Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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I picked, "I don't know, stop talking," and the one about amnesia. Great lines!

Season 1 starts over on A&E again today. :D Got the DVD recorder ready to go to get Speedlelisms for my own.
I voted for "Well, she looks like she has a nice personality" & "Amnesia, huh? Pretty convienient. Maybe she has a little uh, evil twin that we can interrogate too."
i voted for "Amnesia, huh? Pretty convienient. Maybe she has a little uh, evil twin that we can interrogate too." and "I don't know, stop talking?"

i love that scene! thats something i would say....gotta love it.
i don't know why but i'm in a Speed slump. i can't help but think about what happend to him in Lost Son. I just miss him so much right now. i start crying every hour or so. i just cab't explain it. and i can;t help but listen to all the sad Lynyrd Skynyrd songs. It's as bad as the day i watched that ep. i can't explain why i miss him so much right now. i just wish i could hold him and cuddle in his arms and just wish that he's not dead. and the Lynyrd Skynyrd thing has me puzzled. *cries* i just want him to be here right now so i can hold him in my arms and tell him how much i care about him. i don't know why this is happening.
I know how you feel. Season 5 Miami starts here in a few weeks and its just another reminder of no more Speedle :( I'm not looking forward to Season 5 at all :rolleyes: But Hard Time is on cable tonight, the episode that I first went all guey over Timmy :p

I was in a restless and bummed mood last night because I'm not confiden about gettin Spice Girls tickets :eek: so I put Black and White on to cheer me up. It was only the 2nd time I've seen it and OMG at how feckin' adorably cute Rory is. I was getting a tingling feeling at how cute he was :lol: ;)
The scene were Gina Gershon straddles him whislt he's lifting the dunbell and lies on top of him. Ooouhhh I was getting a tad excited, and err jealous :p. Of course all the sex scenes get rewound also :p :eek: I couldn't even tell you what the storyline of that film was, I just spend 1hr40mins pervin' both times I watched it. :lol:

Can we have a new Rory movie where he is semi naked please? :p

Speedisms, I voted for 'You would, if you didn't think she was so hot' and ermmm I've fogot the other I picked lol
I chose "I don't know, stop talking" and "You gotta keep your pimp hand strong". Both are just so Speed and so funny. :D

Does anybody remember the name of the episode when Delko comes running into the lab all excited about something and interupts Speed and Cal's discussion. Speed just looks at Delko very seriously and asks, "Do you have Tourettes or something???" I just about fell off my chair I was laughing so hard. That has to be one of the best CSIM lines ever!!! :lol:
i chose 'i don't know. stop talking' and 'got to keep your pimp hand strong' because that is the best line on any show, ever in the hisotry of television ha.
and horatiosangel i believe that episode was hard time, its one of my faves, that whole epsiode was pretty great.
Ahhh, Thank You very much. I couldn't place it at all. And I didn't fancy watchin all of season 2 in one go to find out lol
you're very welcome, anything to help a fellow Speedster! :D

Hey y'all just popping in to let those of you who have any of the Cinemax channels know that 'A Scanner Darkly' will be airing on them through out the month. Looks like mostly on Cinemax, More Max, and Actionmax.

I have the first two channels, don't have Actionmax.
:( I'm still sad about the whole missing Speed thing. does anybody have an idea or something to cheer me up? *cries* I Miss Speed! and i don't think making a remembering Speed video for youtube will help. so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

oh and on another note. I just saw a preview for The Company!! it looks so awesome!!!!!! and it premiers on Sunday August 5 at 8:00pm eastern time. and i'm happy about that because now it won't interfere with me watching CSI: Miami!!!
Oooohh if you guys get 'ASD' this month premiering on the TV then we shouldn't be far behind you!!

X-Men 3:The Last Stand premiered on our Premier movie channel at the weekend, and that was in the cinemas last summer wasn't it so I guess we can't be too far behind. :D

Don't have a scheduled airing for The Company though, but I kinda don't want it to come to quickly, coz then it will be over, and we'll be back in a Rory drought :(
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