Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Jealous.com at you livin in Vegas, get you ass down there girl. I'd be there in a blink of an eye if I even lived anywhere in the state of Nevada or infact California Arizona Utah or any other border states I'd be there with bells on. :lol:

I'll have a snoop around the web to see if I can get more specifics on the event. I just clicked on the 'info' link on the Project American Spirit website or whatever its called and Cole Hauser is the CEO. Thats bloody why Rory, Vince Joaquin et al is there :lol:

Ermmm unless you've got an hour or so to put aside or your really bored I wouldn't make it a priority to listen to as its lenghty, but eventually its worth a listen
i'll have a litsen to it tomorrow when i have the time it seems like an interesting interview, plus its finally good to hear something about his brother.

haha yeah, i need to get there when they do this, its for a great cause anyway, and seeing rory and not to mention his rather awesome buddies would just take the cake
I have a bit of a soft spot for Cole, Vince and Joaquin. I have done for ages. Esp Cole :p You just have to keep checkin back to the website for further details. you got another week before it starts so thats plenty of time to find out stuff.
Rory's sister is an attorney? wow!. What a mixed up family. his brother being in jail and his sister a lawyer that must be a conversation stopper at the dinner table especially when the lawyer that prosecuted their brother offered her a job a few months after his encarceration.

Back to the poker tournament, is it being televised and if so what channel will it be on? :)
Did you listen to the interview? If you did you would understand that their not screwed up :cool: Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes people get involved in circumstances out of their control and get into deep shit. Brendan certainly didn't come across as a thug or anything of that sort to me. Its just one of those things I guess. 10 years in the slammer aside, all the Cochrane siblings have pursued their chosen career in life and are determined to make something of their lives and of that Mummy and Daddy Cochrane can be proud.
^^ Every family goes through tribulations and I'm sure after this longish bump in the proverbial road, his family will get back on track and continue to live life peacefully. :) I did feel a bit for Brendan because he is in no way a bad guy (and no one said he was) it's just that the circumstances weren't in his favor.

It's amazing how much he's learned in prison and I can understand a bit of what him and his family have gone through. Not to play the violin for me but my brother's been in and out of prison for the past 12 years so I definitely get where he's coming from concerning his family. I'm really glad they've been such a support to him. :) I hope Brendan can get back on his feet quickly!

And a side-squee, he said 'CSI' :lol:

^ I also would like to know if the Poker Tournament will be televised.

ETA: Agreed, June. :)
WOAH!! I did listen to the interview and I never said that Brendan was a thug or a bad person in anyway, he just fell on bad luck it happens to alot of people.

His mother and father should be proud of their family and I wish them the best for the future especially Brendan.

p.s Sorry If I offended anyone. :(
I squeeled when he said 'CSI' :lol: :p although it wasn't in any connection to his brother but still :p

But your right, no family is perfect, everyone has their disfunctions, Brendan is really lucky to have such a close knit, tight family who have been his rock throughout. To have such a family isn't a given. It certainly hasn't been the case for me.

I can see Brendan as an ispiration to people who've given up hope. He has an amazing soul and a determination to make the best of his life.

It makes no odds to me whether this poker thing is televised or not, unless some kind soul would like to put it online :D
I'm sure you didn't offend anyone, calleighspeedle. :) Thanks for the clarification of your post. :D

June_85 said
although it wasn't in any connection to his brother but still :p

^ Exactly June but hey, it's more of a connection than Rory's giving us these days. :lol:
Is Rory even still livin'? :lol: Its like he's dissapeared of the face of the earth :p It strikes me as weird that we've seen/heard more from his brother and sister (the unfamous Cochranes) in 2007 than we've seen of him :p :lol:

Hopefully to change over the summer though :D


I'll have to edit my last post seeing as no one else has posted all day :lol:

Hmm just discovered a new Rory C lookalike, its the British Actor Danny Dyer. He was just on a quiz show 20 mins ago, and I was like 'Hmmm I never realised how much you look like Rory' Danny on Getty Images the only thing that spoils him is his Cockney accent :lol: A couple of years ago Danny hit on my friend in a London Hotel bar, and being a hotblooded female like she is, she accepted his offers. Knowing now how much Danny reminds me of Rory I'm actually jealous that she went with him :( I wouldn't pass him up now, well....as long as he didn't speak :lol:
What's going on with this thread? There hasn't been a post in 2 days :eek:

Is everyone off on their summer jollys? :lol:

I was trés bored the other day and had an hour or so on google and found this old magazine article about CSI Miami, from like 2003

TEMPERAMENTAL tough guy David Caruso is telling CSI: Miami co-star Rory
Cochrane to quit partying or he's history, say sources.

