Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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yeah i'm not feeling those pics. i think its the hair. and that 1st pic. i just don't it ha. all of it is just meh. except the shoes, those are pimp.
My (I really mean our )Winchester boys are doing a Q&A? And Rory? Yikes, sign me up and find my passport
sha they are, i'm trying to convince my friend to go.so i can the prettyness.
thanks June_85 for the pics! :devil: i think i agree with you, i like his curly hair better. ;) but i like him clean shaven. :D thats just me. can't wait for the Company to come out!
^ Gah. I don't like ANY man clean shaven. :lol:

The hair didn't really throw me off, it was more of the erm...Wardrobe. I know, like June said, it's all in the name of his career but seriously! I hope he doesn't start growing accustomed to those, lol. Give me a dress shirt over that anyday. ;) (Okay so in the second picture, he has a dress shirt but I'm being shalow for a moment - Y'all know me to analyze the clothing a bit too much, :lol: ) And I do realize this is from a different period so I don't want to seem completely ignorant of the fashions of those times, lol. I simply don't prefer them.

He does look rather healthy though, which is excellent! (Gah, I keep editing. Gee girls, way to get me going, LOL. I actually kind of like the hair after staring at the pictures for some time which I haven't been able to do since we um...Actually had screencaps from a certain show *cough*. Eh, curly is awesome but I have no qualms with the way it's styled in this particular work. Looks different. :))

Anyway, all fangirlish complaining from me aside, I can't wait to see this! :D

By the way, has anyone checked out Comic-Con on television? I was watching it last night, I'm not sure if it's the recent one but I only caught a few minutes of it so I'm not sure.
It sure is nice to see some activity in here! And to celebrate, let's go on to the next poll, shall we?
i voted for "Semen. i guess we're not the only ones getting lucky" and "you gotta keep your pimp hand strong". :lol:
By the way, has anyone checked out Comic-Con on television? I was watching it last night, I'm not sure if it's the recent one but I only caught a few minutes of it so I'm not sure.
the new one isn't until the weekend of the 28th so i'm assuming thats an old one, maybe from last year. but i'm sure they'll show this year too.
hopefully i'll be going, i'll be sure to tell you all if i do.

i like the 'healthy' look hes got going on. and i finally saw the previews yesterday, its really going to be good. all the actor they got are great so you know its going to rock.
^ have yet to see these previews. :mad: either i have bad timing or TNT doesn't want me to see the preview. geez.. :rolleyes:
Okay right, *deep breath*




New Picture New Picture
New Picture
New Picture
:D :D :D :D :D

I knew checkin Wire Image, Wenn, GettyImages etc on a near enough daily basis would pay off one day :p

Oohh I'm getting ahead of myself....the above was just under the 'Rory Cochrane' search :p he's in aload more in the background when I looked at all the pictures from the event which was:

Turner Summer 2007 TCA Press Tour
July 15, 2007 - Beverly Hilton
Los Angeles, California United States

New Picture
New Picture
New Picture
new Picture
New Picture
New Picture
New Picture

:eek: :eek: :eek: 13 New pictures of Rory Cochrane in one go is a little too much to handle after our drought :lol:
HEY....He looks...NORMAL!

I'm sorry, it had to be said. :lol: Jesus, June I don't know whether to hug you, kiss you, buy you flowers or just....*sigh* You are my hero. [/fangirl]

Okay, random thought, does anyone else hate it when you're trying to post to something important and someone on MSN won't stop hackling you? :rolleyes: Like clockwork I tell you.

Let me just say, he's rockin' the dress shirt and stubble. :devil: Bless that man.

^^^ Ashley, I hope you're able to go! And thanks for the confirmation re the Comic-Con that was on television recently. :)
LOL @ you Geni :p I take it you, like myself had a minor spazzing moment when first witnessing the new pictures.

I went on to WireImage expecting to see the pictures of a Bald RC from last September as the most recent picture they have (which it was up until today) and I fell off my chair when I saw a blue shirt and HAIR :eek:

I totally know what you mean about being pestered when trying to type a very important post ie: new Rory pictures :p I spotted them this afternoon at 2pm in worktime and I had a client with me. I flashed Wire Image up whislt my client was filling in an application form (he was taking ages) I was flapping trying to login into Wire Image to get the bigger pictures, then save them onto my computer, then upload them on my photobucket and then paste them all onto here, all whislt trying to deal with real life people who came to me with important issues and I'm to busy flapping about Rory bleedin' Cochrane. My priorities are so messed up. Re: the MSN thing aswell, I always 'Appear Offline' :p

Also, I googled this TCA Summer Tour or whatever the hell its called and E! channel cover it, as do some tabloids. I get the E! channel on cable :D

Okay, Rory was in LA! He was in the same city as me! And Beverly Center? Twenty minutes from where I'm sitting right now. Holy crap! :eek: THANK YOU June! *joins Geni in the hugging/kissing/being a weird fangirl circle*
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