Show Hill Harper some love!

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Er, the spoiler thread. :p Here, I'll post them in a spoiler box. :)

Audrina posted this in the spoiler thread (her quotes are in itallics):
"MAJOR HAWKES EPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Eppy 9, "Here's to you, Mrs. Azrael," or something close, is Hawkes-centric. Basically, a girl who was critically injured in a car accident dies in a hospital. Everyone is on this case. THis is the hospital where Hawkes used to work. He has a big fight with a doc that used to be his supervisor over Hawkes doing his job and having to ask questions. We find out why Hawkes left - he had someone die - not his fault. And he realized he couldn't watch people die all the time and not be able to save them. Who does he confess this to? DANNY! Then there's this great scene at the end (I think) where he saves someone who was hit by a car and the description says something like his faith is renewed. GREAT STORY I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!"[/i]

"It looks like the Danny/Hawkes scene is fairly brief. This eppy looks EXTREMELY Hawkes-centric. Be happy!" don't worry about Danny taking over the show from him. ;)

That's all coming from Audrina, again. :) It sounds really good. :D :D :D I'm excited to see Hill in that episode.

Also, 1218slbh, about the image thing, you can only post links now. ;) So you'll have to use the url code I posted until you have 100 posts. :)
I am so happy that Hawkes finally gets an episode that revolves around him! A guy that beautiful, witty & intelligent should get a whole season devoted to him but that's anoter story. Hopefully the writers won't dissapoint but damn, it's about time I got excited for an upcoming episode.
oooo....can't wait for that hawkes episode! thanks Faylinn ! oh yea, and thanks for posting the pic of hill in the nice brown shirt...he looks hot as usual! ;)
Oops, sorry, 1218slbh. Fay is correct. You do need 100 posts before you can post a pic. :(

For when you can post pics, it takes a little time to get used to the codes, so let me help you out by pointing out the issues with the attempted posts:

1218slbh said:
For this one, the closing "[/image]" is missing.


For this one, the closing bracket needs to look like this "[/image]".

If the title of your pic is any indication of its contents, looks like you've got a pic of you and Hill to share. :D We would LOVE to see that! If the url code to post a link (as opposed to the actual pic since you've yet to reach 100 posts) is too confusing, you can email the pic to me at [email=""][/email] and I'll post it for you if you'd like. :D
Soooo... it looks like we're going to have to come up with a name for the next thread. This one's been exhausted, almost!

Any suggestions for the Hill thread, #2?
Glad I could help with the spoiler. ;) I read that thread every day, but if you're looking for something specific in there, it might be hard to find. :lol:

I'm really looking forward to that episode too. :D Hill is an amazing actor, we all know that. ;) But this looks like it'll be an especially great episode to see him show what he can do. *does a little dance*

A new thread title? Uh...

Hill Harper #2: MMM...Sexual Chocolate

:lol: But that might run off any guys that just want to talk about his acting (didn't Hill mention a while ago that guys weren't going to want to post in a thread about how hot he is? :lol:)

Show Hill Harper Some More Love, Damnit!

Heh heh. :p

But, um, is it going to be just Hill, or Hill/Hawkes like most of the other character/actor threads in the forum?...Now I'm getting confused. :p
We have exhausted this thread!

Fay, Sexual Chocolate is a good name..hell, the guys will run away anyway once they read the dirty comments we have about the man...Forget um!
How about "the finest man in primetime"?? Or we could keep it really simple and just call it by his name. Oooooh, but I love, "Show Hill Harper some MORE love"..that's hot..maybe the producers will get the damn hint.
"Running up the Hill" ;) well, I'm not sure it makes sense ... I'm not native English-speaking so I don't have the "right sense" for the language ...
AmbersDream said:
You are so nice!!
Thanks. :D Smut may be my strong suit, but I serve other purposes as well.

Looks like we've only got about 40 more posts before starting a new thread. Yay! Hill will be so happy to see how his popularity has grown. For the longest time he didn't even have a thread. :eek:

We've got some good suggestions for thread titles. So far, here's what we're looking at:

* Hill Harper #2: MMM ... Sexual Chocolate
* Show Hill Harper Some More Love, Damnit!
* Running Up the Hill

If anyone has any other suggestions, spill them and I'll start a poll later today so we can vote on a new title.

Personally, I'm a fan of the MMM ... Sexual Chocolate one. :devil: I know Hill would rather see intelligent discussion of his character and his acting, but c'mon, anyone who looks that good has gotta know his appearance will always come into play.

As for the topic of the thread, yes, it is both Hill/Hawkes. The man and the character -- same as any of the other actor's threads.

I'm really excited by the recent spoiler that we've got a Hawkes-centric episode coming. :D 'Bout freakin' time!
Faylinn said:
So serious...*leaps on him*


This is possibly one of the BEST caps I've ever seen! He looks soooo... intense in this one.

I think I'm in love... ;)
How about...

Hill/Hawkes #2: Dark chocolate is best
Hill/Hawkes #2: He can sign my "book" anyday
Hill/Hawkes #2: 'Cause everyone loves a velvet teddy bear
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