lol:. Is it considered spamming my posts are on seperate dates? :p
Technically, yes, if your new post is still within the 24 hour editing timeframe (and there are no new posts after yours obviously). ;)
about why Rory has decided to come back - I seem to recall that he liked the idea of possible future guest appearances at the time when he left the show. So that part isn't necessarily an 'about turn' for him. What he seemed to dismiss out of hand was a full time return to the show, due to the grind etc. So, I think he may have agreed to it as he welcomes the opportunity and has always favoured the idea.
That's just my take on it though and I could be way off the mark!
I thought about that, I remember him sayin' in one of the CSI Files about guest starring in the future. But I got the impression that it only applied if they didn't kill him off. He said something along the lines of 'No, we're killing you off and thats that' and I always thought if he would come back it would have been before now. To me personally it seems out of the blue, in more recent interviews he's done for other projects whenever he is asked about CSI he's always seems to answer as if its a burried thing. Anyways, I'm sure Rory will probably say something about it in the weeks/months to come. I doubt Rory would have come back for just a 'back from the dead' farfetched as you like storyline. I think it would have to have a bit of substance and something exciting for the viewers to pursuade Rory to return. He's hardly the kind of actor that will lump with any old shit just for a paycheck and airtime.
June_85 said:
I doubt Rory would have come back for just a 'back from the dead' farfetched as you like storyline. I think it would have to have a bit of substance and something exciting for the viewers to pursuade Rory to return.
Ordinarily, I would agree with you wholeheartedly, but I have so little faith in the Miami writers at the moment. I'm not sure if they're capable of producing anything of substance, which is what worries me about these spoilers. I guess we can only wait and see, but I do agree that it seems rather out of the blue from Rory's perspective. Hopefully, we may get to hear what Rory has to say about all this at some point. :)
It confused me though, if they did bring him back and it not be a flashback or something. That was done once already in the show and, not that it wouldn't be awesome to see him, it would dissapoint me a bit if they did it again.
*squee* I love using spoiler tags when it's in the Rory thread, gives me hope, lmao! :lol:

OK, so so excited that he may be copming back! But, how is he gonna come back as Speed? As I'm sure y'all know, Im a huge delusional twit who loves the idea of 'He went into Witness Protection', bu7t that's only fanfiction material, since Alexx did an autopsy. So how the heck is our lil' trooper gonna come back as The Speed? :confused:
^ :lol: This reminds me of the old season two days when we weren't allowed to talk about the spoilers until the airdate. :eek: (Well the rule still applies here but I was being nostalgic, lol)

I'll admit, the spoilers did confuse me a bit as well. Normally I'm a realist and I expect a certain amount of it in television as well. :lol: But then I'm reminded that this is CSI:Miami and they always push the realm of realism to the next level for ratings. - However, I'm very interested to see what comes of this, as it won't be a flashback. Eric having hallucinations would be the best bet and most logical answer but again, logic and CSI:Miami seldom go hand-in-hand these days. But like June said, Rory is a kind of person who goes after roles with a bit more realism to them and substance. But I also agree with Lucy, that it's all in the writer's hands so it worries me a bit.

Personally, I think the producers approached him first on this one. They know he would have liked to guest star later on if he wasn't killed off so perhaps they said "Well, come back and we'll show you what we have and we'll talk." It wouldn't hurt I guess. But at the risk of calling Rory a hypocrite for leaving, I hope what they've planned adds something good to the show and it's not just a pull for ratings like everything else from season four - on.

And June, I stayed online until 1:am but became tired, I apologize. :lol:
:lol: Good times, hehe

True, true. I'm just so worried about it, since I've never had much faith in our dear writers since they killed Speed off. And as much as I'm a delusional pyschopath even I can see that this may be a bit 'suspect'! :lol: But I agree, Eric having hallucinations would fit, or any of the team really. Or, maybe his ghost is haunting the lab, that be pretty cool! :lol: Ah, I kid! :lol: But, the only ways I can see Speed being baught back in logical-and I use this term as loosly as the Miami writers do-other than falshbacks, would be hallucinations or his ghost, lol.
Its OK Geni, I came on a little early this morning. I came on here at about 9.20am and it was down for routine maintanance :rolleyes: I had to look at a picture of Jon to Go :lol:

Anywaysssss I feel I should add a spoiler code to my post just because.....

I hope Rory has gone back for the right reasons and not the wrong reasons. I always said he wouldn't go back until he was on the bones of his arse, and I hope he isn't in that situation already :lol: I hope I'm wrong. Anyways we're all goin round and round in circles until we get more information. Hmmm I wonder how he'll look as a 35 year old Speedle haha
could it be any hotter in here?.....or could it? :devil:

We never really did see Alexx cut open Speeds body we just see her undress him! Also Speed did have a closed caskit so you never know what could of really been in there! ;)
Actually, there's a scene right when Horatio's looking through the observation glass down into the arena where the 'autopsy' is being performed. Alexx has a scalpel but she only lightly traces it from his shoulder to the beginning of his chest and her hand is covering it the whole time. When it pans clearly to Horatio as he shakes his head, it blurs Alexx's actions from then on so there isn't a clear visual on the autopsy. Now, some might say that they did it for the sake of television and angles and such, but I think they intentionally left things open as a 'just in case' precaution. Plus, Ann Donahue stated in an interview some time ago to 'Never say never' regarding Speed. And I do love the closed casket thing, it gives me hope. :D

God I am a nerd.

Anyway, apologies for jumping in on the conversation. :eek:

calleighspeedle, brilliant picture, really one of my favorites! Gotta love the black dress shirt and jeans. :)
It's so nice to see this thread so busy! And to have a reason to use the spoiler boxes! It's so exciting.
Geni, I think we're all at least a bit nerdy. Why else would we be here? :lol:

Most of what I want to say in terms of the spoiler stuff has already been said, so I think I'll wait until we hear a bit more.

Now, then. I have a question for y'all regarding the Ultimate Speedism poll. I had been planning on taking the top three quotes from each season, and putting the six choices in one poll, allowing everyone to vote for one. The top one, of course, being pronounced Ultimate Speedism.

However, in season two, we have a three-way second place tie, which got me to thinking of another way to do it. I can take the top Four from each poll, put the eight of them in a poll, and allow everyone to vote for two. Then I can take the top three, and put them in a poll for First, Second and Thrid place, First being crowned Ultimate Speedism.

So, Option A or Option B? Let me know, and I'll get the next poll up ASAP!
wow...so much info. this is all exciting! by the way nice pic calleighspeedle .

DragonflyDreamer , i think i like Option B.
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