Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Can anyone recommend some new Rory movies to me? Of course I've seen Dazed and Confused (love it :cool:) But I don't know about any others. I've heard of A Scanner Darkly but I don't like horror films and I'm afraid it would be too scary for me. (I'm a big wimp, what can I say ;)) Any suggestions? :D
a scanner darkly isn't really a horror movie, its not scary at all in my opinion. as far as recomendations Empire Records and The Prime Gig are two of my faves.
Ohhh, Empire Records... I've always wanted to see that movie. I didn't know Rory was in that!!! That one is definitely going on my list. Thanks fo poozle!!! I'll check out The Prime Gig too. :D
oh yeah! Empire Records is one of my favs!! along with Dazed and Confused. Right at Your Door was good. There's Southlander, Black and White, Love and a .45, Hart's War, and a few other good movies. but Empire Records it the best one in my opinon, that and Dazed and Confused. those are my two Rory favs.
oh yeah hes the coolest one in empire records, you'll come to find the out ha.
oh and harts war, thats another one i recomend simply because its a great movie. rory doesn't have a huge part but hes apart of all the pivitol parts of the plot, and hes in a lot of scenes even if hes not speaking.
i'd totally recommend Empire Records and Black and White. i thought this was pretty funny, when i mentioned Rory to my friend she actually remembered him from Empire Records. "Lucas is the coolest guy in that movie!!" she said. looks like i found another Rory fan.... :devil: :lol:
:eek: Ashley, is that Jensen in your icon? :eek: :eek: GAH! *runs to your LJ*

As for recommending movies, I'd definitely say you should go with 'Empire Records'. It's just a fantastic movie. Lots of humour, heart, music and Rory has a large role in the movie. I'd also recommend 'Black and White' if you're looking for something a little more adult and serious with a bit more action.

I just love the diversity in Rory's roles. :D

And I'd like to second 'Harts War' as well. It's a fantastic movie, though like Ashley said, Rory's role is rather small. However, with all the elements thrown together - Rory included - it's a very nice addition to his filmography. :)

LOL June, you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm just glad we've finally heard something of him as of late so we don't assume he's stranded on some desert island. Although it would make for an interesting movie premise.... :p
Geni it is jensen :D looking all sorts of good ha.
wow thanks for the pics calleighspeedle! HQ is love <3 and those are just begging to be made into a wallpaper
Those pics are AWESOME calleighspeedle (especially the last one) Damn, but he looks FINE!!! :devil:

***furiously scribbling down names of Rory movies before heading off to video store***

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm guaranteed a great weekend now!!! :D
Love the pictures! Hee hee - I never noticed he had freckles before. I don't know why, but freckles on a guy are too dang adorable.
wow, i never noticed he had freckles either. he's still damn sexy though. freckles, along with that sexy stubble. yum!! he's just so sexy!! loved the pics!!!
Poll Time! And the next one will be our last episode poll. We'll be taking Speedisms from Innocent and *gasp* Lost Son :D Start making suggestions!
i picked "I don't know, stop talking." and "You gotta keep your pimp hand strong." those tho just OMG!!! Hilarious!! oh Here's some from Innocent..

"Well, Valera would know."

"How about I arrest you? For harrasing this young lady. And interfering with a murder investigation. How about that?"

"Get lost"

"She's got to have her own aisle at the video store."

and here's some for Lost Son *cries*

"Uh, stole, is, is very negative. I, I had borrowed it and uh, I re... I re... I placed it, I put it back."

"Well, I got plenty of time for that."

"I can't feel anything"....those were his last words :( *cries*
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