Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Hmm, interesting article, June thanks for sharing. :)

I think there's always a bit of truth in an article, tabloid or not, but the title of the article does say 'gossip' so I wouldn't put too much weight into it. ;)

However it does bring up a good discussion. No one's perfect and everyone has off-days. Even Rory has said he was bored on set and everyone could tell he wasn't happy. It's no stretch to say that he might have had enough one day and just didn't care what was going on. I mean, we're all human so I wouldn't condemn him for it. (Not that anyone is, of course)
I would take the article with a LARGE grain of salt. It is from a tabloid, and I think the writer was stirring up trouble. Wasn't it the Star that Carol Burnett sued for flat out lying about her and her daughter? Maybe Rory showed up late on a Monday and was out of it and DC gave him some advice from someone who's been there and the writer made it become this consistent habit that cost him his job on the set. He might actually be someone who likes to work day to day on the script, since he's used to indie films. Anyway, I don't put too much creedence into the article. If it came from TV Guide, that might increase its credibility.
star magazine is hardly great journalism in my opinion :lol: but whatever maybe its true, maybe its not either way, rory did his job and did it well. and like HoratioStalker said you got to take it with a grain of salt. thanks for posting that too it was entertaining to say the least ha.
I remember reading that article a couple of years ago. Rory did his job well on the 2 years that he was there and even if it were true that he showed up late on the set that wasn't David Caruso's place to do anything about it. It was the producers.

I think overall David was just trying to give Rory a little bit of advice and guidance that's all, cause it seemed to me that they both got on really well. :D

*lets Speed out of room* sorry guys! i shouldn't have locked Speed in here with me for this long!! i was beeing a little too selfish :devil: LOL!!! :lol: *closes door and goes back to Adam/Eric*
I'm glad to see that article has pumped a bit of life back into this thread :lol:

Gossip on our fave celebs is always good to read, even if it is over 4 years old or may have little truth in it :p Like Geni said, I can see Rory having a half arsed attitude turning up for work. You don't exactly put your heart and soul into your work if you don't like being there.

About the drinking though, he is a big drinker :lol: a true Irishman in that department. :p I'd love to have a session with him to see who drinks who under the table :p :lol:
i don't normally put much weight on magazine articles. especially the gossip ones that my sisters' read. lets face it what celebrity doesn't drink? it just shows that he's human.
Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me RORY IS ALIVE

Well I do believe that these pictures are my joint favourite birthday present along with my friends 14 week scan pictures of her baby twins :D

I don't beleive that full length jeans and flip flops are a good look, but I'm willing to overlook it :D and Rorys girlfriend, well finally she has face, but still no name :p

Hey, maybe we are in for some more Rory pictures at the celeb poker thing which is supposed to be happening this weekend :D :eek:. We're going to be getting carried away with ourselves :lol:
Ooh thanks for the fab pictures BulletGrrrl! :D *huggles*

Agreed with June, the flip-flops aren't complimenting him at all but ah well, who are we to judge. :p I'm glad to see he has a girlfriend and that they're both alive and well. :)

ETA: I was on MSN with my sister and showed her the pictures in my excited haste and here's what she said:

Sister: lmfao chubalub.
Me: -_-

:lol: She has no taste.
She's a tall lass isn't she? I know she has like 5inch heels on that picture, but she matches upto Rorys height and he's 6ft, she's alot taller than my 5ft2 lol.
Hurrah! Rory's alive! Good to know :lol: And nice to see some pics :)

I was talking to a co-worker the other day, and she asked me what my parents brought back for me from europe, and I told her about the movie. When I mentioned Rory, she was like, "Oh, from Dazed and Confused and Empire Records, right?" I was so impressed. No one ever knows who I'm talking about. She's officially my favorite co-worker :lol:
*Does Happy Dance* New Rory pics! It is nice to know he is still with us!! :lol: Thanks so much BulletGrrrl for posting them!
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