Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

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Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

^^ Need4Speed, that's always been one of my favorite quotes. :D Loved the banter between those two!

As for Rory leaving the show, I'm not sure if he knew that he was going to get into anything right away, I think maybe he just wanted out so he could find something that made him happy no matter how long it took. - Purely speculation though, as I don't know him personally. (One can dream of course. ;))

However, since leaving the show, he's been in 'A Scanner Darkly', 'Right at Your Door' (an independant film which was released in the UK and I believe it either was nominated or won best cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival) and he just finished a mini series called 'The Company' which is due to be shown on TNT and BBC this summer or late 2007. :)

His career, in my opinion has never been about the quantity of films he's done, but the quality of them. Most of the things he's done have been within 1-3 years apart, so even though he might be taking things slowly, there's bound to be something new for him in his future. (That is if he continues with the films and doesn't leave us hangin', lol)

ETA: Looks like Need4Speed beat me on 'The Company' info, lol. :D
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yeah Rory isn't in it for the money is he? I doubt he's wadded.

He would have made his most money from CSI and I think before or since he probably didn't gross much from his films as they have never sold that well.
Its people like Rory that make the likes of Jorja Fox look like a whinging ungrateful cow. I remember Rory saying it was hard to complain because he's getting paid more for an episode than what most people make in a year and I'd guessed that Jorja on LV gets paid more than Rory did and she's alledgedly refusing to go on set and spitting her dummy/pacifier out over her pay.

I doubt Rory lives much of a different life to the average Joe, he will have a nice house, nice car but I wouldn't say he has the flush spending as some of his buddies

Rory is a pretty hard find in my opinion, he does what he does for the love of his profession and not how much money he can make or how doing certain jobs will further his career, he won't get sucked in by the devil unlike so many around him.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Very true June 85 . oh and don't forget, he did't even want to be killd off the show. he wanted to come back and do an episode here and there. but the writers killed him anway. :mad:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

I know!!! i was so mad!!! He indeed was very unhappy that he was killed of. and in the lamest way too!!! and i agree about the whole not doing it for money. i mean sure he's got a nice house, a ducati and a porsche but i think he just wants to live a normal life, well not so normal because he is an actor. but that's beside the point.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

luvspeed said:
Very true June 85 . oh and don't forget, he did't even want to be killd off the show. he wanted to come back and do an episode here and there. but the writers killed him anway. :mad:

I was and still pissed at the way they kill my Timmy, they could have found a way to write him out of the show without doing what they did. :mad:

I don't like Wolfe at all!, but it would have been interesting to see how he and Speed would have worked together in the field and at the lab. :confused:

Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Need4Speed said: well not so normal because he is an actor. but that's beside the point.

I would say his life is as normal as you and I! Rory Cochrane isn't a household name. The population of America is how many 300Million? I'd say 5% of population would know of him and even less than that would recognise him in the street. Over here he would be even more obscure :lol:

I bet he goes most of his days unnoticed. Which i'm sure is exactly how he likes it :cool: He'll just be cushty in the wealth stakes and not need to worry about mortages, loans, Credit Card Bill, Car Tax, Insurance like the rest of us mere mortals but other than that he's just a wealthy dude who was on a tv show 3 years ago who's done a couple of movies and has a few really famous mates :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

ok 2 things:

1) i had a Rory Dream. its very simple me+Rory+hot tub=....use your imagination. :devil: :lol:

2) remember when we said Rory would play a good lawyer? if Rory went back into television i think he would be awesome on the TV Show "Shark". i can totally see him there. :cool: :D

what do you guys think? :confused:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i can see it. and in the mini series he's gonna be a Russian Spy. *squee* oohh! a spy!! i can't wait till it airs!!! finally some new Rory stuff!!!
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Agreed on some of the points made above. I actually find it really admirable that he recognizes that most people will never make as much in a year that he did in one episode (not picking on Jorja here, just stating what Rory has said) so you can tell he's really down-to-earth and appreciates the normalicy in life.

