I know how you feel. Season 5 Miami starts here in a few weeks and its just another reminder of no more Speedle
I'm not looking forward to Season 5
at all But Hard Time is on cable tonight, the episode that I first went all guey over Timmy
I was in a restless and bummed mood last night because I'm not confiden about gettin Spice Girls tickets
so I put Black and White on to cheer me up. It was only the 2nd time I've seen it and OMG at how feckin' adorably cute Rory is. I was getting a tingling feeling at how cute he was :lol:
The scene were Gina Gershon straddles him whislt he's lifting the dunbell and lies on top of him. Ooouhhh I was getting a tad excited, and err jealous
. Of course all the sex scenes get rewound also
I couldn't even tell you what the storyline of that film was, I just spend 1hr40mins pervin'
both times I watched it. :lol:
Can we have a new Rory movie where he is semi naked please?
Speedisms, I voted for 'You would, if you didn't think she was so hot' and ermmm I've fogot the other I picked lol