Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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I've decided to split our last two episodes into two polls. I know that this means we'll be voting for our two favorite lines from *That Episode* but there are just too many to put into one poll. So, we'll start with Innocent, and then, well, you know...
I was thinking about something that has to do with Speed and Horatio. H became the whole 'Super-H' image right around s3. I know he has a helluva lot of crap happen to him, but maybe Speed's death caused him to really just crack. H became emotionally detatched, which is why we get the hard image we do, and I think Speed has a lot to do with it. They were best friends, he's never been as emotional as he was when Speed died. And the look in his eyes was emptiness. Hope I don't sound sappy but I really think Speed's death pushed him over. Maybe as we go on he'll get better.


It would be interesting if Horatio's boss made Horatio go get counseling. Wouldn't he be concerned Horatio has a death wish, because of some of the things he has done. I would love to see Horatio versus a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist doesn't have to be doing Rick's dirty work. He could be trying to help Horatio. Horatio does have issues.

I thought I once read that TPTB haven't ruled out having Rory Cochrane back on the show. This has been a couple of years back. Has anyone heard anything more about that? I thought they might have his Speed's spirit on an episode. They could always have a crossover with Ghost Whisperer. I would love to see Melinda Gordon and Speed interact. I could see Speed being unable to cross over because of Eric and Horatio.
I voted for "How about I arrest you..." - love that scene with the guys and Speed being a knight in shining armor for Cookie, and "Don't do that, 'cause it's uh, he's evidence." Funny to think of a dog being evidence!

Don't know about Speed coming back - it would stretch believability even for CSI:M.
Yeah, HoratioStalker, I voted for the "How about I arrest you..." line too. He's just such a great guy standing up for her honor like that. And the look on the 2 guys faces was just priceless. :lol:

Then, although it was a tough decision, I had to vote for the "His ribs are sore, he's a tough little guy" line. I can't resist a man and a dog...especially this man!!! :devil:
(and the dog was cute too ;))
i voted for "you talkin' to me?" and how about i arrest you..." i liked the "you talkin' to me?" because the confused face he made was hilarious to me...
I voted for "Get lost" and "How about i arrest you..." i just loved those two.

oh and this is off topic but Luvspeed..I love your icon!! Criss Angel rocks!!!!
I voted for 'How about I arrest you......' and his Robert De Niro impersination 'You talkin' to me?' :lol:

Aww after all those brain cells I wasted trying to think of the episode were the Speed and Calleigh still was from, Death Grip was on TV last night, but I still couldn't place it in the episode as I was watchin it haha.

About Speedles return to CSI:Miami, as far fetched as it would be, even by Miami's standards. If it was ever in the pipeline I think even the realists amongst us would be ever so accommodating to any kind of storyline that would see Tim Speedle living and breathing. Anything would do for me. Rising from the dead, in flashback scenes, faking the death and going UC, Having an identical twin :lol: :p and I'm sure I'm not alone :p I think the most critically honest fans of the show would overlook the outrageous storyline aslong as Speedle was back :D
i so agree!!!! i don't care why or how, i just want him back!!! i seriously need him back. and he was in a flashback in No Man's Land/Man Down two parter. when H saw Eric lying on the ground bleeding it shows a flashback of Speed lying there on the floor in the jewelry store. but i want him back for real. like permanently. but i don't think Rory will come back permanently. be he did say that he wished they didn't kill Speed so that he could come back and guest star as Speed for some cases every few eps. so again i don't care how they bring him back..they just need to do it!!
I voted:

How about I arrest you for harrasing this young lady, and interfering with a murder investigation, how about that?


You talkin' to me?

I loved the "You talkin to me?" thing sooo Robert De Niro, it's like "are you messing with me?" kinda attitude.
Need4Speed, thanks for commenting on my icon. I Love Criss Angel! i wish i could meet him.

back on topic.....

i think the faking his death storyline would be awesome!! that would make a great twist in the show! i also like the Twin Brother idea. i don't care which one they do just bring him back!!
It would be interesting if they had his spirit or ghost comment on what has happened to his friends as a result of his death.

Maybe they could make the years 3-now a bad dream that someone wakes up from. Return the characters to the way they were in the beginning. It would be funny if Speed was the one who had the dream and it was Ryans first day. Could you imagine the look he would give him.
i think its plausible for them to bring speed back, i mean its been done before with the whole ray thing. but i still srand by if they can bring back(and kill) ray 3 times, they can bring speed back just once. its not that hard! just give us some speedle. this totally reminds me of when we were supposed to get a flashback when eric got, and we never did *is irked* damn tptb
i know!! and we all have Donahue to thank for that!!! and it's her fault he's dead!! she was the one who ordered him to be killed off!! and in the lamest way!!! i mean you have all these creative deaths and then a main character get shot in the lamest way. and Rory wasn't to happy about that! he asked for Speed to be transfered so he could come back for a case or two every few eps. but no!! stupid Donahue wanted him to be killed because she was all like "You want out of your contract, you're getting killed off" grrr. she makes me so mad!!! she took our precious Speed away from us!!!!
i still say if they were going to kill Speed i would have preferred if he died in a motorcyle accident or in a gun fight where he saves someone's life. make him go out in style...anything but a gun malfunction!!
Rory wasn't to happy about that! he asked for Speed to be transfered so he could come back for a case or two every few eps.
I don't think Rory considered coming back every few episodes. I think he wanted to keep his options open and not be killed off, so he could always possibly return for guest appearances in the future. He made it very clear that he no longer wanted to be part of the grind of making a TV show. I do agree though, that the gun malfunction was a lame way to go. If he had to die, have him die doing something heroic, as luvspeed said.
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