"Rory has been known to show up to work in bad shape," says a show insider.

"Everyone knows he's been partying too much. Sometimes he doesn't even know
what scene he's shooting.

"And David has just about had it."

Sources say redheaded hothead Caruso tried to shock Cochrane, who plays Timothy
"Speed" Speedle, out of his wild ways.

"David took him aside and lectured him about how replaceable he is," says a
friend. "David told him that he's not the star of the show and to get his act

"David likes him and wants to see him do well. That's why he gave him a stern
talking to."

But, say insiders, Cochrane, 31, keeps creating headaches on the show's L.A.

"Rory's been a real pain in the butt," says the friend. "He's responsible for
many shooting delays. He comes in late and looks like he's been out partying
all night.

"He's clubbing. He should be home preparing for the next day's shoot.

"David's warned him to take his job more seriously."

And Caruso, a recovering alcoholic, doesn't issue empty threats: He's already
had a huge run-in with Kim Delaney.

Some reports speculated that Caruso, 47, forced Delaney, 41, off the show
earlier this season. Officially, Delaney was let go because she didn't fit CBS'
plans for the series.

But some show insiders think Caruso was afraid she would upstage him and
campaigned to eliminate her.

Cochrane, who shot to fame after starring in the 1993 drug farce Dazed and
Confused, does "pull it together" when Caruso is around, says the source.

But insiders say that when Caruso's back is turned, Cochrane is less than

A new actress on the set was aghast at his behavior, says the source. The two
were working together on a scene in which their characters investigate a

"She told her pal that Rory seemed out of it," says the source. "She said
Rory's first words to her were: 'What is going on here? What are we doing?'

"The actress' response was: 'Uhh, we have a scene together.' He said: 'I know,
but what's the scene about?' She said: 'Did you read the script?'"

According to the insider, Cochrane replied that he "never reads the scripts,"
just the "sides" -- the lines being filmed that day.

"'When I get on the set and forget a line, I just make it up. It works better
that way,'" the source says Cochrane told the actress.

"She said: 'Well, we are investigating a murder scene together.'"

Other crew members told her that Rory is "always like that, except when David's
around," says the source.

"Then he tries to straighten up."

Co-workers hope Cochrane sees the writing on the wall.

"He'd better," says a friend, "or Rory will be looking for another job."

This was the link I got it from Link

I don't know how truthful the article is, in all probablity it may have been blown out of proportion to make a little bit of scandal for the tabloid back then.

I just thought it would/could be an intresting discussion point
Well, I think Rory probably did party and wasn't completely together on set. He's a young guy who wants to go out and have a good time, but he could have toned it down when he had work and be a bit more prepared and professional. He is also an adult and has (well, had) a job and needsed to get his act together. David was completely and 100% right.

However, it's probably exaggerated. I don't think that David forced Kim off the show and I don't think Rory was completely out of it and zoned out when he had a scene to do. He just seems laid back and not uptight and super-over-concerned about filming (which is good and bad) I think both David and Rory are better than that. (Thanks June)
I doubt there is much truth in the article myself. But if there is any truth in it, imo at 31 (now he's 35 :lol:) Rory should be passed his 'party hard' phase. Even I can't keep up like I used to do and I'm only 22 :lol: I can never hack having a hangover on a work day, I've only had a handful and they are a nightmare, so I can't see Rory who's got 13 years on me doin it :lol:

That aside he should be more responsible, esp considering his big wad of a pay packet he got :rolleyes: But I'd always stick up for Rory, even if he is in the wrong. I'm overly biased :p
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