Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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oh my gah! look at the pretty baby blue shirt hes rocking. oh my those are fan-fricken-tastic! thanks so much for posting those June_85...those are just begging to be made into icons ha.
i hate that too Geni especially when your in a hurry and certain people won't leave you alone. and thank you i'm really hoping i get to go and see all the awesomeness thats going to be there.
luvspeed i just happened to catch the last bit of it while i was flipping through the channels.
^^ :lol: Yes June, I had a bit of a spaz moment when I got here. Believe me, my post could have been even less mature, lol. I was expecting...Well I wasn't expecting you to find us 13 new pictures! :eek:

Oh, I get the E! channel as well, so maybe I'll catch some coverage on it. Besides, I think my Canadian show 'E-Talk Daily' might cover it as well. They're always into that kind of thing because there isn't any actual celebrity news here. :lol:

^ Ashley, that shirt has to be one of my favorites ever on him. Ever since I saw one in...Dead Woman Walking? I think it was? Can't wait to see the icons you'll be making out of them. :p (Since I'm practically attached to your LJ)
i agree the blue just, i don't know but it works REALLY well for him. haha awesome, i'll have to make some tomorrow as i can't really do it right now.
Oooh... pictures... oooh... I think my brain is melting.

June, you are the awsome! *hugs* My hero!
Okay Gals, Right bear with me... I have found about 24 more new pictures. These are from the Premier of The Company which was on the 16th July (yesterday) The black suit jacket returns :eek: :p The pictures are all over the shop. I found some on Wire Image, Wenn, GettyImages, NewsCom & Rex Features.

I've saved every one I can find and will post them all here so you can all have a good inspect and save your favourites :D

Some are smaller than others due to only havin' limited access to certain sites :rolleyes:


Another fine picture
Edited due to 480pixel rule

Isn't the girl to the right of the picture Mrs Rory? :p Looks like she's snappy happy :lol:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

I think thats it :lol: enough to keep you all occupied for a wee while :p

*wooop* I just checked all those links and they all work :D am proud of myself.

Hmmm isn't Chris O'Donnell a bit of alright? :eek: I certainly won't be kickin' him outta bed for spillin' crumbs :p
Had to edit one of your pictures June, it was a tad large. ;)

And now down to the buff of my post.

WEEE!!!! :eek: :eek:

He looks phenomenal and there are so MANY of them. :D He's the only man I know who can pull off a black suit without a tie, wearing jeans with class.

^ June, in that second picture he looks like 0_0 :lol: He's all shocked. Thanks so much for the new pictures, I feel so spoiled! And yet again 20 people on MSN are trying to get a hold of me. Well, pfft they can try all they want but they're not getting a response. ;)
Ooops sorry Geni, I got a little over excited to notice it was too big!

He has the same outfit on that he had for the 'Two for The Money' premier *in my avatar* and that was 2 years ago :lol:

*edited to add another picture


this was on GettyImages this morning, t'wasn't there last night :D
OMG They are bloody wonderful :eek: :D Thanks so much for posting them :D

Bless this picture I stumbled accross


Rory Cochrane as Yevgeny Tsipin

Doesn't he look cute with his little hat on? :p
^^ I believe that would be from the new miniseries that airs soon on TNT, 'The Company'. :)

Thanks for all of the new pics girls! They're really fab. I have to save some of these for myself now. ;)
Oh Good Grief! What a thing to come home too!

Um... I'll probably have something more substantial to say tomorrow, and a poll. But for now, thanks for the pics! :eek:
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