Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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i picked

Leavin' that one alone.


Semen. I guess we're not the only ones getting lucky.

the last one made me go wait a minute!?!? Did that mean what i think it did? were Speed and Valera....you know......*ahem* involved?
:lol: I think what Speed was referring to was the fact that they got a hit on the DNA in the gum.

Anyway... I watched RAYD today :D :D Soooooo good! Very intense movie, very captivating. As has been said before, there's a twist at the end, and I haven't decided quite what to make of it yet. But, very good movie :D

Also, we'll be needing Speedisms from Rap Sheet and MIA/NYC-Nonstop.
:lol: i know!! that was just me and my twisted mind thinking of things like that :D :lol: although Speed and Valera would be a cute couple, i mean they are both a bit rebellious and free spirited, they would be good for each other, don't you think?
I still cannot believe that RAYD is being released in the US. Somebody pinch me! I am glad to have waited on purchasing the dvd... I was hesitant because it was a different region and all (despite the reassurances of others).

Anyway, I have not contributed a Speedism in a long time, so here is mine from Rap Sheet. It is one of my absolute favorites:

Speed: "Gotta keep that pimp hand strong."
I knew the twist was coming on RAYD, I'd read the spoilers before I watched the film. Why? I don't know, I always do it :rolleyes: :p I've seen the film in its entirity twice, and the second time round I saw it differently than the first, but I still ended up feeling to same at the end :rolleyes: :lol:

I need to get my arse round to getting hold of the Region 1 only Rory films. I have a multi region DVD player so in theory R1 DVD's should play but I'm scared incase they don't and I don't want to pay Air Taxes on a DVD that won't work on my player :lol:

I need to get my hands on: Southlander, Flawless, The Last Don, Sunset Strip err theres a couple more I don't have aswell but I can't think atm
i picked "It's worse than strange, it's the type of thing that gets you days off" and "Semen. I guess we're not the only ones getting lucky". you gotta love it. :lol: :D

oh ya i finally watched all of Black and White. that was an awesome movie! i thought the ending could have been better but whatever it was a great movie. :D it was worth the wait. :D
I love Speed so much but I really was hurt when in that one episode he was talking to the kid that was a wannabee CSI and the kid was like don't you love this job or something and Speed's like it's only a job and I need to get paid or something like that!
Apparently Rorys brother Brendan has spent the last 10 years in prison and was only released in January this year. I was avin' a nose at the Rory Fansite Forum and they posted this link http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/2585604/ to a podcast interview from a 'Brendan Cochrane' Siobhan talks in it aswell and mentioned Rory, well she doesn't mention him by name but she mentions her other brother is in Hollywood.
I hope the girls don't mind me bringing their finds over to here. I'll post the link to the boards if others want to have a look Forum
I listened to the interview when I got home from work yesterday and its really intresting. Not just because its Rorys family but the process on how it all happened. I really felt for Brendan :eek: he really went through it :( Siobhan is an Attorney and she prepared his parole hearing defense *or whatever it is they do in American law lol* that got him released :p what a handy sister to have :D

Also Click Here Rory is taking part in a celebrity Poker tournament weekend of 22-24 June *awww my birthday* so hopefully we should have new pictures :D :D
That's fun that he's taking part in that tourney - and it's for a good cause too. I wonder if he'd phone Emily to join (she's an avid poker player too) - reunion!

Did you notice who else is joining?? All his buddies: Famke, Vince, Matthew and Joaquin. :) Coincidence? I think not.

Any Vegas fans that are able to go? Because if I could, I would (buy a ticket and fly out and use up my vacay days that is). I think I can say for all of us that new, updated pictures would be super-duper-awesome. :)

ETA: I saw the bit about the celeb auction. Uh, can we all pool our money in and bid on Rory?
yeah but make sure no one calls Adam!! he's a horrible poker player!!! he was on Celebrity Poker SHowdown and he went all in on the fist hand and he ended up in the losers lounge!!! i think he should get poker playing lessons from Rory and Emily!!! haha!!!!!!!1
If I was stupid and I said if I might just put some flights and accom on my CC, it is my birthday on the 24th anyways :lol: I had a statement through from my credit card company and they have increased my limit to £5000 :eek: I could get a long weekend in Vegas on that :p I could get flights for about £800 I reckon and I'd stay at The Belagio :lol:

Errr on second thoughts, I think I better save for my holidays in September.

But nice new shiny Rory Cochrane pictures would do me nicely. Jeez I don't think we've seen a new picture of Rory since September 2006 when he had his shaved head :rolleyes: lets hope his hair has grown back and he's looking mighty fine.

I did notice all Rorys buddies on the list also, thats prob the reason why Rory is doin it :lol:
I was listening to that interview with Rory's brother, and I couldn't help noticing how much he sounds like his brother. Not exactly the same, mind you, but definetly similar.
Yeah I thought that aswell, a very deep gravelly, breathy voice. I'm glad for him that everything seems to be working out OK from him on the outside, I'm pleased he's getting his life back on track. It must have been hell for him to do 'hard time' like that. When Siobhan mentioned about how the DA that prosectued her brother, a fews years down the line offered her a job and how close it hit to home for her. I wondered what was going through Rorys mind during his time on CSI because of the obvious parralles.

I chuckle when I think of Mummy and Daddy Cochrane. their eldest Son is/was a perp, their daughter is an attorney and thier youngest son played a cop/csi on a TV show lol. Theres's you TV show right there :lol:
oh that tournament is going to be awesome, i'm definitely going to have to try to go since i live in vegas anyway. too bad it doesn't say when or where it takes place :(

i haven't listened to that interview yet but aww that sucks about his brother being in prison for 10 years.
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