Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants
^^ Need4Speed, that's always been one of my favorite quotes.
Loved the banter between those two!
As for Rory leaving the show, I'm not sure if he knew that he was going to get into anything right away, I think maybe he just wanted out so he could find something that made him happy no matter how long it took. - Purely speculation though, as I don't know him personally. (One can dream of course.
However, since leaving the show, he's been in 'A Scanner Darkly', 'Right at Your Door' (an independant film which was released in the UK and I believe it either was nominated or won best cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival) and he just finished a mini series called 'The Company' which is due to be shown on TNT and BBC this summer or late 2007.
His career, in my opinion has never been about the quantity of films he's done, but the quality of them. Most of the things he's done have been within 1-3 years apart, so even though he might be taking things slowly, there's bound to be something new for him in his future. (That is if he continues with the films and doesn't leave us hangin', lol)
ETA: Looks like Need4Speed beat me on 'The Company' info, lol.
^^ Need4Speed, that's always been one of my favorite quotes.
As for Rory leaving the show, I'm not sure if he knew that he was going to get into anything right away, I think maybe he just wanted out so he could find something that made him happy no matter how long it took. - Purely speculation though, as I don't know him personally. (One can dream of course.
However, since leaving the show, he's been in 'A Scanner Darkly', 'Right at Your Door' (an independant film which was released in the UK and I believe it either was nominated or won best cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival) and he just finished a mini series called 'The Company' which is due to be shown on TNT and BBC this summer or late 2007.
His career, in my opinion has never been about the quantity of films he's done, but the quality of them. Most of the things he's done have been within 1-3 years apart, so even though he might be taking things slowly, there's bound to be something new for him in his future. (That is if he continues with the films and doesn't leave us hangin', lol)
ETA: Looks like Need4Speed beat me on 'The Company' info, lol.