Show Hill Harper some love!

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:lol: I could just imagine his face if a woman walked up to him, unbuttoned her blouse & exclaimed, "Now sign these!" If I had guts I would do that but I'd leave it to someone else. The riskiest thing I could ever do is ask if he wants some white chocolate.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ :lol: Yeah, I'd love to ask him to sign my ta-tas, but wouldn't want to embarrass myself with the ... uh, lack of writing space. :lol:
And i have enough writing space for him to write his next book on :lol:
GOOD LAWD HAVE HIS MERCY!!! Hill is one fine brotha. I hope no pray that I run into him when I go to CA next summer.
I love that second pic. It looks as if he's just discovered that he did in fact have a condom in his wallet and is now ready to rock. :devil:

Also, thanks for the offers to share your ta-tas with me, girls. :lol:
I like the first one, since were all sharing here's my fav :D

Hell, I"m not packing all that much in the cup department....but that wouldn't stop me! Sign my collar bone...whatever. :lol:
Boy, velvet has never been so cute.
He looks so damn cute and cuddly in that velvet blazer, it's almost a sin to think dirty thoughts about him. ... Relax, I said 'almost.' ;)
You know, I really hate to use the word "adorable" for a grown ass 40 year old man, but that's what he is in that velvet blazer. I just want to run up on him and bury my face in it....while he's wearing it of course. :lol: :eek:

I"ve got a question..because I am computer illiterate...How do I change my location in my sig?
MrsGiovinazzo said:
He looks so damn cute and cuddly in that velvet blazer, it's almost a sin to think dirty thoughts about him. ... Relax, I said 'almost.' ;)

:lol: I think it's a sin to not have dirty thoughts. Speaking of velvet teddy bears I know exactly what I want for Christmas :devil:.
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