Show Hill Harper some love!

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All excellent suggestions ladies - my vote is likely to be for the velvet teddy bear or signing my "book". My book has many many pages.
I think a hawkes story line would be great. Hill is a terrific actor and should get a chane to do more.
I totally agree with you csiboy he is most definitely an excellent actor.

Looks like we have a male admirer ladies. :lol:
Was thinking maybe the thread title could say something about the panty drive that was done for him.

Hawkes/Hill #2: He's got panties

ok I don't know. I'm not really good when making up thread names. I'm more of a voter. ;)
Velvet Teddy, too :D

Anyway, loved our dear Hawkes yesterday. The scene with Stella and Mac at the lab...his shocked face when she got the right answer, ROFL!!!
Looks like we've got many fun ideas for our next thread title. Thanks, ladies. :D I think whichever title we use, it should start with "Hill/Hawkes #2" so it's clear the thread is about both the man and the character.

Now let's take a vote on the fun part of the title.

EDIT: The second choice should read "Show Hill Harper Some More Love, Damnit!" rather than "Some Hill Harper Some Love." Duh! Sorry for the typo. Sadly, can't edit the poll though.
I knew about it a while ago but Hill will be at the Jacob Javits Center this Saturday at the Circle of Sister Expo. I'm going to try to go this weekend.
^ $%*@!!! You're right and unfortunately, I can't edit the poll once it's been started. :( Hopefully those who vote in the poll have been around long enough to know what I meant. :(

EDIT: Sweet, yopungrebel! I hope you get to meet Hill. He's great! ... Be sure not to get tanked the night before and sleep in. *cough*SpringMoon*cough* :lol:
:lol: I know that I am **never** going to live that one down! But it will just have to be another in the long string of disasters that tend to happen to me. Case in point, I am presently sitting in Logan airport on the floor because that's the only place that has an accessible outlet for me to charge my dying laptop battery. I'm trying to fly standby to get home but so is everyone else - I missed two flights :(

And there is no place that sells alcohol in this terminal.
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