Show Hill Harper some love!

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6 cm eh? Hopefully that's for wrapping something else :eek: :lol:. He'd better hope that's thick velvet 'cause otherwise I'm gonna open my gift really, really fast :devil:.
you ain't never lied afrikana.
I know said it before but I sure hope I will be lucky enough to run into him when I go to CA next summer.

*kneals down and prays* :lol:
AmbersDream said:
I"ve got a question..because I am computer illiterate...How do I change my location in my sig?
Scroll up to the top of the page and click on "My Home." Then scroll down to the bottom of your home page, look in the "Main Configuration" section and find the top line under that heading, "Personal information, etc." There is an "edit" link to the right. Click on that. ... Can't wait to see what fun location we can find you at. :devil:
LOL There's no getting by you!! I had to go there...either there or between Hill's sheets. After seeing Danny with his hair cut all low and looking all spiffy this season, I almost made a pit stop to his damn bed. :lol:
^ Ooooh, do you have pics of Hill to post? Me likey. :D Welcome to the site, by the way. Hope you enjoy it here. To post pics, you first need to upload the pics to a photo hosting site, such as photobucket or the like. Then you post the pic using this format:

[image]insert img link[/image]

EDIT: Just as a practical tip, whenever you see something cool on the site and think, "OMG! How did that person post that pic or title a link like that?" you can click on the "quote" button in that post as if you were going to respond to it and you'll see the formatting of the post. After awhile, you may find yourself learning a little HTML code while drooling over the hotties. ;)
Also, you can't post pics until you've got 100 posts, but you can post a link to the picture using

[ url=]clicky for teh piccie![/url]

(taking out the space before the 'url' of course--otherwise, it just posts a link in my post. :lol:


Oh, and Hill is awesome. The spoilers look good for getting to see him act his hot little ass off this season. :D

So serious...*leaps on him*

Argh! Oh noes! Anything but that hairdo for Hawkes, please! :lol:
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