Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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Has anyone checked out the Spoiler Lab lately? If not, here's your chance for some juicy info: Link and here's a tidbit: The secondary story...Someone seems to be using Speed's credit card even after his death three years ago. He apparently had a credit through Gold Coast Credit.

Thanks for all the info on Rory's latest projects everyone! And Megan, Happy Birthday. :D

And I'll have to vote on the latest Speedisms. Whew, I've been a bit absent lately but I'm back now so...Onward!
Thanks Geni! :)

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Best birthday prestent ever! Thanks for the news. I haven't been in the spoiler lab lately because I don't put much stock in anything put out this early... but this warrents checking out... *runs away to spoiler lab*
I know!! I just read that in the spoiler lab and i'm so excited i can't wait!!! i wonder who took it? ther were rumors it was Cooper!!!!
The excitement that rushed through me when I saw that spoiler code when I opened this thread :eek: :eek:

What a great start to my morning :D I'm dying to see how this episode will end up. Could it be the start of hints through S6 that will make the audience ponder whether Tim is still alive? Or that might be me who's been taking optimistic pills :lol: Any which way I'm so happy that Tim has not been forgotton completely. An Entire Season 4 and Season 5 without a single second thought of the man hiked me off somewhat (not that I've even seen season 5 yet) Anyways I'll be keeping my eye on the spoiler thread for the next couple of weeks!!!

Oh, and I bet there isn't a single person who comes in this topic who hasn't highlighted and read the spoilers, and then gone over to the Spoiler lab :lol:

Also whilst we're on Rory overload did everyone read the new article on CSI Files about RAYD and TC? Link Rory is going to be at the Comic Con festival in San Diego on 29th July. Is there any Californians who fancy a trip? :p
I'm curious about this too...there's also the part where Delko tells someone he thought he saw Speed...how come no one's mentioned that?
:eek: OMG!! Thanks for posting that!! I'm going to be reading the spoilers for the next few months! I hope the do show he is in the episode not just talked about!
MacsGirlMel said:
I'm curious about this too...there's also the part where Delko tells someone he thought he saw Speed...how come no one's mentioned that?

I spotted that on the CSI Files page, and pasted it over.I would actually fall off my chair if it really was Speed and TPTB have kept a Rory comeback so underwraps that NO ONE knows about it until he actually appears on the screen. But again thats me taking my optimistic pills hehe
hey guys. i won't be here for a week. i'm going to summer camp! that means no CSI: Miami for a whole week!! but it's worth it because three of my counselors are uncanny look a likes to Speed, Ryan and Eric! and get this, the one who looks like Eric, well his name is Eric! it's kinda creepy. and they all love the show!!! how cool is that!?!?
June_85 said:
I spotted that on the CSI Files page, and pasted it over.I would actually fall off my chair if it really was Speed and TPTB have kept a Rory comeback so underwraps that NO ONE knows about it until he actually appears on the screen. But again thats me taking my optimistic pills hehe

I would probably just about die if it was really Speed! But, Keep thaking your optimistic pills I will taking mine!!! Their rather tasty I might add ;)
SCORE! thats all i got to say. this rory business is awesome. i am so stoked about even the possibility of speed/rory returning even just for a moment. this just completely turned my bad day around. yayness!
and NEED4SPEED i hope you have a blast at camp :D
and Megan happy belated birthday!
and as for comic con, how mad am i that i can't go?
1st i find out the boys of supernatural are doing a q&a and now rory is going to be there too? i might just have to find a away to go there anyways...
:eek: My (I really mean our ;))Winchester boys are doing a Q&A? And Rory? Yikes, sign me up and find my passport!

Need4Speed, have a great time at camp. :)

It's nice to know we're hearing quite a bit about Rory and his latest projects. Thank goodness the man hasn't fallen off the face of the Earth! I can't wait until it's announced what his next role might be. :)

June, I think you aren't the only one on optimism pills. The lot of us have been bouncin' off our seats with them ever since we read the spoilers. :lol: I don't have my hopes up at all, but it's always nice to know that the writers are delving into a Speed-ish storyline. Nice to know they realize his character still has fans!
thanx guys! I'm sure i will with three CSI: Miami look a likes! :devil: LOL!! and i'll see if i can get thier pictures so i can post em and you guys can see how creepily they look like Speed, Eric and Ryan!!
I know!! i'm so spyched!!!!! how awesome would it be if Speed came back!? not permanently because we all know Rory wouldn't agree to that. but it would be nice to find out that he is alive and comes back for a few eps!!! I'm just like jumping off the walls!!!! and even if Speed doesn't come back we still have a Speed story!!!! and if someone did take Speed's credit card you know what that would mean? that would mean they would be talking about Speed for the whole ep!!!! it's gonna rock wether he comes back or not. but if he does come back *crosses fingers* i think i'd probably be squeeing so much! then i 'd be jumping up and down saying "OMG!! Speed is back!!! OMG!!!" i so wish that would happen!!!!!
There appears to be some new pictures added to Rorys IMDb.com page from 'The Company' unforutnately I can't paste them over but here's the link IMDb.com
*sigh* I'm sorry but he doesn't look right without the stubble. :lol: (And bright suits just don't look right to me either, lol)

Thanks for the information, June! Glad to see that there are new pictures. :)
His 'rug' looks completely wrong I miss his curly top

and this picture:

I have no words for :rolleyes:

I know, I know, he is supposed to look like a erm, in fact I don't know what he's supposed to look like :lol: but his aim isn't to make us all swoon anyhoos. But check his loafers out? :eek: All in the name of work :lol:

For those who are to lazy to go onto imdb :p I printscreened and saved them to my pb, here are the other 3:

Picture 4

Picture 3
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