Re: Speed/Rory #13: 'Who Needs Substance D When We Have Spe
SincerelyInDenial said
My only concern is how well it might do at the box office, considering, the sensitive nature of the movie.
It's weird that some people choose to see a movie based on if it's controversial or not. I mean, at the end of the day, it's still a movie. (And I don't direct this toward you
Kas, but those who won't see a movie just because it might spark some controversy)
Yeah sure, 'Right At Your Door' is about terrorism, and then the back theme of a couple reaping the effects from the lack of government preperation, but come on...If we all wanted to see something happy and fluffy, we'd watch cartoons. No doubt RAYD recieved some terrible reviews because well, it's expected. I don't listen to that garbage anymore.
Why can't they just see the movie to see the movie.
I also have no doubt Rory did fantastically with that film, and hopefully we'll be seeing a more of his roles later on.
fo_poozle said
i'm just really looking forward to him doing something so dark and not what we've seen from him before.
Agreed. I'd like to see him play the bad guy for once. Maybe something creepy and twisted, like a homocidal maniac. :lol: I think he'd do really well with that. (Erm, this has nothing to do with the fact I write those Creeper Speed fics...*cough*)
DragonflyDreamer said
I think it just goes to show what a talented actor he is. He can handle any role. All he needs now is to play a daddy :devil:
He's very talented, and looking at the roles he's done, he really can play any part. It's amazing, and actors like that don't come along very often. I have to give the guy kudos for leaving CSI:Miami. He wasn't happy, and he started to not care whether he was doing a good job or not. (As said in the first interview he did with CSIFiles) I think if that happens, leaving the environment he was in is the best thing to do, not only for his career, but for his own personal satisfaction. - If he wants to be an Independant Film actor, great! If he wants to go back to TV, excellent! Ultimately he's making his own choices, and he's doing a great job.
...And I want him to play a daddy. :lol: (And well, okay I still want him back on CSIM... But that's just me.
This is the 925th post I see, so I suppose it would be alright to start thinking of a new thread name soon.
The one I really liked from a while ago, which was suggested was:
'The Speedism Preservation Society'
That was basically in reference to Speed's witty lines and sarcastic comments. Hee.
SincerelyInDenial said
Right at Your Door is listed as "coming soon", which is bad for someone like me who has no patience.
:lol: I feel your pain, I really do. I can barely wait for anything nowadays, so this is really working it's way on my patience. *sigh* I'll sleep better at night knowing that I'll eventually see it though.