I agree, a lot of people probably don't recognize him and I thought it was kind of cute how he was explaining that he was at the grocery store or whatever and people would express how upset they were that Speed was killed, and he thought it was kind of cool. :D (Not that Speed was killed - we all know his stance on that one, lol)

I do understand why they (The producers) killed off his character (and I've said this before) so they wouldn't have to deal with the complications that come with contracts and the fact that they probably thought 'if everyone else has to do the 8-day schedule, one person can't just leave and then come back for a couple', etc. But there are ways they could have worked around it if they took the time. Perhaps injuring his character or sending his character away but bringing him back for a bit. - He still would have been in the contract, but he wouldn't have had to work as often if the writers decided the storyline should go in that direction. Again, there are complications because Rory didn't want to be bound by a contract for that length of time, but...Well before I ramble, y'all probably get the idea. :lol:

I really don't see why he can't guest star on television, though. Many film actors branch out into all areas. I know he started out in movies and he's more familiar with independant film, and probably likes the amount of liberties that they provide, but he does have fans and he knows it. He should realize that it's a job like any other and monetary gain should take a close second to the love of the work. If the films don't make money, neither does he. Not to get all critic on him or anything, but that's just how I personally feel. If I wasn't at all worried about the money, it would seem odd. Society thrives on it and needs it, so I'm sure he does care if he makes money. - But I do agree that he probably loves the job more than the money. Also, not to open a can of worms on the subject because I do sound a tad selfish about it but as much as I love that he's doing what he feels best for his career, anyone who gets into the entertainment business has to expect that they'll have a following and that they'll be recognized and scrutinized for their every action.

There were probably mistakes made by both parties - Rory and TPTB - because as much as we'd like them both to be absolutely perfect, they aren't. :p I'm not condemning them for it in any way, but there could have been so many ways that the contract/show/storyline incident could have gone down. It all seemed very hasty to me. Rory brought it upon TPTB very quickly despite them knowing he wasn't entirely happy with the job, but they were also very quick in finding a 'solution' to their problem which in the end made a lot of people unhappy. It was a lose/lose situation, imo.

I still love the guy (A LOT *whew man*) but I was thinking about this as I read through the posts. I don't know him so I can't speak for him, so feel free to disagree. :lol:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

All good points. They could have done anything but kill Speed off. Put him undercover, have him quit, transfer, what ever. No. They killed him in a pathetic way, shifting blame on the character for something they'd already done in an earlier episode. I think though that TPTB think the only solution to an actor leaving is to kill off the character. I thought they had let Aiden go on New York, but set it up so her character was killed off in a later episode. I think it is a bit of meaness on the part of the ones in charge.

Anyway, I looked up the availability of Right at Your Door, and seems to me that it is only available so far on dvd in the UK. Is this true? Or can I just not find a North American version?
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

no. i tried looking for it in America but i can't find it either. the american version of amazon.com doesn't even have it. only in the UK.
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Yep it was only on general release in the UK I think, although I think it had limited release in Germany aswell or maybe it was only at the Berlin film festival I'm not sure :lol:

But only Region 2 format is available :cool:

Anyways back to Rory :lol: for selfish reasons I wish he was more high profile so we get to see more of him :lol: I know celebs hate getting papped by the papperazzi but I love pap pics :lol: I feed from celeb magazines and the gossip in the daily papers. Rorys mates...the likes of the Afflecks, Mr McConnahaey and Mr Phoenix are in the British rags on a weekly basis :lol: whenever I see a papparazzi pictures of any of them I'm always studying the picture closely incase I spot a certain Mr Cochrane in the background :cool:
Anyways.....did I have a ooint here? errmmm yes I admire Rorys look on the whole thing but his fans see less of him because of it I guess. Like you said Geni he has a solid following :cool:
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

Would anyone here know if Foxtels (cable tv) schedule would be the same in America as in Australia? :lol: I so wanna watch some Rory good-ness, but I'm in a tight situation (money-wise) which means no new shoe and no Rory DVDS! :( :lol:

^^luvspeed, I have seasons 1 and 2. Best $60 bucks I ever spent ;)
Re: Speed/Rory #15: Perfection in Pants

i'm still broke :(.....i got to save up. season 1 & 2 are the only ones for me. :devil: :lol:
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