Lab Technician
Jealous.com at you livin in Vegas, get you ass down there girl. I'd be there in a blink of an eye if I even lived anywhere in the state of Nevada or infact California Arizona Utah or any other border states I'd be there with bells on. :lol:
I'll have a snoop around the web to see if I can get more specifics on the event. I just clicked on the 'info' link on the Project American Spirit website or whatever its called and Cole Hauser is the CEO. Thats bloody why Rory, Vince Joaquin et al is there :lol:
Ermmm unless you've got an hour or so to put aside or your really bored I wouldn't make it a priority to listen to as its lenghty, but eventually its worth a listen
I'll have a snoop around the web to see if I can get more specifics on the event. I just clicked on the 'info' link on the Project American Spirit website or whatever its called and Cole Hauser is the CEO. Thats bloody why Rory, Vince Joaquin et al is there :lol:
Ermmm unless you've got an hour or so to put aside or your really bored I wouldn't make it a priority to listen to as its lenghty, but eventually its worth a listen